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Материалы к воскресному English Speaking Club

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"Infinitive" - курсы английского Петербург (СПб)

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English Speaking Club I
Time: 15.00-16.30
Levels: Elementary - Pre-Intermediate
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English Speaking Club II
Time: 17.00-18.30
Levels: Intermediate - Advanced
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English Speaking Club I

Theme: Food

Presenter: Andre

В это воскресенье на встрече клуба у вас есть отличная возможность поучаствовать в ТВ-шоу, поделиться с участниками клуба своими фирменными рецептами, а также узнать с помощью чего вы можете приготовить ваше блюдо и как его сервировать. Наш преподаватель Andre расскажет вам как в Бразилии делают традиционный пудинг и покажет это все на практике. И все это на английском!
Приходите, будет интересно :)


add to - to put something together with something else She added a little milk to coffee. Add two to three - how much do you get? добавить, прибавить что-то к чему-то
be out of - not to have We are out of time. We are out of sugar.. не иметь в наличии, закончиться
be over - to end The day is not over yet. The war is over. закончиться
be up to someone - to be someone's decision Would you like to go to the park or to the zoo? - It's up to you. I have to ask my father, it's up to him to decide. It's up to you to close the office every day at 6. быть на чье-то усмотрение
beat up - to beat Beat up the eggs. Those guys beat him up and he is in the hospital now. взбить, избить
begin with - to start with something Let me begin our party with a drink to Tom's health. Begin with Chapter 3. начать с чего-то, чем-то
bite off - to separate part of something by biting He bit off a piece of bread and began to chew. The boss will bite my head off if I don't finish this report today. откусить
bite into - to begin to eat She bit into the sandwich hungrily. начать есть
chew on - to chew something My dog likes to chew on my shoes. жевать что-то
chop up - to cut up, to cut into pieces Finally, they chopped up the trunk of the tree. порубить на части
consist of - to be composed of (parts, ingredients) Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen. The book consists of 5 chapters. состоять из (частей, ингредиентов)
cut up - to cut into pieces Cut up these onions and carrots. порезать на кусочки

Home appliances\household appliances - бытовая техника
Refrigerator – холодильник
Freezer – морозильная камера
Microwave oven – микроволновка
electric stove – электрическая плита
electric range – электроплита
grill - гриль
mixer – миксер
food processor – кухонный комбайн
meat grinder – мясорубка
meat chopper – тостеры
toaster - тостер
electric tea kettle / electric teapot – электрический чайник
coffee maker\ coffee machine – кофеварка
coffee mill / coffee grinder - кофемолка
washing machine\dishwasher – стиральная машина\посудомоечная машина
Housewares\kitchen utensils – кухонная посуда
china / porcelain – фарфор
teapot – чайник
coffeepot – кофейник
saucer - блюдце
mug – кружка
sugar bowl –сахарница
creamer – кувшин для молока, сливок
crystal – хрусталь
glassware – стеклянная посуда
stemware – фужеры, рюмки, бокалы
glasses - стаканы
tableware – посуда
platter – большое плоское блюдо
plate – тарелка
salad plate – тарелка для салата
soup bowl – миска
salad bowl - салатница
cutlery – столовые приборы
knife – нож
carving knife – нож для нарезания мяса
cleaver – большой нож мясника

bread knife – нож для нарезания хлеба

paring knife – нож для очистки овощей

carving fork – вилка

flatware – столовый прибор
spoon – ложка
tea spoon – чайная ложка
table spoon – столовая ложка
cookware – кастрюли, сковородки
saucepan – кастрюля
casserole – кастрюля, запеканка
pot – горшок
Dutch oven – жаровня


English Speaking Club II

Theme: Outdoor activities and Gym

Presenter: Ksenya

Types of exercise

Exercises are generally grouped into three types depending on the overall effect they have on the human body:
  • Flexibility exercises, such as stretching, improve the range of motion of muscles and joints
  • Aerobic exercises, such as cycling, swimming, walking, skipping rope, rowing, running, hiking or playing tennis, focus on increasing cardiovascular endurance.
  • Anaerobic exercises, such as weight training, functional training, eccentric training or sprinting, increase short-term muscle strength.

