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Выпуск № 258, 29.08.2013

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DMCA (Copyright) Complaint to Google -
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These sites are not authorized to sell Moncler apparel or use any of the copyrighted images found at moncler.com. Please let us know if you need any additional information. Thank you.<br>Original work URL(s):<br> &nbsp; http://moncler.com<br> &nbsp; http://store.moncler.com Allegedly infringing URLs:<br> &nbsp; 0. &nbsp; http://cheapmonclercoats-2013.webs.com/<br> &nbsp; 1. &nbsp; http://cheapmonclerjackenkaufen.webs.com/<br> &nbsp; 2. & ;nbsp; http://vipmoncleroutletsale.webs.com/<br> &nbsp; 3. &nbsp; http://www.fashiondownjacketsonline.com/moncler-jackets-women-c-11.html<br> &nbsp; 4. &nbsp; http://www.littlehandstrust.com/mootools0.html<br> &nbsp; 5. &nbsp; http://www.monclerenespana.net/cheap-moncler-anger-steel-quilted-down-coat-navy-p-31.html<br> &nbsp; 6. &nbsp; http://www.monclerenespana.net/cheap-moncler-polo-shirt-black-p-15.html<br> &nbsp; 7. &nbsp; http://www.moncleroutletsuksale.co.uk/<br> &nbsp; 8. &nbsp; http://www.moncleroutletuksales.co.uk/moncler-jackets-men-c-12.html<br> &nbsp; 9. &nbsp; http://www.moncleroutletuksales.co.uk/news/latest-moncler-outlet-uk-discount-offer-a-13.html<br> &nbsp; 10. &nbsp; http://www.super-salers.org/downmonclerdownjackets-c-336_1090_1216_2519.html<br> &nbsp; 11. &nbsp; http://www.themoncleroutletcoatsale.com/<br> &nbsp; 12. &am p;nbsp; http://www.zennchingmazu.org.tw/odbc2.asp?id=1138.html<br> &nbsp; 13. &nbsp; http://www.zennchingmazu.org.tw/odbc2.asp?id=1156.html<br> &nbsp; 14. &nbsp; http://www.zennchingmazu.org.tw/odbc2.asp?id=1179.html<br> &nbsp; 15. &nbsp; http://www.zennchingmazu.org.tw/odbc2.asp?id=933.html <br><b>SWORN STATEMENTS</b> I have a good faith belief that use of the copyrighted materials described above as allegedly infringing is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law.<br>[checked] The information in this notification is accurate, and I swear, under penalty of perjury, that I am the copyright owner or am authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.<br>[checked] <b>SIGNATURE</b><br>Signed on this date of:<br> 05/13/2013 <p><strong><a href="http://www.monclerdownjacketpro.com">moncler outlet store locations</a></strong> &nbsp; <b>FAQ: Questions and Answers</b> [back to notice text]</p><br><b>Question:</b> <b>Why does a search engine get DMCA takedown notices for materials in its search listings?</b></p><p><strong><a href="http://www.monclerdownjacketpro.com">women moncler boots</a></strong> <b>Answer</b>: Many copyright claimants are making complaints under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, Section 512(d), a safe-harbor for providers of "information location tools." These safe harbors give providers immunity from liability for users' possible copyright infringement -- if they "expeditiously" remove material when they get complaints. Whether or not the provider would have been liable for infringement by users' materials it links to, the provider can avoid the possibility of a lawsuit for money damages by following the DMCA's takedown procedure when it gets a complaint. The person whose information was removed can file a counter-notification if he or she believes the complaint was erroneous. <p><strong><a href="http://www.monclerdownjacketpro.com">moncler coats</a></strong> <b>Question:</b> <b>What does a service provider have to do in order to qualify for safe harbor pr otection?</b></p><p><strong><a href="http://www.monclerdownjacketpro.com">moncler boots for men</a></strong> <p><strong><a href="http://www.monclerdownjacketpro.com">buy moncler</a></strong> <b>Answer</b>: In addition to informing its customers of its policies (discussed above), a service provider must follow the proper notice and takedown procedures (discussed above) and also meet several other requirements in order to qualify for exemption under the safe harbor provisions.</p> <p><p>In order to facilitate the notification process in cases of infringement, ISPs which allow users to store information on their networks, such as a web hosting service, must designate an agent that will receive the notices from copyright owners that its network contains material which infringes their intellectual property rights. The service provider must then notify the Copyright Office of the agent's name and address and make that information publicly available on its web site. [512(c)(2)]</p><p><p>Finally, the ser vice provider must not have knowledge that the material or activity is infringing or of the fact that the infringing material exists on its network. [512(c)(1)(A)], [512(d)(1)(A)]. If it does discover such material before being contacted by the copyright owners, it is instructed to remove, or disable access to, the material itself. [512(c)(1)(A)(iii)], [512(d)(1)(C)]. The service provider must not gain any financial benefit that is attributable to the infringing material. [512(c)(1)(B)], [512(d)(2)].