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Сибирская секция IEEE

N 1341 21 сентября 2012 г. Сибирская секция IEEE
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Конференция ИФАК - MIM 2013


Конференция MIM 2013, организуемая ИФАК, продолжает ряд мероприятий
по моделированию, управлению и менеджменту, ранее проводимых как
семинары. Предыдущая конференция MIM состоялась в г. Будапеште,
Венгрия, в 2007 г. MIM-2013 - это новый шаг в развитии традиций MIM,
ее областей и целей. Конференция MIM 2013 спонсируется техническим
комитетом ИФАК 5.2 и совместно спонсируется многими комитетами ИФАК,
так же как и другими научными обществами при организационной
поддержке Института проблем управления им. В.А. Трапезникова.
ИПУ РАН - намоленное и незабываемое место, хорошо известный институт
по всем вопросам управления, организатор многих значительных научных
событий, среди которых очень успешный симпозиум INCOM'09.

Уникальная привлекательная особенность MIM 2013 состоит в том, что
москвичи организуют конференцию в уникальном месте в уникальное время.

Санкт-Петербург. Июнь.

Всемирно известный город, основанный в 1703 г. первым российским
Императором Петром Великим, Санкт-Петербург представит вам невероятную
атмосферу: очаровательные белые ночи, реки, каналы, мосты и
неподражаемая архитектура, которая навсегда останется с вами.
Заседания MIM-2013 будут проводиться в главном корпусе
Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета, историческом
здании Двенадцати коллегий, правительства России Петра Великого.
Здание в стиле петровского барокко стоит на набережной реки Невы в
историческом центре Санкт-Петербурга, и как нельзя кстати для
организации больших научных форумов.

И, конечно, культурная программа MIM-2013 будет полностью
соответствовать мероприятию, городу и времени года. Не смотря на все
ее великолепие, культурная программа конференции может быть
полностью выражена в нескольких словах: царство воды и архитектуры.
Единственные, что мы можем добавить к этому приглашению, -

"Царство воды и архитектуры"... Реально красиво написано.
Я обязательно украду эту идею, правда не знаю, как это будет
выглядеть у нас. С водой проблемы, архитектура догорает или гниет...
Зато термин "сезон черных дней" уже застолблен.

И вообще, автор этого первого сообщения говорил мне, что если ученый
может написать доклад по-английски, то прочитает и первое сообщение.
Так что читайте дальше сами, как можете.

International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC)


PLM and product design support systems
Virtual reality
Mass customization
Design and reconfiguration of manufacturing systems
Facility planning and materials handling
Inventory control, production planning and scheduling
Pricing and outsourcing
Supply chains and networks
Modeling, simulation, control and monitoring of manufacturing processes
Robotics in manufacturing
Probabilistic & statistical models in industrial plant control
Maintainability, reliability, safety and dependability of production systems
Monitoring, diagnosis and maintenance of manufacturing systems
Quality management
Process modeling and information systems within the extended enterprise
Architectures and models for intelligent manufacturing systems
Sensor networks, ubiquitous computing, active identifiers, wireless
communication in manufacturing
Knowledge management in production
Distributed systems and multi-agents technologies
Artificial intelligence and machine learning approaches
Complex adaptive systems and emergent synthesis in manufacturing
Discrete event systems in manufacturing
Simulation technologies
Operational research
Industrial and applied mathematics for production


MIM '2013 sessions will take place in the main building of the Saint
Petersburg State University, the historical building of the Twelve
Collegia, the government of Russia of the Peter the Great. This Petrine
era, Petrine Baroque building was designed by Domenico Trezzini and
Theodor Schwertfeger and built from 1722 to 1744 at an embankment
of the Neva river at the historical center of Saint Petersburg, providing
at present complete technological facilities for the organization
of large scientific forums.


September 01, 2012
Deadline for submission of invited sessions

October 01, 2012
Deadline for submission of papers (full-lenght (6 pages) draft papers)

February 1, 2013
Notification of papers acceptance/rejection

April 15, 2013
Final papers submission and early registration

June 19-21, 2013 MIM '2013


TC 2.4 on Optimal Control
TC 3.2 on Computational Intelligence in Control
TC 4.1 on Components and Technologies for Control
TC 4.2 on Mechatronic Systems
TC 5.1 on Manufacturing Plant Control
TC 5.3 on Enterprise Integration and Networking
TC 5.4 on Large Scale Complex Systems
TC 9.1 on Economic, Business, and Financial Systems


All papers presented at MIM '2013 will be published in the IFAC Papers
On-line Proceedings and will be considered for submissions to IFAC
affiliated journals, involving Automatica, Control Engineering Practice,
Annual Reviews in Control, Journal of Process Control, Engineering
Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Mechatronics.

