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Сибирская секция IEEE Выпуск 14 от 11/08/2000

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N 14   August 11, 2000              Tomsk IEEE Chapter
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Bocтoчный Cиэттл, Bашингтон, CША
14-18 Maя 2001

Сeдьмой IFIP/IEEE Мeждyнародный Симпoзиyм по упpавлению
интегриpoванными cетями (IM2001) бyдет прoвeдeн 14-18 мaя 2001 г.
в Воcточнoм Сиэттлe, шт. Baшингтoн, CШA. Симпoзиyм cпонсируeтcя
Междyнapодной Фeдeрациeй Oбрабoтки Инфоpмации (IFIP), Pабoчeй
Гpуппoй 6.6 по Сeтевому Упрaвлeнию, и IEEE Oбществом Kоммуникаций,
Теxничеcким Кoмитетoм по Упрaвлeнию Ceтями (CNOM).

Кoнфеpeнция IM2001 oбeспечивaет фоpyм для обсyждeния нoвыx пaрaдигм
и aрхитектуры, бoльшoго числa пpоблем упpавления, cвязанных с этими

Электpонная подaчa cтатьи пpоизводится на www.comsoc.org/confs/im/2001
Moжнo поcлaть пиcьмo с зaпрoсом инстpукции по email

Адpec Оpгкoмитeтa:
Program co-chair
George Pavlou, University of Surrey
E-mail: G.Pavlou@eim.surrey.ac.uk
Fax: +44 1483 259504



The Westin Seattle
Seattle,Washington, USA
14-18 May 2001



The Seventh IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network
Management (IM 2001) will be held on 14-18 May 2001 in Seattle, Washington,
USA. The symposium is sponsored by the International Federation for
Information Processing (IFIP) Working Group 6.6 on Network Management
for Communication Networks, and by the IEEE Communications Society
Technical Committee on Network Operations and Management (CNOM).
IM (tm) and the Network Operations and Management Symposia (NOMS)
are the premier technical conferences in the area of network and
systems management, operations and control.

IM 2001 will build upon the successes of IM and NOMS each year since
1988, in serving as the primary forum for technical exchange for
the research, standards, development, systems integrator, vendor
and user communities in the area of network and distributed systems
management, operations and control.

At the dawn of the new millennium, the ubiquitous explosion of the
Internet and the fast proliferation of networked devices and business
applications create a unique challenge for the network management
community. Innovative solutions are required for managing the sheer
numbers of devices and the complexity of applications. Further, new
ways of strategic thinking must be incorporated in future management
products and services to ensure a smooth transition to the new networked
society. Management in this new information era will need to support
the integration of data and telecommunications networks, from narrowband
to broadband, terrestrial to satellite, fixed to mobile and uni-media
to multi-media. The IM 2001 conference provides a forum for discussion
of new paradigms and architectures (or new spins on old ones) that
can deal with the many management issues related to these next-generation

This symposium, along with NOMS, is the premier annual event where
the latest research and industrial solutions for integrated management
of networks and distributed systems are presented in technical sessions,
tutorials, and vendor exhibits. IM 2001 introduces a new track of
industrial experience to permit the sharing of the lessons learnt
from case studies by the user or vendor community.

The IM 2001 symposium will provide the highest quality professional
event of the year through active participation on the Program Committee
of many of the most respected people in the fields of network and
distributed systems management, and a stringent review process.


Authors are invited to submit complete unpublished papers, which are not under
review in any other conference or journal, as well as proposals for tutorials,
panel discussions, poster demonstrations, or birds-of-a-feather sessions
(informal discussion groups) in the following topic areas. Other topics
relevant to management are also welcome and we particularly encourage
industrial papers on case studies and experiences which emphasise the lessons

  + Management Platforms, Standards and Protocols
  + Emerging Management Technologies and Frameworks (Web, XML, DEN, etc.)
  + Active and Programmable Network Management
  + Management of Virtual Private Networks
  + Management of Optical Networks
  + Management of CATV Networks
  + Management of Mobile Networks and Services
  + Management of Voice Networks and Services
  + Management of IP Networks and Services
  + Management of Ad-Hoc Networks
  + Management of Transaction-Oriented Services and Electronic Commerce
  + Management Aspects of Service Pricing, Accounting and Billing
  + Management of Service Level Agreements and Bandwidth Brokerage
  + Data Warehousing, Mining and Statistical Methods in Management
  + Mobile and Intelligent Agents in Management
  + Interoperability and Cooperative Control
  + Quality of Service Management
  + Network and Systems Monitoring
  + Fault and Performance Management
  + Security Management
  + Information Modeling
  + Policy-Driven Management
  + Applications, Case Studies and Experiences
  + User Interfaces and Virtual Reality in Management
  + Open-Source Management Software


Link to http://www.comet.columbia.edu/~stadler/im01/panels.html.


Papers are to be submitted in English.

The cover page should indicate whether it is a research or experiences paper;
and include paper title, abstract, list of key-words indicating the paper
topic area (preferably from the above list), author(s) full name(s),
affiliation(s) and complete address(es), telephone number(s) and electronic
mail address(es).

