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О жизни на двух колесах

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О жизни на двух колесах Bicycle trailer as an additional attribute of a bicycle traveler

Fans of long trips encounter the eternal question: how many things to take with them on a trip. This is important because you want to take everything you need, but the idea of always carrying with you huge bags stuffed with things does not seem too attractive.

Especially, this applies to those who plan to go on foot or ride a bicycle. They will have to carry baggage on themselves throughout the whole journey.

The perfect solution for cyclists is the purchase of a trailer. With it, they can remove the heavy load from their shoulders and do not jeopardize the frame of the bike. Besides, not all bike models provide an ability for trunk installation.

Since professional bicycle trailers are still a rarity, let’s look at the main types of models, fixing methods, as well as advantages and disadvantages of the designs.

Types of bicycle trailers

Depending on the purpose and characteristics, the bicycle trailers are divided into the following types:

  • Cargo;
  • Children;
  • Tourist.

Bicycle trailers can also be as one-wheeled and two-wheeled. Some models are attached to the side of the bicycle and resemble the side trailer, but this is more true for the units for transporting children.

Children’s trailers are closed bicycle carriage with holes for ventilation.

The hinged suspension is often equipped with shock absorbers for a comfortable ride of the child. Some manufacturers conduct special crash tests to maximize the safety of children.

Cargo trailers are characterized by a reinforced frame and a wide cargo area. Typically, these models have two wheels on the dependent suspension. This design allows you to increase the carrying capacity of up to 120 kg.

cargo trailer
Cargo trailer

Although the trailer itself can withstand much greater weight, the anchoring might not handle the load.

Nevertheless, you have to sacrifice for the possibility of transporting heavy stuff. The strength of the structure is achieved thanks to a massive frame of steel. It considerably increases the weight of the trailer and creates difficulties in riding.

You will have to try hard to get speed on a bicycle with such a «tail». And, it is necessary to save your energy as much as possible during travelling. Moreover, it is not possible to ride along a rough terrain with a two-wheeled loaded trailer for a long time.

Braking will also cause difficulties, since the inertia from the trailer will be constantly pushing forward. From all of the above, it can be seen that cargo trailers for bicycles are not the most suitable option for traveling.

tourist trailer
Tourist trailer

Tourist models were specifically developed for the long road. They are distinguished by a low landing, aimed at increasing controllability, a space for luggage and a running gear, often consisting of a single wheel.

A special waterproof bag is included in the kit of many bicycle trailers, where you can put all the necessary accessories. However, the carrying capacity of such units, as a rule, is not more than 30 kg.

Buying a tourist trailer, some fear that in the event of a bike breaking, they will have to carry not one unit, but two. Therefore, when choosing a model, look at the design features of the trailer.
The frame on some modifications is arranged so that in a vertical position the trailer turns into a backpack, which can be worn on the back.

The bicycle trailer is mounted in three ways:

  • To the rear wheel hub (under the nut);
  • To the seat stays;
  • Under the saddle.

The last type of fastening is found only at the trailers intended for transportation of children.

bicycle trailer

Features of a tourist bicycle trailer

Trailers for long trips are gaining popularity, because thanks to them, the need to carry heavy backpacks disappears.

The frame structure and the running gear are specially designed to achieve better maneuverability. However, during the overcoming of sharp corners, the wheel will not turn, but drag along the ground.
This is due to the rigidity of the anchoring and the lack of its mobility.

This design has one big plus, which can cover all the shortcomings. The tourist trailer allows you to travel with no problem over rough terrain, without delaying the traveler. This is especially true for traveling on bad roads.

Skillful hands to help you!

Since the bicycle trailers are not too popular on the market, it is not easy to find a quality unit that would meet all the requirements of an individual traveler.

To purchase a good trailer, you have to make an order from other cities and even countries. And such purchases might be costly.
Therefore, to save money and time delivery, tourists who do not want to postpone the trip and decide to build a bicycle trailer with their own hands.

The unit consists of 4 basic elements:

  • Platform for luggage;
  • Running gear with wheel;
  • Anchoring;
  • Bag.

With the help of the necessary tools and a creative mind, you can easily assemble a self-made bicycle trailer. The main thing that must be considered when creating — the quality of the selected materials.

On the Internet, you can find craftsmen who sell ready-made versions of self-made bicycle trailers. Evaluating the assembly quality and the characteristics of the unit, you can purchase the appropriate model.

As you can see, a bicycle trailer for travelling can become a reliable companion in a long journey, easing the load on the tourist. However, you should seriously select one, especially when buying self-made models.

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