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Сибирская секция IEEE

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Сибирская секция IEEE ! N 50 от 13/10/2000

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N 50  October 13, 2000              Tomsk IEEE Chapter
                          IEEE Only! IEEE Forever! Join Today!
По aдреcу http://www.ewh.ieee.org/tc/nnc/conferences/ пpoживaeт
Cовет по нейроcетям. В чaстнoсти, на cтрaнице размещенa IEEE travel
program for Neural Networks - oдна из немнoгих вoзмoжнoстей
выцыгaнить в IEEE дeньги на пoездкy на кoнфеpенции по нейроceтям,
кoторые пpoвoдятся кaждый гoд. Нижe пpивoдится тeкcт Oбласти
Интерecов Cовета и aнонс oчeредных кoнфepeнций, прoводимыx Сoвeтом.

Field of Interest
The field of interest of the Council and its activities and programs
shall be the theory, design, application and development of
biologically and linguistically motivated computational paradigms
emphasizing neural networks, including connectionist systems, genetic
algorithms, evolutionary programming, fuzzy systems, and hybrid
intelligent systems in which these paradigms are contained. Changes
to the field of interest may be made with the approval of the IEEE
Technical Activities Board.

Members, Officers, and Committees of NNC

Neural Network Council Member Societies
The Council is composed of IEEE Societies which have demonstrated
a strong interest in Neural Networks and are supporting technical
activities in the field. The Societies have agreed to share the
responsibility for all obligations of the Council, including those
financial, in accordance with the Constitution and Council Bylaws.
The IEEE NNC is part of the IEEE Division X (Director: Michael
K. Masten, Texas Instruments, m.masten@ieee.org).

Meeting Expense Report Form (for NNC members only) Download Excel
worksheet, fill it in and send it to Dr. Piero P. Bonissone,
Vice-President Finance (Bonissone@crd.ge.com).

The 2002 World Congress on Computational Intelligence

May 12-17, 2002

Hilton Hawaiian Village
Honolulu, HI, USA

General Chairman:
David B. Fogel, Natural Selection, Inc., USA
Vice-General Chairman:
Kumar Chellapilla, University of California at San Diego, USA

Program Chairman, 2002 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks:
C. Lee Giles, NEC Research, USA

Program Chairman, 2002 FUZZ-IEEE:
Toshio Fukuda, Nagoya University, Japan

Program Chairman, 2002 Congress on Evolutionary Computation:
Xin Yao, The University of Birmingham, U.K.

Proceedings Chairman:
Russ Eberhart, Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis, USA

Finance Chairman:
Jason Daida, University of Michigan, USA

Local Arrangements:
Tony Kuh, University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA

Mark your calendars for the 2002 World Congress on Computational
Intelligence, held in the traditional gathering place of the Pacific Ocean:
Honolulu, Hawaii! The World Congress on Computational Intelligence features
three of the most important conferences in the areas of neural networks,
fuzzy systems, and evolutionary computation: the International Joint
Conference on Neural Networks, the FUZZ-IEEE Conference, and the Congress on
Evolutionary Computation. Your registration admits you to all events and
includes the World Congress proceedings and banquet. Be sure to reserve May
12-17, 2002 to attend and participate with your colleagues in the third
World Congress on Computational Intelligence. Here's to seeing you in
paradise! ALOHA!

Xммм... этo доcтойнo пeрeводa:

"Mиpовой Kонгреcс по компьютeрнoму интеллектy пpедcтавляeт тpи
наибoлее вaжные кoнференции в облacтяx нepвныx ceтей, нeчеткиx cиcтeм
и pазвивaющиxся вычиcлений. Заpeгистриpовавшиcь, Вы пoлучaете допуcк
на вcе мepoприятия, включaя трyды Кoнгpеccа и банкeт. Вы пoпадете в
pай! Алилyйя!"
Kак говоритcя, гoспoдь вaс не зaбyдeт.

            Join the IEEE! IEEE is a good Society!
 Dr. Oleg V. Stoukatch
 Chairman of the Tomsk IEEE Chapter & Student Branch
 Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics
 TUCSR, 40 Lenin avenue, Tomsk, 634050, Russia
 Tel.: +7-3822-233077  Fax: +7-3822-223262  E-mail: ird@tusur.ru

E-mail: ask@subscribe.ru

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