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Железные новости с лучших зарубежных сайтов News from 05.08.2002

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Foreign News
- News from 05.08.2002

00:21 Alpine begins shipping DVD-based multi-format head unit [CDR-Info]

01:21 More games come in smaller packages [CDR-Info]

09:07 Sugar buys the company formerly known as Viglen [The Register]

09:10 Anonymizer preps Private Surfing 2.0 [The Register]

09:11 Oracle J2EE 1.3 Compliance, at last [The Register]

09:20 Sun makes midframe servers more resilient [The Register]

09:28 AOL probe centres on PurchasePro deal [The Register]

09:50 PC-compatible MacOS comes at a price [The Register]

10:04 Notebooks jump, desktops slump [The Register]

10:09 Yahoo! returns to the auction business [The Register]

10:09 Yahoo! returns! to! the! auction! biz! [The Register]

10:45 Bidders flee Global Crossing UK [The Register]

11:36 Football, culture and everything else in-between [The Register]

11:36 Football. Culture. Everything in between [The Register]

11:48 Vivendi to sell Scoot.com [The Register]

13:04 The Big Cash'n'Carrion FAQ [The Register]

13:12 Sun claims ECPerf server best [The Register]

13:12 Sun claims ECperf 4way server best [The Register]

14:10 Windows comes to Bhutan [The Register]

14:27 Register to launch UK ISP service on 19 August [The Register]

15:28 Silicon France goes titsup.com [The Register]

15:28 Silicon France goes titsup.fr [The Register]

15:41 Captain Cyborg takes the pee on Radio 5 Live [The Register]

16:23 TEAC Japan annnounces CD-RW2240PU (24/10/24) external USB2.0 recorder [CDR-Info]

17:35 The Bastard School of Recruitment [The Register]

18:52 Chevin acquires Jyra Research. Or does it? [The Register]

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