  • Flexibility - гибкость
    stretching - растяжка
    Aerobic exercises – аэробные упражнения
    cycling - велоспорт
    skipping rope\Jump Rope - скакалка
    rowing - гребля
    hiking – пешие прогулки, поход
    Anaerobic exercises – анаэробные упражнения
    weight training – силовая тренировка
    functional training – функциональная тренировка
    sprinting – бег
    Aerobics - аэробика
    Body building - бодибилдинг
    Calisthenics – пластика, ритмическая гимнастика
    Abdominal exercise – упражнения для брюшного пресса
    Circuit training – круговая тренировка
    Physical therapy - физиотерапия
    Pilates - пилатес
    Hatha yoga – хатха-йога

    Categories of physical exercise
  • Strength training – силовая тренировка
  • Agility training – статическая тренировка

  • Sometimes the terms 'dynamic' and 'static' are used. 'Dynamic' exercises such as steady running, tend to produce a lowering of the diastolic blood pressure during exercise, due to the improved blood flow. Conversely, static exercise (such as weight-lifting) can cause the systolic pressure to rise significantly (during the exercise).

    Categories of general physical skills

    Physical exercise is used to improve physical skills.

    Physical skills fall into the following general categories, per CrossFit:

  • Cardiovascular/Respiratory Endurance – сердечно-сосудистая\распираторная выносливость
  • Stamina - выносливость
  • Strength - сила
  • Speed - скорость
  • Coordination - координация
  • Agility - подвижность
  • Balance - равновесие

  • Sports Idioms

      Sports idioms generally originate from a specific sport such as baseball or sailing. Over time these phrases have come to mean something that can be used in everyday life. While most sports idioms can still be used when discussing sports, they are even more common in other areas of life, especially the business world. You can study these idioms just as you would any other vocabulary. Look at the model sentences and practise writing your own. When you think you have mastered all of the idioms, take the quiz and test your knowledge. More importantly, try using them at work, school, and social events. You will sound like a pro!

    sport of origin


    Example Sentence

    across the board

    equal for everyone

    Ten percent raises were given across the board.

    at this stage in the game
    any sport

    at this time

    Nobody knows who is going to win the electionat this stage in the game.

    the ball is in your court

    it's your decision or responsibility to do something now

    "Do you think I should accept the job offer?"
    "Don't ask me. The
     ball is in your court now".

    bark up the wrong tree

    you've got the wrong person or idea

    I think you're barking up the wrong tree by blaming Matt for the missing money.

    any sport

    to not see something coming

    George blind-sided Eric with his fist at the bar.

    blow the competition away
    any sport

    win easily

    If you wear that dress to the beauty pageant you are going to blow the competition away.

    call the shots

    make the decisions

    While our boss is on vacation, Bob will call the shots.

    chip in

    help by donating money or time

    The staff members chipped in 5 dollars each to buy Jody a birthday gift.

    down to the wire
    horse racing

    right at the end

    It's coming down to the wire to get these done on time.

    front runner

    one of the people who is expected to win

    Angela is a front runner for the new supervisor position.

    get a head start
    horse racing

    start before all others

    They gave the walkers a head start in the run for cancer.

    get into the full swing

    be comfortable doing something after some time

    It will probably take a month of working at my new job before I get into the full swing of things.

    get off the hook

    escape, have responsibility removed

    The child got off the hook for stealing because the security camera was broken.

    give something or someone a fair shake

    try for a while before giving up

    You should give Nadine a fair shake before you decide she isn't good enough for the job.

    get a second wind

    have a burst of energy after tiring

    I was exhausted after 3 kilometres of running, but I got a second wind after I passed the beach.

    give it your best shot

    try your hardest

    Give it your best shot and you may just make it to the finals.

    give one a run for one's money

    try one's hardest to defeat another person

    I know the other team is expected to win, but let's give them a run for their money tonight.

    go overboard

    do or say more than you need to

    You can't believe everything Janice says about Rick. She tends to go overboard when she's complaining about him.

    go to bat for someone

    defend someone

    Andy is asking for a salary increase, and I'm going to go to bat for him if the boss says no.

    have the upper hand

    have a better chance of winning or succeeding

    The Blues have the upper hand in the tournament, because none of their players is injured.

    hit below the belt
    martial arts

    do or say something that is very unfair or cruel

    Amanda was hitting below the belt when she called Adrian an unfit father.

