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Железные новости с лучших зарубежных сайтов News from 31.07.2002

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Foreign News
- News from 31.07.2002

07:45 CA to record stock options as expenses [The Register]

07:46 EarthLink's mix shifts toward broadband [The Register]

07:48 Clock ticks on Microsoft's licensing - opposition remains [The Register]

07:50 IBM buys PwC Consulting on the cheap [The Register]

08:19 EU solicits anti-cybersquatter advice [The Register]

09:05 Win2k SP3 live tomorrow, but downloadable today [The Register]

09:48 MS thumps the shared source in academia tub [The Register]

10:09 Sizzling Summer discounts from IT-minds [The Register]

10:36 Dodgy discounts offered ahead of MS licensing deadline? [The Register]

10:46 IBM kills Monday: [The Register]

11:30 Aussies go for scramjet gold [The Register]

11:37 Nvidia's rotten Q2 [The Register]

12:18 IBM enables DB2 for AMD Opteron [The Register]

12:37 HP invokes DMCA to quash Tru64 bug report [The Register]

12:41 VeriSign, Segway, JPEGs, lava lamps [The Register]

13:02 OASIS adopts UDDI 3.0 [The Register]

14:03 Cisco exec pleads guilty to $50m fraud [The Register]

14:12 DVD: the new saviour of the PC industry? [The Register]

15:23 Klez tops the virus charts [The Register]

15:53 Geeks. Law. Everything in between [The Register]

16:54 That £76 Vaio notacontract receipt explained [The Register]

17:48 Today's MS Licensing 6.0 deadline to loom again tomorrow [The Register]

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