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Сибирская секция IEEE

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Сибирская секция IEEE

N 2239 6 ноября 2022 г. Сибирская секция IEEE
https://ieee.tusur.ru Вступайте в IEEE - это ХОРОШЕЕ общество!
Мeждyнapоднaя IEEE-Сибирcкaя кoнфеpенция по yпpавлeнию и cвязи

17-19 нoября 2022 г.
г. Toмcк, Рoccия


75th Anniversary of the Transistor

November 1947 - January 1948 were the three magical months that
paved the way for modern-day electronics. This was done by three
brilliant scientists. The famous physicists - Walter Brattain and
John Bardeen managed to make the first working transistor, now known
as the point-contact transistor. The invention was made on December
16, 1947. A week after that, the device was officially demonstrated
to Bell Labs executives as a "magnificent Christmas present." In
January 1948, William Shockley demonstrated the junction transistor.
All three received The Nobel Prize in Physics (1956).

The Electron Devices Society celebrates 2022-2023 as the 75th Anniversary
of the Transistor. The bipolar junction transistor and light emitting
diode are two innovations that have made a profound impact on the
world. This shall be a mark of tribute to the men and women who have
contributed to the Transistor Story - Discovery, Development, and
Applications which has had a lasting impact on people's lives and
has benefited mankind where it serves good in social relations, caring
for the Earth, science, technology, engineering, and economy.


The 16th Siberian Conference SIBCON-2022 aims to offer opportunities
to learn and to share information on the latest advances in communications,
electron devices, and control systems. The conference is organized
by the IEEE units in Siberia on a regular basis in order to promote
interdisciplinary discussion and interaction among scientists and
engineers with an emphasis on the IEEE membership. While the scientific
program is expected to create stimulating professional interaction,
the magic of Tomsk, hot spring atmosphere and wealth of historic
wooden architecture promise a pleasant and memorable stay.

The conference will include plenary sessions with invited speakers,
parallel thematic sessions with oral presentations, and a social

Organized by

Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics

Russia Siberia Section of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics

The Tomsk Chapter of the IEEE.


Keysight Technologies;
Systems. Technologies. Communications Ltd.

Technical Sponsor

The IEEE Electron Devices Society (IEEE ED-S).

Information Support

Scientific and technical journal "Automatics & Software Enginery"

Scientific and technical journal " High-performance computing systems
and technologies" journal.asu.ru/hpcst;

Scientific journal "TUSUR Reports" journal.tusur.ru.

Detailed Information

All registration information and hotel reservation forms, instructions
for the preparation camera-ready paper etc. will be available in
the second announcement at the Web sibcon.tusur.ru.

Program Committee

Chair - Viktor M. Rulevskiy, Prof., Rector of TUSUR

Vice-Chair - Anton G. Loshilov, Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation

Chairmen of the International Program Committee ? A.V.Medovnik,
O.V.Stukach, V.A.Faerman


Steering committee
Secretary of the Organizing Committee
Inna A. Yarimova
TUSUR, Lenin Ave., 40, Tomsk, 634050
Tel: 8 (3822) 701-582 (ext. 1456)
Proceedings and Special Sessions
Vladimir A. Faerman, E-mail: fva@fb.tusur.ru


Advance registration is performed through sending of full paper
or paying of the registration fee. Final registration of participants
will be held on sessions.


To take part at the conference, it is necessary to send to Organizing
Committee the full papers and to pay the registration fee. All participants
of the conference should register at http://sibcon.tusur.ru


All accepted papers will be published in conference Proceedings,
registered in IEEE Xplore http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/ and indexed
in scientific databases. The participants will be provided with the
electronic version of the proceedings.

Electronic Copyright Form (eCF)

Each author whose paper has been accepted for publication will
receive email from IEEE regarding eCF (from copyrights@ieee.org with
subject "Copyright Pending Notice for Article: ...title of your paper...").
This email will provide the authors with a link to the online eCF
wizard, as well as a unique login name and password to access their
own copyright forms. When an author completes the online copyright
transfer process and submits the form, he/she will receive an automated
confirmation email letting him/her know that the transfer has been
completed successfully.