General Scientific Chair: Stanislav Vassilyev
General Scientific Co-Chair: Rafael Yusupov
IPC Chair: Alexandre Dolgui
IPC Vice-Chair from Industry: Juri Morzhin
NOC Chair: Natalia Bakhtadze
NOC Vice-Chair from Industry: Vladimir Dozortsev
Scientific Editor: Vladimir Lototsky

Members of International Program Committee (IPC)
V.L. Aphonin (RU)
C. Artigues (FR)
R. Askin (US)
Z. Banaszak (PL)
L. Benyoucef (FR)
Y. Bukchin (IL)
J. Bartholdi (US)
T. Borangiu (RO)
S. Cavalieri (IT)
M. Dessouky (US)
C. Diedrich (DE)
S.V. Emeljanov (RU)
I.B. Fedorov (RU)
E. Erel (TR)
D. Ivanov (DE)
E.L. Itskovich (RU)
P. Fleming (UK)
G. Frey (DE)
S. Fujii (JP)
M. Garetti (IT)
S. Gershwin (US)
R. Glardon (CH)
K. Goldberg (US)
B. Grabot (FR)
S. Graves (US)
R. Grubbstrom (SE)
J.C. Hennet (FR)
T. Kaihara (JP)
G.Z. Kaziev (KZ)
D. Kiritsis (CH)
V.V. Kulba (RU)
A.P. Kurdyukov (RU)
A.B. Kurzhanski (RU)
A. Kusiak (US)
G. Levin (BY)
V.A. Lototsky (RU)
A.S. Mandel (RU)
D. McFarlane (UK)
G.V. Merkuryeva (LV)
A.Y.C. Nee (SG)
S. Nof (US)
D.A. Novikov (RU)
C. O'Brien (UK)
A. Pashkevich (FR)
E. Pesch (DE)
Y.S. Popkov (RU)
J.M. Proth (FR)
E.Y. Rubinovich (RU)
S. Sarin (US)
T. Sawik (PL)
Y.B. Senichenkov (RU)
S. Sethi (US)
D. Simchi-Levi (US)
T.K. Sirazetdinov (RU)
A.V. Smirnov (RU)
B.V. Sokolov (RU)
L. Sotirov (BU)
D. Spath (DE)
M. Taisch (IT)
P. Valckenaers (BE)
S.N. Vassilyev (RU)
A. Verlan (UA)
F. Vernadat (LU)
A. Villa (IT)
S.A.В Vlasov (RU)
V. Vyatkin (NZ)
D.J. Williams (UK)
C. Wang (CN)
C. Yano (US)
F. Yalaoui (FR)
I.B. Yadykin (RU)
R.M. Yusupov (RU)
O. Zaikin (PL)
M. Zaremba (CA)

Members of National Organizing Committee (NOC)

K.R. Chernyshov (NOC Vice-Chair), Y.B. Senichenkov (NOC Vice-Chair),
B.V. Sokolov (NOC Vice-Chair), N.I. Aristova, E.Ph. Jharko, E.M.
Maximov, E.O. Mizyakina, I.V. Nikulina, M.V. Pyatnitskaya, E.A. Sakrutina,
S.A. Vlasov


Early Registration (by April 15, 2013) Late Registration
Full Registration 500 600
Students 300 360
Accompanying person 250 300

All types of the registration fees include: attendance to all sessions,
participant's kit with the Conference preprints and accessories,
coffee-breaks and lunches, participation in the social events (welcome
reception, Conference banquet, and farewell party), and the visa

Meanwhile, the full registration fee enables upload of any number
of papers of the registered author, at the same time the student
registration fee enables upload of one paper of the author registered
as a student. Paper upload for the guest registration fee is disabled.


A paper not presented takes away a slot from another author and creates
a hole in the session, which can inconvenience both the audience
and organizers. Therefore, as prescribed by the IFAC regulations,
no-show papers will not appear in the Conference Proceedings published
at IFAC-PapersOnLine.net nor be considered for publication in the
special issues after conference.


As mentioned on the main page of the web-site, the MIM '2013 Social
Program will completely correspond to the meaningful of the event,
the city, and the time of year. In spite of its resplendence, the
Social Program may nevertheless be described in few words: the Kingdom
of Water and Architecture.

The Social Program will be consist of a number of social events
(covered by all types of the registration fees) and an excursion
program (for additional fees).

The set of social events will include:

June 19 - Welcome Reception in a restaurant, close to the venue,
with a panoramic view on the Neva river and its embankments.

June 20 - Conference Banquet at a boat traveling over the Neva river.

June 21 - Farewell Party in a restaurant, close to the venue, with
a panoramic view on the Neva river and its embankments.

The excursion program will include a boat site-seeing tour over rivers
and channels of Saint Petersburg, and an boat-trip excursion to the
world-famous Peterhof, a city of fountains, palaces and parks.