</p> </p> <br><b>Question:</b> <b>What are the provisions of 17 U.S.C. Section 512(c)(3) & 512(d)(3)?</b></p><p> <b>Answer</b>: Section 512(c)(3) sets out the elements for notification under the DMCA. Subsection A (17 U.S.C. 512(c)(3)(A)) states that to be effective a notification must include: 1) a physical/electronic signature of a person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the infringed right; 2) identification of the copyrighted works claimed to have been infringed; 3) identification of the material that is claimed to be infringing or to be the subject of infringing activity and that is to be removed; 4) information reasonably sufficient to permit the service provider to contact the complaining party (e.g., the address, telephone number, or email address); 5) a statement that the complaining party has a good faith belief that use of the material is not authorized by the copyright owner; and 6) a statement that information in the complaint is accurate and that the complaining party is authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner. Subsection B (17 U.S.C. 512( c)(3)(B)) states that if the complaining party does not substantially comply with these requirements the notice will not serve as actual notice for the purpose of Section 512.<p>Section 512(d)(3), which applies to "information location tools" such as search engines and directories, incorporates the above requirements; however, instead of the identification of the allegedly infringing material, the notification must identify the reference or link to the material claimed to be infringing. </p> <br><b>Question:</b> <b>Does a service provider have to follow the safe harbor procedures?</b></p><p> <b>Answer</b>: No. An ISP may choose not to follow the DMCA takedown process, and do without the safe harbor. If it would not be liable under pre-DMCA copyright law (for example, because it is not contributorily or vicariously liable, or because there is no underlying copyright infringement), it can still raise those same defenses if it is sued. </p> <br><b>Question:</b> <b>How do I file a DMCA counter-notice?</b></p><p> <b>Answer</b>: If you believe your material was removed because of mistake or misidentification, you can file a "counter notification" asking the service provider to put it back up. Chilling Effects offers a form to build your own counter-notice. </p> <p><br>For more information on the DMCA Safe Harbors, see the FAQs on DMCA Safe Harbor. For more information on Copyright and defenses to copyright infringement, see Copyright. </p> Topic maintained by Chilling Effects <b>FAQ: Questions</b> Why does a search engine get DMCA takedown notices for materials in its search listings? <br> <b>Related News</b> Comcast Threatens to Sue TorrentFreak for Copyright Infringement (updated), Ernesto, TorrentFreak , August 21, 2013<br> Comcast Threatens to Sue TorrentFreak for Copyright Infringement, Ernesto, TorrentFreak <br> Microsoft Censors OpenOffice Download Links, Ernesto, TorrentFreak , August 14, 2013<br> This Post Is No Longer Available Due to…. (Why DMCA Abuse Occurs), Matt Schruers, http://www.project-disco.org , August 14, 2013<br> After On-Air Mishaps, Embarrassed Newscasters Turn to Copyright Law, Kristin Bergman, Digital Media Law Project , August 13, 2013<br> more <b>Other Topics</b> ACPA<br> Anticircumvention (DMCA)<br> Chilling Effects<br> Copyright<br> Copyright and Fair Use<br> Court Orders<br> Defamation<br> Derivative Works<br> DMCA Safe Harbor<br> DMCA Subpoenas<br> Documenting Your Domain Defense<br> Domain Names and Trademarks<br> E-Commerce Patents<br> Fan Fiction<br> International<br> John Doe Anonymity<br> Linking<br> No Action<br> Patent<br> Piracy or Copyright Infringement<br> Protest, Parody and Criticism Sites<br> Responses<br> Reverse Engineering<br> Right of Publicity<br> Trade Secret<br> Trademark<br> UDRP<br> Uncategorized<br> This Topic: <b>DMCA Notices<br></b> <b>Topic Frequently Asked Questions (and Answers)</b> Chilling Effects Clearinghouse - www. disclaimer / privacy / about us &amp; contacts <strong><a href="http://www.monclerdownjacketpro.com/">moncler kids outlet</a></strong><br> <strong><a href="http://www.monclerdownjacketpro.com/">moncler womens jackets</a></strong><br> >>>

