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04:21 Intersil releases industry's first Blu-Ray disc format Laser [CDR-Info]
04:21 Verbatim launches multi-colored DVD+R disc [CDR-Info]
04:21 SONY DADC enhances SECUROM with new features [CDR-Info]
06:36 Liberty considers Java-style testing program [The Register]
06:40 HP plays API swaps with Hitachi [The Register]
06:45 Intel selects Verisign for mobile security [The Register]
06:46 AltaVista and Google to fight Chinese censorship [The Register]
07:01 Vodafone Ireland accepts 3G licence [The Register]
07:11 US Dept of Commerce talks DRM with consumer groups [The Register]
08:21 News: CyberDrive CW088D CD-RW review [CDR-Info]
09:02 Where art thou Stuckists? Intel reveals share denial PC scheme [The Register]
09:58 Nigerian 419: White farmers up the ante [The Register]
10:15 NTK in suit-busting apparel shocker [The Register]
10:21 Freeserve fingered by BTo snitches [The Register]
10:45 'Web Hacking: Attacks & Defense' at 30 per cent off [The Register]
10:57 Broken Sept 11 worm poses little risk [The Register]
11:48 Captain Cyborg is a Media Tart. True [The Register]
12:07 BT to trial 2Mbit/s SDSL, rollout next year [The Register]
12:24 Matsushita Electric (Panasonic) develops chipset for DVD-Multi optical disc drives [CDR-Info]
12:24 Supported media list for YAMAHA CRW-F1 series [CDR-Info]
12:26 Boffins crack ancient board game with 36 server cluster [The Register]
13:15 Win-XP Help Center request wipes your HD [The Register]
14:35 BT boss talks up broadband [The Register]
14:39 Brussels smiles on 3G network sharing [The Register]
15:30 Colt to shed 1,000 jobs? [The Register]
16:42 Sprint Adds to PCS Vision Line-Up with the Vivid Color and High-Speed Samsung N400 [TwoMobile]
18:24 Intel chip offers copy protection that may prevent CD copying! [CDR-Info]
18:24 Ahead posts changes of Nero [CDR-Info]
18:24 Maxell records top scores in DV Magazine DVD media interchange challenge [CDR-Info]
18:27 Sonicblue, Intel Tout Mini Video Player [TwoMobile]
20:45 Intel's PANs, WLANs and soft radio [The Register]
22:44 The Blood Vain Tracking Biometric Mouse [TwoMobile]
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