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Сибирская секция IEEE

N 967 10 февраля 2009 г. Сибирская секция IEEE
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27-28 МАРТА 2009 г.

Technical Program


Application of the SDR Technique to the GNSS World: Improvements to Realise a Complete Receiver
Simone Barbera, Marina Ruggieri, Mirko Antonini, Cosimo Stallo

Intelligent Traffic Management System
Jawdat J. Alshaer, Vasily V. Gubarev

A parallel Algorithm for Reliability Optimization of Communications Systems
Elmira Y. Kalimulina

Leader Election in Peer-to-Peer Systems
Atef A. Obeidat, Vasily V. Gubarev

Content Delivery Network Probability-Time Characteristics Analysis
К.P. Vintural, D.U. Ponomarev

Study of Pulse Shaping Filter in WCDMA under different interferences
A.S. Kang, Er Vishal Sharma

The Approximate Analysis of Reliability of Large-Scale Parallel Communication Networks with Various Subsystem Configuration
Elmira Y. Kalimulina

Reliability Data Delivery System
J.G. Yakimova, A.A. Lapin, A.V. Petrov

A New Method of Analysis of the Simulation for the Network Data Transfer in Real Time
Igor Sychev, Irina Sycheva

Secure Data Harvesting in the Federation of Repositories Managed by Multi Agent Systems
T. M. Orzechowski, A. Zeja, A. Dziech

Managing of Information Security with Outsource Service Provider
E. Beybutov

Ultra-Wideband Concepts Applied to W Band Telecommunications
M. Lucente, T. Rossi, C. Stallo, D. Valente, E. Cianca, M. Ruggieri, S. Barbera

Automatic Control

Recurrent Identification of Autoregression in the Presence of Observation Noises in Output Signal
D.V. Ivanov, O.A. Katsyuba

Adjusting Stiffness of Air Spring and Damping of Oil Damper Using Fuzzy Controller for Vehicle Seat Vibration Isolation
Senad Huseinbegovic, Omer Tanovic

Applications of Nonlinear Time-Series Analysis in Unstable Periodic Orbits Identification
Cosmin Ivan, Alexandru Serbanescu

An Information Theoretic Approach to Neural Network Based System Identification
Kirill R. Chernyshov

Parameter Estimations of Multivariable Linear Dynamic Systems in the Presence of Handicaps in Input and Output Signals in the Conditions of the Aprioristic Indeterminate Form
O.A. Katsyba, E.B. Kozlov

Methods and Software for the Program Obfuscation
O.O. Shevtsova, D.N. Buintsev

Synthesis of the Position Controller for the Pneumatic Actuator
Nikolay A. Markov, Ilya A. Shipitko, Taras V. Bezruchko

Modification of Neural Network by the Self-Organization Method
K.A. Neusipin, D.O. Sholohov

Fast Algorithm Implementation for Blind Signal Separation
Aliaksandr Padvitselski, Uladzimir Lutkouski

Description of the Digital Filter by the State Space Method
A.V. Mokeev

The Monitoring System of Technical Condition of the Vehicle Brake Systems
A.V. Kozlov, V.I. Yurchenko

Semiconductor Materials, Sensors, and Electron Devices

Periodic Semiconductor Structures with Metamaterials
Maria V. Golovkina

Study of GaSe1-xSx Properties for Terahertz Applications
S.Yu. Sarkisov, Yu.M. Andreev, V.V. Atuchin, A.N. Morozov, A.V. Kazakov, C.-W. Luo, S.A. Ku

Using Transient Response of Tin Oxide Gas Sensor for Measuring Hydrogen Concentration
O.V. Anisimov, N.K. Maksimova, E.Y. Sevastyanov, N.V. Sergeychenko

Excitation of Acoustic Modes in Chalcogenide Layer As2S3 on YZ-cut of Lithium Niobate
Rinat Taziev

Multielement Structure of Mechanical Resonant Sensors and Optical Readout System for Acoustic Signal Analysis
Andrei G. Paulish, Victor N. Fedorinin

The Investigation of Current Sensitivity of the Multielement Ultraviolet Detector Based on GaAs
D. Mokeev, A. Zarubin

Measurements of Electric Potential in GaAs Detectors Using Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy
О.G. Kaztaev, V.A. Novikov, I.V. Ponomarev

S-Diode with Optical Control
M.S. Skakunov, I.A. Prudaev, A.A. Bachnaruk

X-Ray Image Converter Based on GaAs-ZnS Structures
V.M. Kalygina, A.V. Tyahzev, T.M. Yaskevich

Transformation of Current-Voltage Characteristics of GaAs p-n-n-Structures under Modification of p-Layer Resistance
I.A. Prudaev, M.S. Skakunov, S.S. Khludkov

Research of the Creation Opportunity of Matrix X-ray Gallium Arsenide Detector
D.G. Prokopyev, M.A. Lelekov, A.N. Duchko, A.Y. Yushenko

Sensitivity to NH3 of SnO2 Thin Films Prepared by Magnetron Sputtering
O.V. Anisimov, N.K. Maksimova, E.V. Chernikov, E.Y. Sevastyanov, N.V. Sergeychenko