All paper submissions will be carefully reviewed by at least three
international experts and returned to the author(s) with comments to ensure
high quality. The authors of accepted papers will receive the suggested
modifications for inclusion in the widely distributed, hard-bound Symposium
Proceedings published by IEEE. The final camera-ready copy should be no longer
than 14 single-spaced pages. Final papers arriving too late will be removed
from the program. The authors of accepted papers must guarantee that their
paper will be presented at the symposium.

ELECTRONIC SUBMISSION IS MANDATORY. Authors are requested to submit papers
in PDF (preferred) or postscript format via the web
(see www.comsoc.org/confs/im/2001 for instructions) or by email to .

For ALL submissions the cover page of the paper should be submitted using the
available on-line form if the paper is submitted via the web, or in plain text
format (ASCII) if the paper is submitted by e-mail.

Program Co-Chair: (Europe, Asia, Africa)
George Pavlou Center for Communication Systems Research
Department of Electronic Engineering
University of Surrey
Guildford, GU2 5XH, UK
Email: G.Pavlou@eim.surrey.ac.uk
Submissions: im01-submit@eim.surrey.ac.uk
Phone: +44 1483 259480
Fax: +44 1483 259504

  Deadline for Receipt of Papers:     1 September 2000
  Deadline for Receipt of Proposals
for Tutorials, Panels and Posters:     15 October 2000
  Deadlines for Receipt of Proposals
for Birds-of-a-Feather     15 January 2001
  Notification of Acceptance Mailed:     15 December 2000
  Final Camera Ready Papers Due:     15 February 2001

In addition to the regular presentation sessions, the Symposium will also
offer poster sessions for more informal interaction and presenting work in
progress. Selections for both full presentations and poster sessions will be
made from the submissions to the Symposium, although extended abstracts can be
submitted for consideration as poster presentations only.

These should be submitted to the
Poster Chair:
Yvonne Hildebrand
Email: yhildebrand@coppermountain.com
Deadline for Receipt of Proposals 15 October 2000

The symposium includes tutorials on the days before and after the technical
A proposal to present a tutorial should contain the following information:

  Tutorial Title, Names of Presenter(s), biography, track record
  Summary of the contents: approximately 1-2 pages i.e.
500-1000 words
  Brief biography of the presenter(s): approximately half page

If the tutorial or an earlier version of it has been given before please
indicate the events and dates.

Information on suggested topic areas and guidelines for submitting proposals
can be found at www.comsoc.org/confs/im/2001/technical.html.

Proposals should be submitted to the
Tutorial Chair: Metin Feridun
Email: fer@zurich.ibm.com
Deadline for Receipt of Proposals: 15 October 2000

Proposals for Panel Sessions should be submitted to the
Panels Chair: Rolf Stadler
Email: stadler@tik.ee.ethz.ch
Deadline for Receipt of Proposals 15 October 2000

Proposals for Birds-of-a-Feather Sessions (informal discussion groups) and
"work in progress" demonstrations should be submitted to the
Special Events Chair: Raouf Boutaba
Email: rboutaba@bbcr.uwaterloo.ca
Deadline for Receipt of Proposals 15 January 2001

Since the symposium will pay special attention to open-source management
software, authors of such software are invited to submit papers in which they
describe their package. These papers should be specially submitted to the Open
Source Chair and will go through a tailored review process. High quality
papers will be published in the proceedings and the papers will be presented
in a technical session. Authors of open-source management software not
submitting a paper or not passing successfully the review process may also
participate in the open source corner; proposals to participate should be
submitted to the Open Source Chair:
Aiko Pras
Email: pras@ctit.utwente.nl
Deadline for Receipt of Proposals: 15 October 2000


The Symposium offers vendors the opportunity to demonstrate their network and
systems management products to leaders and innovators from around the world.
Various levels of participation are available. As a Symposia Patron, you can
present your products and services in our vendor showcase. Symposia Patrons
will also have an opportunity to make a product-related presentation on recent
technical advancements, product enhancements, or corporate directions. The
vendor showcase will be open during the three days of the symposium, in
parallel with other sessions. For IM '01 we are adding a lower cost vendor
participation level designed for smaller companies with innovative
technologies. Cost will be saved through time- shared demonstration facilities
and displays.

Vendors interested in becoming Symposium Sponsors or participating in the
showcase should contact the
Vendor Chair:
Varoozh Harikian,
IBM International Education Centre, Belgium
Email: varoozhharikian@be.ibm.com
Phone: +32 2 655 5766
Fax: +32 2 655 5562


A limited number of stipends will be available to those unable to obtain
funding to attend the conference. Students whose papers are accepted and who
will present the paper themselves are encouraged to apply if such assistance
is needed. Requests for stipends should be addressed to the Program Co-Chair
responsible for the requestor's region. Please also note that a limited number
of IFIP and IEEE Student Travel Grants may be available for student authors
who will be presenting papers.

General Chair:
Wolfgang Zimmer
Kekulestr. 7
D-12489 Berlin, Germany
Email: zimmer@first.gmd.de
Phone: +49 30 6392 1903
Fax: +49 30 6392 1805

            Join the IEEE! IEEE is a good Society!
 Dr. Oleg V. Stoukatch
 Chairman of the Tomsk IEEE Chapter & Student Branch
 Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics
 TUCSR, 40 Lenin avenue, Tomsk, 634050, Russia
 Tel.: +7-3822-233077  Fax : +7-3822-223262  E-mail: ird@tusur.ru

E-mail: ask@subscribe.ru

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