Husband and wife sentenced in major Idaho mortgage fraud case
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[b:4c69480ac6]<a href="http://www.tiffanyjewelrycool.com">cheap tiffany</a>[/b:4c69480ac6] U.S. District Judge Edward Lodge sentenced Aaron Hymas to 24 months in prison followed by three years of supervised release and ordered him to pay $1,520,296.77 in restitution. Tiffany Hymas was sentenced to 60 days in prison followed by three years of supervised release, beginning with six months of home detention. She was also ordered to pay $667,505.42 in restitution. The two former Treasure Valley residents each pleaded guilty to one count of wire fraud on October 18 of last year. According to the plea agreements, the defendants admitted that they schemed to defraud a lender by having Tiffany submit a residential loan application for $295,600, on March 28, 2007, in which she made material misrepresentations. On the application, Tiffany Hymas stated that she was employed by OPM Enterprises with 2.6 years on the job; that she had income and commissions of $72,500 per month; and that she had gross rental income of $14,600 per month from four properties in Meridian, Nampa and Boise. Based on these misrepresentations, Taylor, Bean and Whitaker Mortgage Corporation funded the loan. The defendants admitted they knew Tiffany Hymas&rsquo; statements were false and material to the loan application, and that they knew the statements were false at the time she made them. The cases are part of a long-term investigation of mortgage fraud activity related to Crestwood Homes, which involved multiple defendants, many of them family members, who bought and sold real estate in order to &ldquo;flip it,&rdquo; or gain profits from the sales. The financial institutions and mortgage lenders incurred substantial losses on the loan transactions. In addition to Aaron and Tiffany Hymas, eleven individuals have been sentenced since November, 2010, on charges of wire fraud, bank fraud and making false statements, including Michael J. Hymas, Shane M. Hymas, Laurie K. Hymas, Shauntee K. Ferguson, Christopher R. Georgeson, Stanley J. Ferguson, Brent Bethers, Melody C. Redondo, Paul Redondo, Travis R. Hymas and Season Heather Hymas. &ldquo;False statements to banks and lenders in order to obtain home loans have undermined the integrity of our nation&rsquo;s housing financing system,&rdquo; said Olson. &ldquo;These sentences send the strong message that those who fabricate financial information to deceive lenders will be investigated, prosecuted and punished.&rdquo; The cases were investigated by the FBI and IRS, with assistance provided by the Office of the United States Trustee and the Idaho Department of Insurance. The case was prosecuted by the U.S. Attorney's Office for Idaho, and the Idaho Attorney General. [b:4c69480ac6][url=http://www.tiffanyjewelrycool.com]tiffany rings[/b:4c69480ac6] This site uses Facebook comments to make it easier for you to contribute. If you see a comment you would like to flag for spam or abuse, click the "x" in the upper right of it. By posting, you agree to our Terms of Use. 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Pandora's revenue jumps on booming mobile business
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She brings substantial experience and resources to IWTT that includes her relationships with governments, international women’s groups and business organizations”, says Brenda Morant, Founder, Chair & CEO of the International Women’s Think Tank and International Women’s Center (IWTT-IWC). Justina Mutale addressing the U.S. National Congress of Black Women in Los Angeles. Photography by: Denise O’Brien of DOME Consulting, Los Angeles</p> </p> <p><strong><a href="http://www.bestiwcwatches.com">swiss iwc pilot</a></strong> Ms Mutale has worked with the London, England based Gender Section of the Commonwealth Secretariat; a membership of 54 countries that promote the advancement of gender equality; and the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women.