Also, the attendees will be able to order additional excursions
in accordance to their wish.

Corresponding detailed information will be provided soon.


MIM '2013 NOC working group: Dr. Kirill Chernyshov, e-mail: noc@mim2013.org,
telephone/fax +7 (495) 334 8990.
Postal address: V.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences,
65 Profsoyuznaya Street, Moscow 117997, Russia.



Please, prepare an electronic version of your paper according to
the following Style and Format.

The Paper should be prepared according to the IFAC LaTeX file:
ifacconf-latex.zip. The package for IFAC papers consists of the following

The ifacconf.cls class style file for papers
The ifacconf.tex sample paper file
Some auxiliary files

Other than the sample file, there is no specific instruction on how
to use the ifacconf.cls document class. Moreover, several requirements
on the pdf files and the style of the manuscript are imposed. Briefly,

PDF version 1.4 or less

All fonts must be embedded in the file. Subsetting fonts is recommended

Bitmap (type 3) fonts are not allowed

Fonts that require non-English language support (e.g. CJK fonts)
are not allowed

The file must contain searchable code. Scanned files are not acceptable

The document must not have any password protection

The document must not have any links or bookmarks

The number of pages and the file size must satisfy the conference
requirements: 6 pages, 2 MB

For Authors using Microsoft Word the compressed file ifacconf-office.zip
is available containing the following files:

The ifaconf.doc file, which can be used as a template for IFAC
paper files

The ifaconf_sample_office PDF file

More details, instructions and template files for IFAC papers can
be found here:


All the paper submissions should be carried out through the official
conference manuscript management system: http://ifac.papercept.net.

Please take into account the available option of automatic PDF
Conversion: If you are preparing your file using MS-Word or LaTeX,
the system can convert your file to Xplore PDF compliant file automatically.
At the point when you are asked to upload your file, instead of already
created PDF file, you can

MS-Word: Upload your MS-Word file in the required form, the PDF
file will be created for you. Please inspect the file and if margins
are within prescribed gray background, you can simply click on Submit
button to deposit your file.

Make sure that the path to your MS-Word file or its name does not
contain non-ASCII characters.

LaTeX1: Upload your LaTeX source file together will all images,
style files in a SINGLE zip archive. The main LaTeX file must be
called root.tex. Make sure that the path to your zip file or its
name does not contain non-ASCII characters.

Documents prepared using "Scientific Workplace" or "Scientific
Word" are not supported.

Templates for MS-Word as well as LaTeX can be downloaded from IFAC
website here.


Papers submitted to a special track or session, are those that focus
on the topics of an announced special Track or session (authors auto
decide). For a submission of this type, please use the "invited paper"
option in the submission system, and the code of the corresponding
Track (see http://mim2013.org/...) or session (see http://mim2013.org/...).

Regular papers and those submitted to special session or tracks
are considered in the same manner during the peer review process
which is independent from the organizers of the tracks and sessions.

Indeed, the special tracks and sessions are organized to enhance
some particulars topics. These tracks and sessions are open to any
participant (not limited to only those already invited by the track
or session chairman).


The final paper submission will be opened on February 1 to April
15, 2013. Before the final paper submission, at least one of the
paper authors is to be registered with the full or student (if applicable)
registration fee. The full registration fee enables upload of any
number of papers of the registered author, while the student registration
fee enables upload of one paper of the author registered as a student.


The material submitted for presentation at an IFAC meeting (Congress,
Symposium, Conference, Workshop) must be original, not published
or being considered elsewhere. All papers included in the program
will be distributed to the participants. Proceedings of the IFAC
Congress, Symposia, Conferences and Workshops will be hosted on-line
on the IFAC-PapersOnLine.net website. The presented papers will be
further screened for possible publication in the IFAC Journals (Automatica,
Control Engineering Practice, Annual Reviews in Control, Journal
of Process Control, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence,
and Mechatronics), or in IFAC affiliated journals. All papers presented
will be recorded as an IFAC Publication.

Copyright of material presented at an IFAC meeting is held by IFAC.
Authors will be required to transfer copyright electronically and/or
in hard copy. The IFAC Journals and, after these, IFAC affiliated
journals have priority access to all contributions presented. However,
if the author is not contacted by an editor of these journals, within
three months after the meeting, he/she is free to submit an expanded
version of the presented material for journal publication elsewhere.
In this case, the paper must carry a reference to the IFAC meeting
where it was originally presented and, if the paper has appeared
on the website www.IFAC-PapersOnLine.net, also a reference to this

================ Join the IEEE! So good. So useful. ================
Oleg Stukach
President and Founder http://chapters.comsoc.org/tomsk
Tomsk IEEE Chapter & Student Branch еmаil ieee[at]main.tusur.ru
TPU, CAMSAM Dept., 30 Lenin Avenue, Tomsk, 634050, Russia


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