20-140 keV X-ray Sensitivity of GaAs Detectors
A.N. Zarubin, D.Y. Mokeev, A.V. Tyazhev

Surface Acoustic Wave Properties in Sr3NbGa3Si2O14 Single Crystal
Rinat Taziev

Possibility of Nonequilibrium Phase Transitions in Silicon and Germanium Radiation Effect Systems
E.P. Prokopiev, S.P. Timoshenkov, Al.S. Timoshenkov, D.K. Grigoriev, An.S. Timoshenkov

Synthesis and Characterization of Tin Oxide Nanoribbons and Nanowires
El-Shazly M.A. Duraia, Z.A. Mansurov, S.Zh. Tokmoldin, V.V. Klimenov, I.S. Nevmerzhitsky, A.M. Dochshanov

Increase Sensitivity of the Sensor Based on Bipolar Magnetotransistor by Minimization Initial Output Offset
R.D. Tikhonov, A.V. Kozlov, Yu.A. Chernova, S.A. Polomoshnov

Anisotropic Magnetoresistive Sensor of Magnetic Field and Current
V.V. Amelichev, I.A. Gamarts, S.A. Polomoshnov

Influence of the Annealing on the Parameters of Shottky Barriers to Sulfur Treated n-GaAs
E.V. Erofeev, V.A. Kagadei, T. V. Zaretzkaya

Study of the Optical and Magnetic Properties Multilayer ZnO-CoO Films
D.M. Mukhamedshina, E.V. Gritskova, K.A. Mit'

Optimization of the Self-Aligned GaAs MESFET with the Multilayer Dielectric "Dummy Gate" for a High Power Microwave Applications
V.S. Arykov, A.M. Gavrilova, V.A. Kagadei

The BiFET-Technology Voltage Analog Multipliers Based on the Radiation Resis-tant ABMC "Integral"
N.N. Prokopenko, A.I. Serebryakov, D.N. Konev

Parallel Switching on the Coordinate Switchboard IMS C004
D. Kutuzov

Device of Information Processing Based on the Matrix Switchboard
A. Osovsky

Experimental Results on Ultra Wide Band Pulse Propagation in Three-Conductor Power Cables of Flat and Circular Cross Sections
Т.R. Gazizov, А.М. Zabolotsky, I. E. Samotin

The Analysis of Restoration Time for Electronic Devices of Control Systems
Viktor Stupak

Virtual Measurement System of Electric Parameters of Microplasma Processes
Valery N. Borikov, Pavel F. Baranov, Anna D. Bezshlyakh

Frequency Modulation in Microwave Phase Lock Loop Synthesizers
A.V. Gorevoi

Definition of the Active Contact Structure on Volt-Ampere Characteristics of the Transistor Structure
O.N. Kulikov, N.N. Kulikova

Subsurface Radar and Remote Sensing

Improving Principles of Construction and Development of Circuits for HF Receiving Multichannel Antenna Systems
V.S. Budyak, A.A. Vorfolomeev

Non-Contact Nondestructive Rail Testing
D. Kudinov, G. Shaydurov

Specification of the Middle-Latitude Ionosphere's Parameters for Increase of Calculation's Authenticity of Fading Depth at Transionospheric Propagation
Alexander F. Chipiga

Bistatic Two-Antenna Scanning in Microwave Imaging
Vasil A. Pahomov, Vladimir G. Semenchik, Sergey V. Kurilo

Ultrasonic Borehole Depth-Gauge
A.I. Soldatov, J.V. Chiglintseva

The Optics-Electronics Quality Monitoring of the Hydraulic Constructions Contour
M.N. Susloparov, G.Ya. Shaydurov

Past, Present and Future of the Ground Penetration Radar Technologies
S.P. Lukyanov, O.V. Stukach

Possibility of definition of the Strength Performance of the Reinforced-Concrete Structures by GPR
E.N. Bikzhanov, S.P. Lukyanov

Resolution Increase Methods at the GPR Sounding
E.V. Semenchuk, S.P. Lukyanov

GPR Positioning Unit for Control and Diagnostics of Roads and Airfields
R.A. Stepanov, V.A. Pavlov, S.P. Lukyanov

The Input Circuit Design of GPR
R.A. Stepanov, S.P. Lukyanov

Use of the Wavelet Transformations for Detection and Recognition of the Small Size and Low Contrast Burried Objects
E.V. Semenchuk, S.P. Lukyanov

Evaluate of the Technical Condition of Roads by GPR
I.A. Chernyi, S.P. Lukyanov

Short Course

Advantages and Trends in the Modern Optics Metamaterials Development
Maria V. Golovkina

================ Join the IEEE! So good. So useful. ================
Oleg Stukach
President and Founder http://www.comsoc.org/tomsk
Tomsk IEEE Chapter & Student Branch еmаil ieee[at]main.tusur.ru
TPU, CAMSAM Dept., 30 Lenin Avenue, Tomsk, 634050, Russia


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