</p> <p><strong><a href="http://www.bestiwcwatches.com">iwc replica pilot watches</a></strong> A recipient of the 2013 WAF-MDG Award in recognition of her efforts towards the actualization of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals, Ms. Mutale has received many awards which include the African Woman of the Year 2012 Award presented to her during a ceremony held in London and the International Honorary Award, which was presented to her at the Global Women Inventors and Innovators Network Conference (GWIIN) in Accra, Ghana. GWIIN has a global platform that highlights women’s invention and innovation and promotes the introduction of new products, processes and services.</p> <p><strong><a href="http://www.bestiwcwatches.com">replica iwc portuguese automatic</a></strong> As Honorary Ambassador, Ms Mutale will be the official Spokesperson to promote Gender Equality, which is central to the economic and human development of women and girls. This appointment provides Ms Mutale with an expanded international platform and supports IWTT-IWC’s mission to advance the sustainable political, social and economic empowerment of women and girls.</p> <p>“Ms. Mutale’s collaboration with IWTT will provide greater resources, experiences and opportunities that will strengthen the delivery of The International Women’s Think Tank approach to build value for resourcing women globally”, said Brenda Morant</p> <p>Ms Mutale joins a list of highly respected international personalities from the arenas of government, education, business, agriculture, STEM and media who are serving in this capacity as Honorary Ambassadors for the IWTT, and who are chosen because of their eminent name recognition and more particularly because of the respect with which they are held worldwide and their appeal as genuine humanitarians and business people.</p> <p>Honorary Co-Chairs of the IWTT-IWC include the Honorable Consul General Republic of Liberia, Cynthia Lynn Blandford; Madame Vesta I. Teneilabe, (wife of Ambassador Geoffrey I. Teneilabe, Consul General, Federal Republic of Nigeria); Dr. Paddy Sharma, Board Chair, India America Cultural Association; Dr. Gwendolyn Benson, Associate Dean, College of Education, Georgia State University; Attorney Manori de Silva, Carreras & Lemorne, LLP; and Mr. Emerson Bryan, Deputy Director, Atlanta Regional Commission.</p> <p>Ms Mutale will be a Keynote Speaker at the official opening of the International Women’s Center, which is scheduled to take place on Thursday, October 17, 2013 in Atlanta, Georgia in the USA.</p> <p>“I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the IWTT Team on such a brilliant initiative to elevate the status of women in the 21st century”, said Ms. Mutale</p> <p>Located in Atlanta, Georgia the IWTT promotes intellectual research, critical thinking and innovative solutions on issues related to women and girls; who are the fastest growing economy. As the world becomes more global, IWTT works also to empower women and girls by increasing intercultural understanding, driving economic growth, exploring collaborative opportunities and partnerships that uplift the human condition and improve the quality of life.</p> <p>Ms Mutale recently addressed the U.S. National Congress of Black Women at the Los Angeles Millennium Biltmore Hotel in California and also delivered a Keynote Address at the Anakazi African Business Women’s Conference held at the Radisson Hotel, Los Angeles in the USA.</p> <p>For more information contact:</p> <p>Brenda Morant</p> <p>The International Women’s Think Tank</p> <p>Tel: +1 404-587-3126</p> <p>www.iwthinktank.org</p> <strong><a href="http://www.bestiwcwatches.com/">iwc imitation</a></strong><br> <strong><a href="http://www.bestiwcwatches.com/">swiss replica iwc watches</a></strong><br> >>>

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Dress well for office, but stay within budget | GulfNews.com
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[b:bd9fc43203][url=http://www.chaneloutletco.com]chanel handbags outlet online[/b:bd9fc43203] That means wearing a business attire, which would create the right impression with clients, boss and also, office colleagues. It should also be in sync with the culture of specific industries, for instance the style in corporate banking and hospitality sectors tends to be more restrained and conservative, whereas in advertising and media sectors it is more colourful and trendy. [b:bd9fc43203][url=http://www.chaneloutletco.com]chanel outlet store[/b:bd9fc43203] For many of you, either starting out, getting back into the job market after a period of unemployment or already in a job, budgeting for a professional wardrobe is tricky. Some are reluctant to spend too much — how much is too much is a variable depending on one’s disposable income, sense of style, and eagerness to dress smart — and there are others who simply are