    hit a snag

    come up against a problem

    The renovations were going along great until wehit a snag with the carpet installation.

    hold all the aces

    expected to win or succeed

    The children hold all the aces when it comes to the father-son baseball tournament.

    the home stretch

    almost the end

    I think Alice's pregnancy is in the home stretch.

    hot shot (big shot)

    a person who thinks they are the best

    Even though Luke only placed 20th in the ski race, he thinks he's a hot shot.

    jump the gun

    start too early

    I guess I jumped the gun by buying Pam and Steve a wedding gift. They called off the engagement.

    keep one's head above water

    try not to fall behind in work or other duties

    We are so busy during the tourist season I can barely keep my head above water.

    learn the ropes

    understand new things

    The first week on the job you will just belearning the ropes.

    let her rip

    go ahead now

    Okay, here are the keys to your new car. Let her rip!

    level playing field
    any field sport

    everyone has an equal chance

    The spelling bee is a level playing field because all of the kids are in grade nine.

    long shot

    a very difficult thing to accomplish

    Jim thinks we can afford the house, but I think it'sa long shot.

    make the cut
    any sport

    be chosen to be part of a team or group

    I didn't get a second interview, so I'm pretty sure I won't make the cut.

    neck and neck
    horse racing

    to be in a close tie with someone

    George and Stan are neck and neck in the hockey pool. Either of them could win the money.

    no sweat
    any sport

    no problem

    I told Lily it was no sweat for us to babysit next weekend.

    not playing with a full deck of cards

    not having full brain capacity

    I think Jerry was still drunk at work on Sunday because he wasn't playing with a full deck of cards.

    not up to par

    not good enough for a job or position

    I'm afraid your resume isn't up to par for the engineering position.

    to be off base

    not making a fair or true remark

    You were way off base when you said Bill needed to lose weight.

    on target

    doing the right thing to succeed

    We are on target to meet our budget this month.

    on the ball

    ready and able

    The new receptionist is really on the ball when it comes to answering the phone.

    out in left field

    nowhere near being true, nowhere near doing something correctly

    All of the students laughed when Joe gave an answer that was out in left field.

    out of someone's league
    team sport

    not as good as someone

    I'd like to date Maria, but I'm afraid I'm out of her league.

    par for the course

    an expected circumstance

    Waiting in line is par for the course at Christmas time.

    plenty of other fish in the sea

    there are many other men and women to date

    I know you still love Jack, but remember there are plenty of other fish in the sea.

    race against time

    there is almost no time left to accomplish something

    It's a race against time to find a kidney donor for my cousin.

    settle a score with someone
    any sport

    get even with a person after a previous battle

    My brother wants to settle the score with that guy who stole my wallet.

    shot in the dark

    a guess

    I was lucky to win the quiz. All my answers wereshots in the dark.

    skate on thin ice

    do something risky, take a chance

    You're skating on thin ice by not sending in your college application before now.

    start the ball rolling
    ball sports

    begin something

    Please can everyone be seated so we can start the ball rolling.

    step up to the plate

    do the honourable thing, take responsibility

    It's time you stepped up to the plate and apologized for your mistake.

    take a rain check

    accept at a later time

    Sorry, I can't go to the movies today, but I'd love to take a rain check.

    take sides
    any sport

    choose a person or group to support

    I hate to take sides, but I think Jerry is right about the paint colour.

    take the bull by the horns
    bull fighting

    accept the challenge and try your hardest

    Even though this new job will mean relocating, I think you should take the bull by the horns for once.

    take the wind out of one's sails

    make someone feel deflated

    I think I took the wind out of Angela's sailswhen I told her she was a terrible singer.

    throw in the towel

    give up

    If they don't accept our offer this time we are going to throw in the towel and look at houses elsewhere.

    time out
    any sport


    Let's take some time out and grab a coffee.

    three strikes and you're out

    you only get three chances

    The school's no smoking policy is three strikes and you're out.

    two strikes against

    you only have one chance remaining

    Nancy is going to be fired in no time. She already has two strikes against her for coming in late.

    under the table


    I don't have a work visa, so they have to pay meunder the table.

    win hands down

    easy victory

    The other team was missing half of its players. We won hands down.


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