Никита (nikita91)
О себе
О жизни на двух колесах Safety while riding a bicycle
Many cyclists, especially beginners, neglect the safety when riding a bicycle . Why is that? Perhaps, some do not consider cycling to be traumatic, and the possibility of injury on a bike ride is minimal. Читать продолжение . ...
О жизни на двух колесах How to choose bicycle gloves
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О жизни на двух колесах Горный велосипед. Особенности устройства и его предназначение
Горный велосипед предназначается для катаний по грунту, взгорьям и асфальтированным местностям. Конструкция горных моделей существенно отличается от шоссейных , трековых и дорожных велосипедов. Читать продолжение . ...
О жизни на двух колесах What gear should be used and how to switch transmission speed on a bicycle
The cyclist must know how to switch speeds on a bicycle and be able to use the switch for any surfaces of the road. The riding speed is interrelated with the physical preparedness of the rider and the correct gear shift. These details allow the full use of all the capabilities of the bicycle. Читать продолжение . ...
О жизни на двух колесах The benefits of a bicycle
Many have heard that bike rides have a positive effect on many body systems, improving physical and emotional health, but few know what are the exact benefits of riding a bike. Let's take a closer look! Читать продолжение . ...
О жизни на двух колесах Health disadvantages of cycling
Many people know that cycling has great benefits. They have a beneficial effect on the nervous and cardiovascular system, increase lung volume and remove harmful substances from them, and also develop muscle mass and help in weight loss. Читать продолжение . ...
О жизни на двух колесах Types of bicycle nipples
A bicycle is one of the most ingenious inventions that has ever been created by man. It combines the opportunity to have a great time, get a boost of adrenaline, improve health and travel. The design of the bike is both complex and simple at the same time. Let's turn to the device of one of the smallest, but very important details of the bike - the bicycle nipple, and also see what kinds of nipples can be found on bicycles. What is a nipple? A nipple is a tube that connects the bicycle chamber and has a ch...
О жизни на двух колесах Bicycle trailer as an additional attribute of a bicycle traveler
Fans of long trips encounter the eternal question: how many things to take with them on a trip. This is important because you want to take everything you need, but the idea of always carrying with you huge bags stuffed with things does not seem too attractive. Especially, this applies to those who plan to go on foot or ride a bicycle . They will have to carry baggage on themselves throughout the whole journey. The perfect solution for cyclists is the purchase of a trailer. With it, they can remove the heav...
О жизни на двух колесах Основные отличия советских велосипедов от современных
Сегодня на рынке велосипедв представлен огромный ассортимент агрегатов с различными характеристиками и оборудованием. Заходя в магазин, можно увидеть и шоссейные, и горные, и гибридные велосипеды. Читать продолжение . ...
О жизни на двух колесах Из чего состоит оборудование для электровелосипеда
Многие молодые парни в детстве увлекались электротехникой и пробовали создать собственный электровелосипед. У некоторых данная задумка была реализована, хотя из-за отсутствия знаний и качественного оборудования на рынке электротоваров изобретение ездило не долго. Читать продолжение . ...