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01:20 Hardware News: PleXWriter PX-W4824U and AOpen CRW4850 CD-RW reviews [CDR-Info]
04:20 RDVDC ISV meeting speakers credit home video for driving recordable DVD market [CDR-Info]
04:20 New high-speed DVD burners, compatibility and low-cost DVD-R media set stage for explosive recordable DVD growth [CDR-Info]
04:20 Ricoh announces 4x DVD+RW/+R drives and media [CDR-Info]
04:20 Ulead DVD MovieFactory v2.0 released [CDR-Info]
04:20 AOpen bundles MedioStream's neoDVDstandard with new DVD drives [CDR-Info]
04:20 Maxell rolls out new mini (8cm) DVD-R media! [CDR-Info]
04:20 Panasonic introduces versatile slim DVD multi drive at COMDEX [CDR-Info]
04:20 Pioneer Electronics sponsors $10,000 extreme DVD competition [CDR-Info]
05:20 Recordable DVD market rides unprecedented heat wave led by Panasonic in 2002 [CDR-Info]
05:20 Sipex introduces industry's fastest photo detector IC for high performance writeable DVD/CD players [CDR-Info]
05:20 Panasonic adds to hot holiday DVD offerings with all-in-one DVD/CD burning solution [CDR-Info]
05:20 Maxell delivers high capacity 9.4 GB DVD-R media [CDR-Info]
05:20 Maxell boosts recordable DVD performance with 4X DVD-R & 2X DVD-RW media [CDR-Info]
05:20 Maxell announces 48X CD-R media [CDR-Info]
05:20 Plasmon to demonstrate the first working prototype of its ultra density optical (UDO) drive at Comdex [CDR-Info]
08:10 CA founder Wang retires [The Register]
08:11 Comcast largest cable firm after AT&T buy [The Register]
08:13 JD Edwards tidies management mess [The Register]
08:15 C&W reveals lease liabilities [The Register]
08:17 Microsoft Business Framework: The 10-year plan [The Register]
08:20 Windows .NET Server slips (again) to April 03 [The Register]
09:30 Compel takes £400K restructuring charge [The Register]
10:23 Intel spruces Xeon line [The Register]
11:30 More Traser magic from Cash'n'Carrion [The Register]
11:34 mmO2 climbs towards black [The Register]
12:14 Heathrow thieves steal 1,400 Orange SPV smartphones [The Register]
12:14 Heathrow thieves steal 1,400 SPV Orange smartphones [The Register]
13:06 FAST hails copyright 'big stick' [The Register]
13:48 Vodafone touts remote access for road warriors [The Register]
14:02 IBM wins US Gov super computer deal [The Register]
14:32 Edubroadband, edubroadband, edubroadband [The Register]
15:19 BT touts broadband for everyone [The Register]
15:39 MS accused of banning mod chip Xbox from Live service [The Register]
16:53 IBM's S/390 Linux guru on the Open Source patent question [The Register]
19:42 WinXP "Second Edition" leaks [The Register]
19:42 WinXP 'Second Edition' leaks [The Register]
21:21 DVD6C to license recordable DVD licenses [CDR-Info]
21:21 Philips unveils its high performance 4X DVD+R/+RW PC drive at Comdex 2002 [CDR-Info]
21:32 HPQ storage blitz shows continued convergence [The Register]
21:57 Accused Pentagon Hacker's Online Life [The Register]
22:12 Linux Professional Institute raises the bar on testing [The Register]
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