Please use the link in the email invitation sent earlier in
order to access your eCF, and complete the entire form. If you have
any difficulty accessing the eCF site, please contact the IPR Office
at copyrights@ieee.org


Join us for the "Get Together Party" from 18:00p.m. on the 17th
of November in Dom Uchenykh. The dinner menu includes mini skewers,
manty, mini cutlers, potato croquette, cold snacks, desert, wine
and non-alcoholic beverages. There is no charge for the conference

Technical Program

The technical program will cover all aspects of control and communications:
theory, fundamental studies, and applied studies. It will include
plenary session and thematic sessions composed of oral presentations.
Contributed papers will be 7 minutes in length, with some minutes
for discussion. Invited papers will be 20 minutes, with 5 minutes
for discussion. Multimedia projector will be available.

Plenary Open Session

Greetings of the General Chair
Greetings of the Technical Program Committee Chair
Research and Education Activities of TUSUR
Keynote papers

Guidelines for Oral Presentations

Please note that the overall time available for your presentation
is limited to 10 minutes of which 7 minutes are allowed for the actual
presentation and 3 minutes for discussion. You should plan your presentation
carefully. You should select your vocabulary to address as wide an
audience as possible and avoid unfamiliar abbreviations or expressions.

Please remember that the responsibility of having your paper
ready for Presentation at the scheduled time is primarily in your
hands as the presenter. Check the readability, completeness and order
of your slides before your presentation. Arrive well in advance of
the session, and acquaint yourself with the operation of the podium
and location of the equipment. Conference staff will be present to
assist you. There are no scheduled breaks in the agenda so it is
mandatory that the presentations be loaded before the beginning of
each session.

Be careful to speak in accordance with the sequence of your
slides. Avoid making major modifications to your transparencies during
your presentation. Please stay within the time limit allocated for
your presentation.

Technical equipments provided in the Conference room are:

Multimedia video projector;
Projection screen;
Standard multimedia PC.

The operating system for session computers is Microsoft Windows
8. The available software is Microsoft Office 8 (or newer) that includes
Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Adobe Acrobat Reader, and Windows Media
Player. Therefore, all presentations must be compatible with this
software. We suggest you to upload your presentation on a USB memory
stick better than connecting your laptop.


All information about transportation you can receive via e-mail
or telephones of the Organizing Committee.

Transport to the place of the conference: from railway station
by bus N 2, 4, 442, 119; from Yuzhnzya Sq. by bus N 19, 22, 32; from
the city center by bus N 2, 3, 4, 12, 19, 22, 23, 26, 32 to "Novo-Sobornaya"
Tel. for information:
540730 - Bus Station
412466 - Air Ticket Office
541940, 541941 - Railway Station "Tomsk-1"


"Tomsk", 65 Kirova Str.; tel. (3822)-524115. On the railway station

"Sputnik", 15 Belinskogo Str.; tel. (3822)-526660. By bus to "University"

"Severnaya", 86 Lenin Ave.; tel. (3822)-512324. By bus to "TSUM"

"Sibir", 91 Lenin Ave.; tel. (3822)-527225. By bus to "Glavpochtamt"

Keynote papers

Plenary Session

Conference Hall, Dom Uchenykh

November 17,

Spectral X-Ray Detectors Based on Multi-Element Chromium Compensated
Gallium Arsenide Sensors and Application Specific Integrated Circuits
Anton Tyazhev

Nonlinear Baseband Pulse Radars: Possibilities and Trends
Edward Semyonov

Regular papers

Track 1 (Conference Hall)

Bipolar Reference Pulse Generation Device for Correlation Processing
Boris I. Avdochenko, Vladislav S. Pozdnyakov, Edward V. Semyonov,
Evgenyi I. Trenkal

