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Железные новости с лучших зарубежных сайтов News from 06.08.2001

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Foreign News
- News from 06.08.2001

08:43 Blue Shift Review [SharkyExtreme]
08:44 Wildcat II HP Certified [SharkyExtreme]
08:45 Updated LifeBook E [SharkyExtreme]
08:46 Platform Trends [SharkyExtreme]
08:47 Toshiba Digital Memory Cards [SharkyExtreme]
10:16 Intel chief predicts completed 3GIO spec in near term [eeTimes]
13:35 Cipher attack delivers heavy blow to WLAN security [eeTimes]
13:48 PCI SIG votes to endorse Intel spec, renamed Arapahoe [eeTimes]
15:52 Sun says UltraSparc V two chips in one [Electic]
15:58 Code Red 2 is comming [Electic]
16:01 DOJ to probe online music ventures [Electic]
16:48 Updated WAP standard speaks wired Web's language [eeTimes]
16:54 24-hour chip design cycle called possible [eeTimes]
17:10 PCI group votes to endorse Intel spec, renamed Arapahoe [eeTimes]
18:01 Protel renamed to widen net [eeTimes]
18:04 Wind River's adds mission-critical features to VxWorks [eeTimes]
19:22 Holography adapted to fiber communications [eeTimes]
20:38 Webroot Software Introduces Cache and Cookie Washer 4.0 [Electic]
20:39 CenDyne 24X FireWire CD-RW Drive Introduced [Electic]
20:42 Fujitsu Adds High-Performance Mobile Intel Pentium III processor-M Notebook to LifeBook Family [Electic]
20:43 Maxtor Ships First 40GB External Storage Solution With Next Generation USB 2.0 Interface [Electic]
21:12 Fingerprint-sensors point to smart cards for market resurgence [eeTimes]
21:30 ADC sells off wireless and access divisions [eeTimes]
21:56 Samsung starts sampling 0.13-micron SRAM [eeTimes]

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