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Железные новости с лучших зарубежных сайтов News from 04.09.2002

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Foreign News
- News from 04.09.2002

03:27 16x CD-RW retail price in Taiwan drops to US$38 [CDR-Info]

03:27 LaCie's new 48x CD-RW offers fastest write speeds on the market [CDR-Info]

07:04 Inrange joins 2Gbps Fibre Channel club [The Register]

07:05 IBM acquires Access360 for identity management [The Register]

07:06 EU seeks bidders for European domain [The Register]

07:08 DoCoMo erects i-mode anti-spam defences [The Register]

07:10 Microsoft shut e-commerce Wallet [The Register]

07:11 Sun may play greater Open Source role [The Register]

07:38 Napster sale blocked [The Register]

08:04 Judge takes Napster off life support [The Register]

08:38 RIAA servers still broken [The Register]

08:48 Cheap thrills on the cyber-terror beat [The Register]

09:37 Rebranding Fair Use - your answers [The Register]

09:38 Telewest denies plan to axe 1,000 jobs [The Register]

09:55 Boycott Hollywood for Thanksgiving? [The Register]

10:36 Police arrest five in Net credit card fraud probe [The Register]

10:57 Samsonite Launches First Intelligent BlueTooth Business Case [TwoMobile]

11:05 Casio Debuts 2MB Ultra Slim Exilim Digital Cameras [TwoMobile]

11:11 World's Mobile Phone Production Expands 6.5 % - Short of 400 Million Units [TwoMobile]

11:13 Easynet ploughs on with LLU [The Register]

12:45 9/11 prompts more govt surveillance [The Register]

12:59 Canoodling women and PC components don't mix [The Register]

13:15 I'll see your domain name in (US) Court! [The Register]

14:15 Wanadoo ups revs, narrows losses [The Register]

19:34 Sony chief Zens away Ericsson phone panic [The Register]

20:21 Verbatim "Producer" DVD+R/RW drive now shipping [CDR-Info]

21:21 TEAC sophisticated 3.5" floppy disk drive forgeries in circulation [CDR-Info]

21:21 Sony unveils Net-connected hard-disk Video Recorder [CDR-Info]

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