GaAs pHEMT Traveling Wave Amplifiers up to 50 GHz
D.S. Danilov, A.V. Drozdov, T.M. Batoev, N.D. Malyutin

Evaluating the Level of Electromagnetic Interference Generated by
the ESD Source in the TEM-Cell
Drozdova Anastasiya, Komnatnov Maxim

Development of Half-bridge IC with On-chip Drivers and Power e-HEMT
Based on GaN-on-SOI Platform
Egor S. Polyntsev, Irina Y. Prokazina, Aleksandr I. Bartenev, Alina
A. Sogomonyants, Valery A. Kagadey

Investigation of the Possibility of Damped Sinusoid Decomposition
in a Turn of a Meander Microstrip Line
Georgiy Kim, Roman Surovtsev

Concept for Manufacturing a Microoptoelectromechanical Micro-G Accelerometer
Evgenij S. Barbin, Tamara G. Nesterenko, Aleksej N. Koleda, Evgeniy
V. Shesterikov, Ivan V. Kulinich, Andrey Kokolov

Influence of Etching Time on Per-Unit-Length Parameters of Microstrip
Kuzmin Nikita, Yevgeniy Zhechev

The Effect of Quasi-Chaotic Oscillations Formation in Devices Based
on Strip Structures Containing Bulk LiNbO3 Crystals
Artush A. Arutyunyan, George A. Malyutin, Nickolay D. Malyutin

The Influence of the Dimensions of a Power Bus Bar with a Spiral
Cross-Section on its Inductance and Capacitance
Nikolayev Ilya, Komnatnov Maxim, Gazizov Talgat

Means and Methods for Building-up the Linearity of Broadband Amplifiers
Pavel V. Sak, Galina V. Nikonova, Aleksandr V. Nikonov

Susceptibility of Microcontrollers to Ultra-Short Pulse Electromagnetic
Interferences under the Temperature Influence
Valeriy A. Semenyuk, Artem V. Osintsev, Maxim E. Komnatnov

Compact Bandpass Waveguide Filters with Capacitive or Mixed Couplings
with E plane Symmetry and without E plane Symmetry
Alexandr A. Sorkin

Low-Temperature JFET OpAmp Based On a Folded-Cascode with High Static
Regime Symmetry of Transistors That Determine the Systematic Constituent
of the Offset-Voltage
Vladislav Chumakov, Anna Bugakova, Alexey Titov

Circuitry of Micro-Power JFET and CMOS Input Differential Stages
for Op-Amps on Silicon and Wide-Band Semiconductors
Vladislav Chumakov, Nikolay Prokopenko, Alexey Titov

Application of Sensors in the System of Shell Structures with Flexible
Wearable Electronics
Marina V. Byrdina, Mikhail F. Mitsik, Igor M. Maltsev, Victoria S. Belysheva

The experimental circuits of D-mode GaAs pHEMT serial-to-parallel
converter blocks
Dmitry V. Bilevich, Andrei S. Salnikov, Igor M. Dobush

Using the Method of Analogies in the Construction of a Scalable Low-Signal
Model of a Switching HEMT
Danila A. Luzhaitsev, Artyom O. Turov, Yuri A. Miller, Dmitry S.
Hohol, Elina O. Luzhaitseva

Investigation of Linear Hall-Effect Sensors Based on III?V Compounds
at Pulsed Power Supply Mode
Geliia F. Karlova, Boris I. Avdochenko, Ekaterina A. Belozyorova

Determination of the Complex Permittivity of a Liquid in the Ka Band
from the Interference Dependence of the Reflection Coefficient on
the Layer Thickness
Boris Basanov, Alexander Bazarov, Aryun Bazarova, Bair Garmaev, Evgeniy
Korovin, Evgeniy Atutov

Portable Analytical Device for Bedside Monitoring of the Functional
State of the Hemostasis System
Dmitry Slizevich, Egor Zhukov, Fedor Gubarev

