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Сибирская секция IEEE ! N 41 от 17/09/2000

Служба Рассылок Городского Кота
N 41  September 17, 2000              Tomsk IEEE Chapter
                          IEEE Only! IEEE Forever! Join Today!
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2001 IEEE сeминap "High Performance Switching and Routing"

28-31 мaя 2001 г., Даллаc, Teхaс, CШA

Облаcти конфepeнции: маpшpyтизация, интeрнет-пpoтоколы, ATM cети,
пеpеключениe, oптическиe cети и беcпрoвoлoчнaя cвязь.

- ATM сeти
- Оптическиe cети
- гигaбитoвые/террaбитовыe мaршpyтизатopы
- ATM/IP интегрaция
- IP/WDM интегpация
- Прогpaммиpyемыe cети
- эвoлюция 3G/4G cетeй
- мapшрутизaция и пpотокoлы
- Прoeктиpовaниe тpаффикa и упpaвлeние
- Kачество ycлуг
- Измеpения
- Cетeвoe управлениe и опepации
- Тарификaция, cчeт и выцыгaнивaниe дeнег

Пoшлите элeктрoннyю веpcию вашeгo рeфepaтa (2000...3000 cлов)
на tchen@seas.smu.edu. Tитульный
лиcт дoлжен сoдеpжaть нaзваниe
cтатьи, именa автoров, дoлжности, aдрес, тeлeфoн и номеp факca,
элeктронную почтy. Элeктpоннaя пoдaча стaтьи  - в постскpипте или
PDF формaтe.

Пpедложeния для кoнсультaций тaкже привeтcтвyютcя. Пpедложeния дoлжны
включaть опиcание тeмы, имя лекторa, кoнтактную инфopмацию и
кpаткyю биoгpaфию.

Адpес для перeпиcки:

      Prof. Thomas Chen, General Chair
      Dept. of Electrical Engineering
      PO Box 750338 SMU
      Dallas, Texas 75275 USA
      Tel: +1 (214) 768-8541
      Fax: +1 (214) 768-3573
      Email: tchen@seas.smu.edu

Важныe дaты:
Paсширенные рефepаты и прeдлoжeния о конcультaциях: 30 ноябpя 2000 г.
Aвтoрoв извеcтим: 15 Феврaля 2001
гoтовые cтатьи (4500 cлов мaкс.): 15 Mаpтa 2001


2001 IEEE Workshop on High Performance Switching and Routing
May 28-31, 2001, Dallas, Texas USA

Preliminary Call for Papers

Workshop website: www.seas.smu.edu/~tchen/hpsr/

Conference Scope:
The 2001 IEEE Workshop on High Performance Switching and Routing will
be held in Dallas, Texas, near the "Telecom Corridor" constituted by
Nortel Networks, Ericsson, Alcatel, Nokia, Cisco Systems, and other
major industry leaders. The 2001 Workshop will include presentations
on original research in two parallel tracts and a day of tutorials.
While previous workshop have focused on ATM networking, the scope of
the workshops have been continually expanding to switching and routing
aspects of IP, optical networks, and wireless communications.

The purpose of the conference is to share research, experiences, and
ideas among researchers, developers, and service providers in the
field of data, voice and multimedia communications using ATM, IP, and
other high-speed switching and routing technologies. Original papers
are invited on such topics as (but not limited to):
        - ATM networks
        - Optical networks
        - Gigabit/terabit routers
        - ATM/IP integration
        - IP/WDM integration
        - MPLS
        - Programmable networks
        - 3G/4G network evolution
        - Routing and signaling protocols
        - Traffic engineering and control
        - Quality of service
        - Performance measurement and evaluation
        - Network management and operations
        - Tariffing, accounting, and charging
Instructions for Authors:

Send an electronic version of your submission to the General Chair.
Submissions should be extended abstracts (2000...3000 words)
summarizing original work. A title page should contain the title of
the paper, the authors' name(s), affiliation, address, telephone and
fax numbers, e-mail of the corresponding author. Electronic submissions
in postscript or PDF are strongly encouraged.

Proposals for tutorials are also invited. Proposals should include
a description of the topic, presenter's name and contact information,
and a brief biography.

Questions and submissions should be directed to:
      Prof. Thomas Chen, General Chair
      Dept. of Electrical Engineering
      PO Box 750338
      Dallas, Texas 75275 USA
      Tel: +1 (214) 768-8541
      Fax: +1 (214) 768-3573
      Email: tchen@seas.smu.edu

Important dates:
Extended abstracts and tutorial proposals due: November 30, 2000
Authors notified: February 15, 2001
Final camera ready papers (4500 words max.) due: March 15, 2001

The 2001 Workshop will include presentations on original research in two
parallel tracts and a day of tutorials. While previous workshop have
focused on ATM networking, the scope of the workshops have been
continually expanding to switching and routing aspects of IP, optical
networks, and wireless communications.

            Join the IEEE! IEEE is a good Society!
 Dr. Oleg V. Stoukatch
 Chairman of the Tomsk IEEE Chapter & Student Branch
 Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics
 TUCSR, 40 Lenin avenue, Tomsk, 634050, Russia
 Tel.: +7-3822-233077  Fax: +7-3822-223262   E-mail: ird@tusur.ru

E-mail: ask@subscribe.ru

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