unsure about the costs of proper office dressing. [b:bd9fc43203][url=http://www.chaneloutletco.com]chanel handbag outlet[/b:bd9fc43203] Using top brands for a full professional wear can set you back anywhere between Dh8,000 to Dh12,000, but hey, you need not worry. You can get a basic wardrobe done for less than Dh3,000, say local stylist and image consultants. And they advise that you don’t have to have the full wardrobe right if you are starting out to build one. [b:bd9fc43203]<a href="http://www.chaneloutletco.com">chanel handbags outlet</a>[/b:bd9fc43203] If you have to start from scratch and you shop in high street to mid range stores, Dh3,000 to Dh5,000 can have you covered for work, says Farah Kabir, image consultant and fashion stylist, who is also the owner of Dubai-based Dresscode by Farah. For instance, for women she says, it will get you three pairs of trousers, one skirt, two dresses, one to two blazers, five shirt and tops, a pair or two of shoes, and maybe a bag. Of course if you move down to lower brands or designers, these numbers change tremendously.” [b:bd9fc43203][url=http://www.chaneloutletco.com]chanel handbags replica[/b:bd9fc43203] So, in what ways can you fit the role and appear smart without spending a fortune? Here are a few tips from experts in the field. Related Links Fashion feng shui your way to success Creating boundaries at workplace — a safe choice Start by looking at your own wardrobe Lucia Csobonyei, a certified personal image consultant at Dubai-based Your Unique Image, says she never had a client who would have started from zero. “There were always couple of suitable pieces in wardrobe and we completed it with new ones plus accessories,” said Csobonyei. Micha Maatouk, who owns Graderobe, a boutique offering pre-owned branded clothes and accessories at a substantial discount, suggests if you have a dark suit, which is still in style, you can refresh the look with a new blouse or shirt. “Look through your closet and see if you have classic black pumps, which most women do,” she says. “If you do have, they can be taken to a place like Minutes and they will freshen up and give them a polish.” Start with the basics and avoid trends when starting out For those with a tight budget, Tareq Al Shaikh, a former investment banker who founded Knotstandard, a bespoke tailoring service that makes suits and shirts for men, says one should opt for a “tailored fit, quality fabrics, traditional colours and cuts that never go out of style”. Rather then going for the trendy that tend to go out of fashion in a short time, it is always better to go for a classic look. Maatouk, who was formerly a buyer for Harvey Nichols Dubai and also, a boutique manager of Chanel in Dubai Mall, says there are stores in Dubai in the mid to low price range that offers clothes with a classic look. For women that includes a couple of trousers, a couple of skirts and blouses in the neutral colour palette with black, white and a little bit of red. For men, a couple of trousers, white shirts and black or navy blue suits complete the wardrobe. Shop around to find bargains and lower priced quality clothes and accessories Not just in malls but boutique retail stores on streets such as Jumeira Beach Road. Dubai’s retail landscape offers a range that can only rival the best and the most competitive in the world, price wise. “A great advantage this city has is that it has all sorts of brands from all over the world and that all kind of wallets can find their target,” says Kabir. “If you really are budget conscious, they are many stores and brands where you can shop. Dressing well will depend on your ability to pick the right items for you, that is what will make the whole difference.” Rana Saab, a Dubai-based certified image consultant and celebrity stylist who offers her services online at ranasaab.com, seconds Kabir’s opinion. “Dubai is a cosmopolitan city with a high sense of fashion and an abundance of retail outlets from the grand malls to the small tailoring shops, which makes it easy and accessible for people to invest in professional wardrobes,” Saab says. Shopping festivals at different times of the year with stores offering discounts is a good time to pick up your necessary items. “So keeping an eye open for that great deal is worth it,” Kabir says. “But be careful not to buy something not needed just because it is on sale.” Outlet stores such as the Dubai Outlet Mall offer choices at a relatively reasonable price. “The Outlet Mall is good especially for office looks because it is not so much seasonal,” Maatouk