Implementation of Ultrasonic Tomography of Scatterers Based on a
Circular Array
Amoon Khalil

Improving the Distance Measurement Accuracy of Active-Pulse Television
Measuring Systems Using Polynomial Approximation
Aleksey A. Tislenko, Andrey K. Movchan, Viacheslav V. Kapustin

Multi-Area Method of a Depth Map Building with Gain Modulation in
Active-Pulse Television Measuring Systems
Andrey K. Movchan, Viacheslav V. Kapustin, Mikhail I. Kuryachiy,
Elizaveta S. Movhan

Errors in Sensing High-Speed Thermal Radio Emission Processes with
a Compensating Radiometer
Anton V. Ubaychin, Artyom V. Scheglyakov, Tilekbek Abdirasul uulu,
Denis V. Shchepin

Measuring Frequency Characteristics of PCBs with Modal Reservation
before and after Open Circuit Failure under Climatic Impact
Alhaj Hasan Adnan, Talgat R. Gazizov

Optimization of Strip Modal Filters by Random Search Method
Viktoriya Gordeyeva, Anton Belousov

Prospect of Analyzing Integrated Circuits Based on Dataset with Synthesis
Ilya A. Mkrtchan, Dmitry V. Telpukhov, Alexander L. Stempkovsky

Hardware-Software Complex for Analysis and Diagnostics of Supercapacitors
Nikita Moskalenko, Ilya Kovkin, Yuriy Kremzukov

Manufacturing of Hybrid Integrated Circuits Using Additive Printer
Natalia S. Trufanova, Sergey A. Artishchev, Anton G. Loschilov, Eldar
R. Ragimov

Features of Frequency Response Transformations of a RLC Circuits
into Opposite Response at Using them as a Load of Coupled Strip Lines
with Unequal Waves Phase Velocities
Trinh T. Thanh, George A. Malyutin, Anton. G. Loschilov

High-Speed Operational Amplifier with Differentiating Transient Correction
Nikolay N. Prokopenko, OlegV. Dvornikov, Alexey A. Zhuk

Application of Boolean Algebra Methods to the Problem of Measurement
Data Compression
Ilya Bogachev, Alexey Levenets, En Un Chye, Vladislav Bondarenko

Transfer Training of a Neural Network to Improve the Efficiency of
Automatic Recognition of Children Using NVIDIA Jetson Nano
German E. Edel, Natalia Borodina, Marina E. Sukotnova

Detection and Tracking of Sport Players on Videodata Using Deep
Learning Methods
Leonid Ivanovsky, Dmitry Matveev, Vladimir Khryashchev, Alexander Semenov

Improved Voice Activity Detector Based on Stacking Weak Classifiers
Anton Stefanidi, Andrey Priorov, Artem Topnikov, Ekaterina Sidorova

Segmentation of Agricultural Fields on Microwave C-Band SAR Images
Vladimir Khryashchev, Roman Larionov, Nikita Kotov, Alexander Nazarovsky

Problems of Information Transmission Throughthe-Earth for the Implementation
of an Emergency Communication Channel in the Direction "Mine-to-Surface"
by Using Coded Seismoacoustic Signals
Kudinov Danil Sergeevich, Kohonkova Ekaterina Anatolievna, Potylitsyn
Vadim Sergeevich

Extraction of the Envelope of Radio Impulse Signals Using the Digital
Processing Methods Based on Correlation Function and Hilbert Transform
Andrey Sagdiyev, Evgeniy Trenkal, Anton Loschilov, Vladislav Pozdnyakov

FPGA Hardware Implementation of the Yolo Subclass Convolutional Neural
Network Model in Mobile Computer Vision Systems
Evgeniy A. Mytsko, Nikolay G. Markov, Ivan V. Zoev

Selection and Research of Methods Increasing Optical Boundaries Determining
Accuracy of Objects Suitable for Further FPGA Implementation
Yury A. Chursin, Ruslan A. Nurmukhametov

