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Материалы к воскресному English Speaking Club 27.03.11

+7 (812) 605-34-05
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"Infinitive" - курсы английского Петербург (СПб)


Level: Elementary-Pre-Intermediate

Topic: How do you prefer to spend your holidays?

Types of vacations

Walking everywhere

We kill ourselves on vacation...

     ...and come back NEEDING a vacation from our vacation!!  Oh, yes, if there's a museum or a local landmark or a historical site-we will visit it!  I've walked the entire cities of Washington DC and London, England from end to end numerous times, I swear!  Not a stone left unturned on our vacations!  But I am not complaining (other than about the blisters I invariably get on my feet!) as I do the same even when I am off somewhere on my own.
     I guess we have this fear that we will never be back to a place, so it's imperative that we see it all.  We are on the go from sun up to sun down every day.  Plus I love to take photos, especially of architecture and outdoor scenes, so you have to go out and about to do that.
     I can't imagine going on vacation to just sit around and sleep or read! I can do those at home!  And we have never gone on a vacation like that.



 I prefer to see the sights, eat at new places, and go check out new avenues of fun.

I can sit at home and relax if that's what I need to do.  I am not against a beach vacation and relaxing on the beach all day.  That is a different backdrop to get comfortable in.  I would still want to see a little more than just the beach and ocean.  What other things can we see and so?  When we go to San Antonio for the weekend, we may go to a Spurs game at night.


      For the most parts vacations for me are about seeing all the museums and tourist things to do in wherever I am.  I've always been like this ever since I was a kid.      Whenever my mom talked about our trips the adults would always ask me why my mom dragged me to all those boring museums. I looked at them with shock and tell them that I was the one who dragged her. They could never believe it and would just laugh at how cute I was. The truth is that I love museums, I love learning about all the different cultures and I love spending my "vacations" running around seeing all the sights.


Depends upon where I’m going...

Seriously... I’ve been all over the world, so I say this from experience:

If I were to go to Mexico again, it would be for relaxation and kicking back. There is no need to travel and go all over hell and back to see the same dang vendors selling the same dang crap in town after town... If I were to go to Egypt or Greece - you'd never find me in my hotel room, as I would be savoring the sights and the local cuisine.


What type of vacation do you prefer among the choices listed below?

  1) Beach/island vacation- spending most of your time relaxing on a beach or at a pool, either on an island or other beach/tropical/warm   weather destination.

 2) Snow/ski vacation- hitting the slopes either skiing or snowboarding, in a cold weather destination.

  3) Adventure- hiking, backpacking, etc.- an “on the go” vacation filled with action.



Level: Intermediate-Advanced

Topic: Character


' How would you describe her character?'

When we ask 'What is she like?', we are asking about her character. 'She is tall' is not a good answer to this question because 'tall' is used to describe appearance.

Just to stop any confusion, take a look at these three questions which look similar, but have very different meanings:

What is she like? This question asks about personality and can be answered with:
'She is outgoing and talkative.'


What does she look like? This question asks about appearance and can be answered:
'She is short, slim and she has big brown eyes.'


What does she like? This question asks about her tastes, likes and interests. It can be answered:
'She likes talking, reading and eating cheese.' 


Now let's get back to the original question, 'What is she like?' Here is an A-Z of adjectives we can use to answer this question:

A- Active: she likes to play sport or do physical things.
B- Bright: she is intelligent.
C- Cunning: she uses her intelligence secretly/mysteriously to get what she wants.
D- Diligent: she is hardworking.
E- Extroverted: she is very outgoing. She likes to be the centre of attention.
F- Funny: she makes people laugh.
G- Generous: she likes to ‘give’ to help others.
H- Honest: she tells the truth.
I- Imaginative: she has a good imagination. 
J- Jealous: (negative) she wants what other people have. She doesn’t like others to succeed
K- Kind: nice, gentle and helpful
L- Lazy: (negative) she doesn’t like to work or exercise. She’s happy doing nothing.
M- Moody: (negative) she often becomes angry and unfriendly because she is unhappy.
N- Naughty(negative): usually for children) her behaviour is bad.
O- Optimistic: she is a positive person and positive about the future.
P- Pessimistic: she is a negative person. She thinks things will end badly. The opposite of optimistic.
Q- Quiet: she doesn’t say much. She prefers to listen.
R- Rude(negative) she is not polite and she offends people.
S- Sensible: she has good common sense and judgment.
T- Thoughtful: she carefully thinks about other people and how to help them.
U- Upbeat: she is positive and in a good mood. 
V- Violent(negative) she will hurt you. She is aggressive…so be careful!
W- Wonderful: she is great!
X- Xenophobic: she dislikes people from foreign countries. She is racist.
Y- Youthful: she is young at heart.
Z- Zany: she is a little crazy, but in a fun way.

 Some other words

o   ambitious – determined to be successful, rich, powerful etc

o   honest – not hiding the truth or the facts about something [= frank]

o   jealous – feeling angry and unhappy because someone has something that you wish you had; feeling angry and unhappy because someone you like or love is showing interest in another person, or another person is showing interest in them

o   selfish – caring only about yourself and not about other people – used to show disapproval

o   unique, matchless – being the only one of its kind 

 o  lonely, lonesome -unhappy because you are alone or do not have anyone to talk to 

o   vain - someone who is vain is too proud of their good looks, abilities, or position – used to show disapproval [= conceited]

o   very mean, detestable – very bad, and deserving to be criticized or hated

o   gross, disgusting – extremely unpleasant and making you feel sick [= revolting]

o   elegant, classy – beautiful, attractive, or graceful

o   touchy, sensitive (to) – able to understand other people’s feelings and problems

o   sensitive, feeling – showing strong feelings

o   energetic; assertive - behaving in a confident way, so that people notice you

o   committed, dedicated – someone who is dedicated works very hard at what they do because they care a lot about it

o   narrow-minded -unwilling to accept or understand new or different ideas, opinions, or customs [= prejudiced; ≠ broadminded]

o   successful - a successful person earns a lot of money or is very well known and respected

o   serious – if someone is serious about something they say, they really mean it and are not joking or pretending

o   first-class -excellent

o   fair – treating everyone in a way that is right or equal

o   fantastic – extremely good, attractive, enjoyable etc

o   fascinating – extremely interesting

o   lazy - not liking work and physical activity, or not making any effort to do anything [= idle]

o   cowardly, fainthearted - someone who is not at all brave

o   fine, refined – someone who is refined is polite and seems to be well-educated or to belong to a high social class – sometimes used humorously

o   firm, unchanging, solid – someone or something that is solid can be depended on or trusted

o   fit, feeling good – someone who is fit is strong and healthy, especially because they exercise regularly [≠ unfit]

o   hard-working, industrious – working with a lot of effort

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