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Железные новости с лучших зарубежных сайтов News from 13.08.2001

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Foreign News
- News from 13.08.2001

08:09 Dreamcast Price Drop [SharkyExtreme]
08:10 Creative Fiscal 2001 [SharkyExtreme]
08:11 Self-Install U2E [SharkyExtreme]
08:12 MS & Kodak Agree on XP [SharkyExtreme]
08:13 HP With No PCs? [SharkyExtreme]
08:14 SE Game Reviews [SharkyExtreme]
08:15 FireWire Peerless Drive [SharkyExtreme]
15:31 AOL to lay off workers [Electic]
15:33 Loudcloud Changes Business Model [Electic]
16:01 Startup revives dynamic circuits for use in MPUs [eeTimes]
16:06 MPEG-7 vote likely to trigger hunt for killer apps [eeTimes]
16:52 Mentor rolls out tool for platform design and verification [eeTimes]
17:37 Ocular boosts optical cross-connect capacity [eeTimes]
18:05 Sequence readies next-gen WattWatcher software [eeTimes]
20:12 Rhythms to cease services in September [eeTimes]
21:01 Tool suite supports reconfigurable processor [eeTimes]

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