13 February, Sunday
Leader: Andre
Topic: Our Fears
Survival instinct – инстинкт самосохранения
Intense fear – сильный страх
To caution smb – предупреждать, предостерегать
To feel unsafe – чувствовать себя незащищенным
To sense danger – ощущать опасность
Scary experience – пугающее переживание
To trigger a phobia – вызывать фобию
To miss out on opportunities – упускать возможности
To overcome a fear – преодолеть страх
Childhood fear – детский страх
Bravery - смелость
Anxiety - беспокойство
Personality traits – черты характера
To conquer a fear – победить страх
A great relief – большое облегчение
To take risks - рисковать
What images spring to mind when you hear the word ‘phobia’?
Do you have any phobias?
How can someone confront and overcome a phobia?
Are all phobias irrational?
How do phobias develop?
Do you know of any other crazy phobias?
Do you know anyone who suffers from vertigo – a fear of heights?
What do you think eremophobia - the fear of oneself – is like?
Are people in your country xenophobic (they fear or hate foreigners)?
Can you guess what these phobias are – hydrophobia, zoophobia, sociophobia and numerophobia? What would life be like with these?
What’s the difference between a phobia and a fear?
Gary Larson, a famous cartoonist, invented Anatidaephobia - the fear that somewhere, somehow, a duck is watching you. Can you understand this phobia?
Can you invent your own crazy phobia?
Do you know anyone with haemophobia – a fear of blood?
Do you think people are developing new phobias?
What do you think would be the worst phobia to suffer from?
Charlie Brown said: "I've developed a new philosophy... I only dread one day at a time." Do you also do this?
Do you, or anyone you know, suffer from Anglophobia – a fear of English and English people? How would this affect your studying?
Do you think hypnotherapy can cure phobias?
Someone once said: “Get the facts first. Then panic.” Is this good advice?
13 February,Sunday
Topic: "What kind of vacation do you prefer?"
Types of vacations
Walking everywhere
We kill ourselves on vacation...
...and come back NEEDING a vacation from our vacation!! oh, yes, if
there's a museum or a local landmark or a historical site--we will visit it! I've
walked the entire cities of Washington DC and London, England from end to
end numerous times, I swear! Not a stone left unturned on our vacations!
But I am not complaining (other than about the blisters I invariably get on my
feet!) as I do the same even when I am off somewhere on my own.
I guess we have this fear that we will never be back to a place, so it's
imperative that we see it all. We are on the go from sun up to sun down
every day. Plus I love to take photos, especially of architecture and outdoor
scenes, so you have to go out and about to do that.
I can't imagine going on vacation to just sit around and sleep or read! I
can do those at home! And we have never gone on a vacation like that.
I prefer to see the sights, eat at new places, and go check out new
avenues of fun.
I can sit at home and relax if that's what I need to do. I am not against a
beach vacation and relaxing on the beach all day. That is a different backdrop to
get comfortable in. I would still want to see a little more than just the beach and
ocean. What other things can we see and so? When we go to San Antonio for
the weekend, we may go to a Spurs game at night.
For the most parts vacations for me are about seeing all the museums and
tourist things to do in wherever I am. I've always been like this ever since I was
a kid.
Whenever my mom talked about our trips the adults would always
ask me why my mom dragged me to all those boring museums. I looked at
them with shock and tell them that I was the one who dragged her. They could
never believe it and would just laugh at how cute I was. The truth is that I love
museums, I love learning about all the different cultures and I love spending
my "vacations" running around seeing all the sights.
Depends upon where Im going...
Seriously... I’ve been all over the world, so I say this from experience:
If I were to go to Mexico again, it would be for relaxation and kicking back. There
is no need to travel and go all over hell and back to see the same dang vendors
selling the same dang crap in town after town... If I were to go to Egypt or
Greece - you'd never find me in my hotel room, as I would be savoring the sights
and the local cuisine.
What type of vacation do you prefer among the choices listed below?
1) Beach/island vacation- spending most of your time relaxing on a beach or at a
pool, either on an island or other beach/tropical/warm weather destination.
2) Snow/ski vacation- hitting the slopes either skiing or snowboarding, in a cold
weather destination.
3) Adventure- hiking, backpacking, etc.- an “on the go” vacation filled with