Geoinformational approach to assessing the accessibility for urban areas
Aleksey V. Kurlov, Andrey V. Materuhin, Andrey V. Dresvyanin, Oleg
G. Gvozdev

Design of Expert System Elements for Solving Electromagnetic
Compatibility Problems
Alexey A. Kvasnikov, Artem V. Osintsev, Sergey P. Kuksenko

System for Detecting Dynamic Objects on Video Sequence Frames
Vladislav Laptev, Olga Gerget, Nikita Laptev

Up-To-Date Libraries for Handwriting Recognition
Vladislav Vanyashin

Open Source Library of Human Models for Gazebo Simulator
N. Tukhtamanov, E. Chebotareva, T. Tsoy, R. Lavrenov, M. Svinin, E. Magid

Track 2 (Small Hall)

Frequency and Phase Responses of the Combined UWB antenna
Yury Andreev, Vyacheslav Plisko, Evgeny Balzovsky, Elizabeth Kuznetzova

Ultra Wideband Compact Vavaldi Radiator with 3:1 Bandwidth
Armen V. Gevorkyan

Application of Twisted Radio Waves in a Polarization Radiolocation
Dmitry Ponamarev

Application of the "TerraZond" Wide Coverage Georadar for Sounding
the Roadbed
Sergey Shipilov, Ilya Tseplyaev, Rail Satarov, Dmitry Romanov

Modeling of Complex Electrodynamic Objects Based on a Combined Approach
Igor Lvovich, Yakov Lvovich, Andrey Preobrazhenskiy, Yuriy Preobrazhenskiy,
Tatyana Avetisyan

Room Frequency Response Equalization Using Modified X-Filtered Adaptive
Victor Djigan

Rectangular Partially Adaptive Antenna Array in Real-Valued Arithmetic
Victor Djigan

Structure Generation of Recursive Digital Formers of Harmonic Signal Samples
Vladislav Lesnikov, Tatiana Naumovich, Alexander Chastikov

Discretization of z-Plane Due to Quantization of Coefficients of
IIR Allpass Filters
Vladislav Lesnikov, Tatiana Naumovich, Alexander Chastikov

Outage Probability of MIMO Communication System under the Influence
of Correlated Phase Noise
Alexander Parshin, Yuri Parshin

Experimental study of the electrical characteristics of a modal filter
on a double-sided PCB without an upper reference conductor
Maria A. Samoylichenko, Yevgeniy S. Zhechev, Talgat R. Gazizov

Improving the Radioelectronic Device Simulation Quality by Using
a Step Recovery Diode
Gleb M. Shevchenko, Edward V. Semyonov

Four-Layer Reflection-Symmetric Structure in Common and Differential Modes
Vlasov Sergey, Yevgeniy Zhechev

Integrated Management Model of Distributed Information Systems in
Conditions of Destructive Impact
Vladimir V. Baranov, Alexander A. Shelupanov

Steganographic method of embedding data in images for transmission
over a noisy communication channel
Elena Medvedeva, Igor Trubin, Denis Kuzminykh

Survey of Security Threat and Attack Scenario for Commercial UAVs
Elena Sergeevna Basan, Mikhailova Vasilisa Dmitrievna, Silin Oleg
Igorevich, Lesnikov Alexander Alexandrovich, Mogilny Anton Bogdanovich

Exploring Security Testing Methods for Cyber-Physical Systems
Elena Basan, Vasilisa Mikhailova, Maria Shulika

Application of Blockchain Technology for Verification of State Documents
in the Russian Federation
Mikhail V. Vladimirov, Pavel V. Senchenko, Anatoly A. Sidorov

Thermal Residue-Based Password Attacks and the Ways to Counteract the Same
Elizaveta A. Prozorova

