There are thirteen Governmentuniversities, some of which have multiple branches, enrolling about one million students. The much smaller American university in cairo is an old private university, and there are several new ones.In general, the physical and social sciences are confined to academic departments of the various universities, and to state-sponsored research centers. There is now an increasing tendency to link scientific knowledge to social and economic demands, by emphasizing the ‘‘relevance’’ of such knowledge. Thus, the new Mubarak City for Scientists, which contains one institute for information technology and another for genetics, caters to the demands of industry. The need for research and development is accepted but the realization is more difficult.The main university subjects took shape at cairo university in the 1920s. Economics is probably the best developed of the social sciences, and political science and psychology are making progress. Sociology was founded at cairo in 1925 and is now found in most universities.The main centers for anthropology are Alexandria and the American university in Cairo. anthropology is dominated by efforts to come to grips with contemporary patterns of change, often under the heading of development. The main thrust of anthropology in Egypt is not to improve cross-cultural understanding but instead to foster Egyptian development. There are few positions in anthropology, so most trained anthropologists gradually become generalists in development. More...