says. “It offers a variety of clothes with a classic look like for women, jackets, pencil skirts, straight cut dress and for men, classic suits.” Outlet stores also make brands more affordable. Check out online stores too Realising that online buying has picked up in the last two years, Maatouk is about to launch her own online store in the next two weeks. “Online is now getting more and more important,” Maatouk says. “The prices of things like Ralph Laurens and many other names you find online are many times much lower than you would find in a store.” It’s not about brands, more about fit While you might well get great bargains on big brands and pick them up, it is wise to keep in mind brands don’t matter when it comes to smart dressing for office. A quick run to the tailor can get you the corporate look at a lower price and in a fit and style you want. “Great access to professional tailoring also makes a major difference here,” Al Shaikh says. “People can always buy brands [here] but more importantly, can kit themselves out with well-tailored suits.” It’s always a good idea to opt for made to measure, Maatouk says. “Rather than buying a white shirt for Dh1,000 there are places which offer four made-to-measure shirts for Dh1,200,” she says. “This is also true for men’s suits: you can get them done for a couple of thousands.” Csobonyei adds: “It is possible to create basic wardrobe even for Dh3,000 by choosing low cost brands There is always a solution to fulfil customers requirements and meet the budget.” Rather than chasing brands, Kabir says, “what matters the most is buying items that fit you and enhance your colouring and shape.” She even puts the cost of a basic wardrobe for women with resorting to brandnames at less than Dh3,000. Mix and match items It’s how you put your attire together, matching different colours, for different occasions as well as for seasons. Csobonyei says that while a lot of people are seen wearing expensive, branded clothes what she misses is a sense for mixing and matching individual pieces to create a harmonised look. “Practice with mixing and matching individual pieces can always create a new outfit even if the parts are repeating,” she adds. The skill lies in how you mix the items, Maatouk says. “You can buy a suit for Dh600 and depending on which blouse you pick for it, you can make it look like you are wearing a dress of couple of thousand dirhams, but it is not. There are choices available out there that may be within your budget.” Build up your wardrobe over time This pertains more to the fresh graduates, who can afford the bare minimum before they receive their first paycheck. You don’t have to have three suits at first go. “If you start from scratch or if it is your first job, allocate a monthly budget to building your wardrobe, you can do miracles with small amounts,” Kabir says. “Doing it over time helps you try out and realise the missing items that you need to build up more outfits with the items you have. So, you will invest in a clever way.” The first purchase, say for a woman, should include at least one suit that can be dry-cleaned on the weekend and a couple of blouses, Maatouk suggests. Men can manage with just one suit as along as he has different shirts to pair it with along with two ties and a good pair of black shoes and a briefcase. Gradually in a month or two women can buy a new dress, add a skirt and a formal blouse, and another pair of shoes. Men can buy a few more shirts, a couple of more ties and another pair of shoes. Knot Standard’s Al Shaikh says a professional wardrobe for men can cost anywhere between $1,000 and tens of thousands. Ideally, he says, a professional wardrobe should include at least three custom-made suits, half a dozen shirts of high quality cotton, half a dozen ties and other accessories such as cufflinks and suspenders. “Begin with a basic palette — say navy and gun metal grey suits — and then build out from there to include a glen plaid or Prince of Wales check or for the more fashion forward, a brown or pinstripe suit,” he says. Print Email a friend Comments (1) Added 14:41 August 4, 2013 No mention of the abaya at workplace? Disturbing to know that several women lost their jobs due to their choice of attire, in a Sharia state. Anonymous, Dubai, United Arab Emirates [b:bd9fc43203][url=http://www.chaneloutletco.com/]chanel handbags for sale[/b:bd9fc43203] [b:bd9fc43203]<a href="http://www.chaneloutletco.com/">discount chanel handbags</a>[/b:bd9fc43203] >>>

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