Functional Modeling as a Basis for Classifying Security Threats
Anrton A. Konev

Protection of Documented Information from Falsification Based on
Speckle Patterns
D. P. Balandin, M. N. Osipov, R. N. Sergeev

Method for Selecting Indicators of Data Compromise
Vadim Kartak, Nail Bashmakov

Architecture of a Multistage Anomaly Detection System in Computer Networks
Mikhail Grekov

Scheduling PD-NOMA with Round-Robin, Equal-Rate and Proportional-Fair
Andrey Brovkin, Yakov Kryukov, Dmitriy Pokamestov, Evgeniy Rogozhnikov,
Georgiy Shalin, Artyom Shinkevich

SCMA-LDPC coded communication system
Dmitriy Pokamestov, Georgiy Shalin, Artem Shinkevich, Eugeniy Rogozhnikov,
Yakov Kryukov, Edgar Dmitriyev

Calculation of 5G Signal Attenuation on a Highway with Difficult
Terrain and Mixed Forest
Vegera Denis Vladimirovich, Zhiba Grigoriy Vyacheslavovich, Novikova
Agata Alekseevna

Estimating Data Transmission Range in a Wooded Area via the Lora Channel
Anton K. Pashchenko, Alexander A. Bombizov

Experimental Study of Sequential and Random Channel Hopping for
Detecting Wi-Fi Access Points
Dmitry S. Burenok

Assessment of the Quality of Brick Products by the Method of Machine Vision
Mikhail Kataev, Eugeny Kartashov, Roman Karpov

UAV Image Analysis for Road Violation Detection
Mikhail Kataev, Eugeny Kartashov, Vladislav Avdeenko

Image Processing Technique for Unmaned Motor Glider for Forest Fire Detection
Mikhail Kataev, Eugeny Kartashov

Computer Attacks Simulation in IIoT Systems
Kirill Tsimbalov, Dmitry Bragin, Vitalii Moseichuk, Artur Mitsel

Problems of Building Infrastructure Vehicular ad hoc Networks Based
on SD-WAN Technologies
Yuri Ushakov, Yuri Ushakov, Leonid Legashev

Laboratory Stand for Study Process Dynamics and Control
Roman Barashkin, Vladimir Popadko, Shokhrukh Abdivoitov

Application of geometric invariants in the problem of trajectory
tracking for UAVs
Mikhail Khachumov

Subordinate Control System of Buck Converter
Danil Lyapunov, Sergey Lyapushkin, Anton Yudintsev

Door Handle Detection Modelling for Servosila Engineer Robot in
Gazebo Simulator
Renat Abdulganeev, Roman Lavrenov, Ramil Safin, Yang Bai, Evgeni Magid

Determination of the Steepness of the Discriminatory Characteristic
for the Meter of non-Energy Parameters of the Signal
Vladimir Ivanovich Volovach, Vladimir Mikhaylovich Artyushenko

ROS Network Security for a Swing Doors Automation in a Robotized Hospital
Sergey Lychko, Sergey Lychko, Hongbing Li, Edgar A. Mart'nez-Garc'a,
Evgeni Magid

Correlation Functions of the Noise Modulation Function under the
Influence of Stationary and Slow Multiplicative Noise
Vladimir Ivanovich Volovach, Vladimir Mikhaylovich Artyushenko

Simulation of the Step-Down DC-DC converter with Si- and SiC-diodes
Nikita Yu. Burtsev, Olesya A. Kozhemyak

Development of a Portable Indoor Air Analysis System
Nikita Y. Ligostaev, Stanislav N. Torgaev, Olesya A. Kozhemyak

A Review on Collaborative Robots in Industrial and Service Sectors
Ramir Sultanov, Shifa Sulaiman, Hongbing Li, Roman Meshcheryakov,
Evgeni Magid

================ Join the IEEE! So good. So useful. ================

Oleg Stukach
President and Founder
Tomsk IEEE Chapter & Student Branch

================= https://tomsk.chapters.comsoc.org ================


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