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Сибирская секция IEEE

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Сибирская секция IEEE !! N 229 от 26.4.2002

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N 229  April 26, 2002              Tomsk IEEE Chapter
                          IEEE Only! IEEE Forever! Join Today!

Трудно поверить, но общество "цепи и системы" IEEE предлагает
бесплатное членство. Подробнее о программе вы можете узнать
по ссылкке http://www.ieee-cas.org/student_promo-2002.html

Date: Tue, 02 Apr 2002 03:02:07 +0200
From: c.borgert@t-online.de (Christian Borgert)
Organization: IEEE Region 8
To: IEEE Region 8 Student Branches <sb-r08@ieee.org>
CC: IEEE Region 8 SAC <reg08-sac@ieee.org>
Subject: Great News for your Membership Development - Half Year Cycle has begun!
Sender: owner-sb-r08@majordomo.ieee.org
Reply-To: c.borgert@t-online.de (Christian Borgert)
X-Listname: sb-r08

Hi folks,

today I have some great news for you: The half year cycle for 6-month
starting membership within IEEE has begun!

This is quite a good tool for getting new members at your university.
Try to convince your colleagues at school that IEEE Membership is a
useful thing.

To support this idea one of our Societies offers all new Student
Members of IEEE

      F R E E     M E M B E R S H I P ! ! !

It's hard to believe - please check the details on
http://www.ieee-cas.org/student_promo-2002.html and feel as happy as I am!

By the way, it's also time to define the projects of your Student Branch
for the next 6 months. Feel free to share your thoughts with me and
don't hesitate to ask for funding of great, new ideas with impact on our
Region 8!

I wish you all the best and I am looking forward to hearing from you!

Have a great day & take care,


Christian Borgert --- c.borgert@ieee.org
 - IEEE Region 8 Vice Chair Student Activities 2001/2002 -
Bluecherstr. 20a, D-79539 Loerrach, Germany
phone: +49 7621 420270 --- mobile: +49 172 5206722
FAX: +49 172 5207371 --- at work: +49 7622 397-276


E-mail: ask@subscribe.ru
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