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Сайт казахстанских радиолюбителей Бюллетень №2 от 27.04.2003
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Ведущий раздела Александр UN8CC
БЮЛЛЕТЕНЬ №2 от 27 апреля 2003г.
О том,что почта стала работать очень плохо,говорят
уже все и везде.
Почта ходит очень плохо. Есть примеры и у нас,
когда обычные переводы и посылки идут месяцами.
Порой дело вообще доходит до смешного абсурда.
Такой случай произошел недавно с нашим коллегой.
Он послал сам себе по почте гиpю 16 кг из Ярославля
Санк Петербург. Там их негде было достать -
По приезду домой ему вместо извещения пpиходит
квиток о том, что ему надо явиться на
главпочтамт... Типа "таpа не выдеpжала гpуз и он
частично утpачен".
Коллега в непонятках - как можно "частично утpатить"
посланную чугунную
Пpиезжает - дают ему его гиpю, pасколотую на 4 части
и одной не хватает!!! :-))).
Путешествия по волнам
В рамках
дипломной программы «Путешествия по волнам
эфира» на время майских праздников
запланирована радиоэкспедиция в Тверскую
область. В эти дни в эфире на всех КВ-диапазонах
будут работать RU3AU/3, оператор Михаил, и RA3ARS/3,
оператор тоже Михаил, Это хорошая возможность
для выполнения сразу нескольких дипломов
программы экспедиция начнется работой из села
Тутань Калининского района (RDA TV-25). Каждое QSO из
этого QTH дает 50 очков на диплом «Преподобный
Ксенофонт Тутанский» (условия – на странице «Дипломы
Тверской области).
Затем экспедиционеры планируют работать из сел
Савватьево и Орша Калининского района. QSO с этими
QTH дают по 3 очка на диплом «Святой Савватий
Тверской» (положение там же).
Кроме того, связи из этих QTH будут давать
различное количество очков на диплом «Храмы
Каждое QSO с любой из станции принесет Вам также и
10 очков на диплом «Святой Михаил Тверской» (из 30
необходимых). Повторные QSO на этот диплом
засчитываются на разных диапазонах и с разными QTH
По окончании работы всем корреспондентам будут
разосланы специальные QSL программы, а желающие
могут получить фотографию всех участников
экспедиции с автографами. Фото высылается
бесплатно. Для этого необходимо отправить
обратный конверт с адресом и марками R3A-1 DIRECT’ом
или через Московское QSL-бюро.
С 25 по 29.04.03г. QSL-бюро РОССИИ будет переезжать в
другое здание по адресу
пр.Веpнадского,д.9/10,тел. 131-02-65.
В старом здании по Походному пр.,д.23 мы будем
находиться до 29.04.03г.
Справки по тел. 949-52-51 с 09.00 до 16.00 MSK.
О порядке работы QSL-бюро буде сообщено после
Как сообщает Александр RZ6HGG,в феврале этого года
он опубликовал подготовленную им "Подборку
сайтов с радиолюбительской тематикой".
После этой публикации в его адрес поступило
большое количество дополнений и поправок.
Он включил все эти поступившие дополнения в
подборку сайтов и внес необходимые поправки и
В течение апреля он полностью проверил
работосопособность всех имеющихся в подборке
ссылок на сайты и удалил все наработающие ссылки.
Переработанная и обновленная подборка сайтов с
радиолюбительской тематикой полностью готова
для использования при работе в сети Internet.
Файл в формате Word XP, объемом 42 страницы, упакован
архиватором zip, размер файла 230 кб.
Файл высылает всем желающим на E-mail.
Примет все дополнения и поправки по адресам:E-mail: rz6hgg@skiftel.ru
E-mail: rz6hgg@mail.ru
Сибирский заочный клуб радиолюбителей <Radio-PRIM>
в 2003 году отмечает10 лет со дня своего основания. В
настоящее время в клубе насчитывается 195 членов,
а в коротковолновой секции - 73 человека.
С 10 по 18 мая 2003 года состоятся традиционные Дни
активности RPC. Приглашаются все радиолюбители -
коротковолновики принять в них участие.
Будут работать специальные позывные UE9OWQ и UE9ORQ.
В эти дни, члены RPC, работая в эфире, называют свой
членский номер,
раскрывают свою принадлежность к Сибирскому
заочному клубу радиолюбителей
"Radio-PRIM" и объясняют, как получить за одну
связь с вами диплом клуба
"Radio-PRIM. Novosibirsk". В Дни активности диплом
выдается только за
одну связь с членом клуба RPC, то есть вступает в
силу облегченный вариант получения диплома.
Оплата 30 рублей или почтовыми марками на эту
сумму по адресу:
630089, Новосибирск-89 аб. ящ. 868 Волосожару Владимиру Владимировичу.
Для радиолюбителей СНГ - 2 IRC,
для радиолюбителей дальнего зарубежья - 5 IRC.
Десантирована на лед
Арктического Океана российская дрейфующая
полярная станция "Северный Полюс-32"
в точке 87*50' с.ш. 147*11' в.д.
В составе СП-32 пока 7 российских полярников.
Торжественное открытие станции запланировано на
конец апреля.
Они начнут работать позывным R0PA(QSL
via UA1ADQ).Пробудут там месяца полтора.
I.C.P.O. Bulletin (April 21 - May 22,
Islands, Castles & Portable Operations -
Operations are listed by start date
26/04/2003: Daniel Rivero, CX2TG, reports that CV1T will be QRV from the
lighthouse at
Cabo Polonio (URU-005, Grid GF35) between April 26th and 27th. QSL via
EA5KB. [Tnx 425DXN]
26/04/2003: Roland, DU1KGJ, is organizing another trip to Calagua Islands
(OC-202, Grid
PK14) between April 26th and 28th. Possible/probable callsign will be DX4CN.
QSL via
26/04/2003: Franck, F5JOT, Daniel, F5LGQ, and Claude/F6CKH will be active
April 26th to
May 2nd from Chausey Islands (EU-039, Grid IN98, DPF-04 for French Provinces
DDFM-50 for French Departments Award). Their activity will be on 80-10
meters on CW, SSB
and maybe RTTY and SSTV. [Tnx OPDX]
26/04/2003: Take, JI3DST, will be active as JI3DST/6 from Miyako Island
(AS-079, Miyako-jima Hirara-City Okinawa-ken), between April 26th (07:00UTC)
and May 5th
(00:00 UTC). Activity will be on 40, 17, 15, 12, 10 and 6meters, SSB. Take
states he will
be looking for Africa and South Americastations and DX stations on 6 meters.
the bureau. [Tnx OPDX]
26/04/2003: The Calderdale Raynet Group' will be active from the Island of
Colonsay (IOSA
NH19, IOTA EU-008, WAB NR39) from Saturday evening to Thursday lunch-time,
the 26th of
April to the 1st of May 2003 inclusive.
There are no specific operating times at present but 20:30 UTC on 3.772 MHz
for IOSA will
be attempted each day. All HF bands will be activated
depending on conditions. The club call MM0CRG will be used. Members taking
part so far are
Alan G4MUR, Colin G8EXN and Alan G3TAY. All stations worked will be sent a
QSL card via
the RSGB or direct [with SAE] from G3TAY QTHR.
The Island location is at 'Garvard' grid ref. NR367913 on the southern
of the Island in a holiday cottage. [Tnx M0ADG]
26/04/2003: Four members of Yamato ARC (JA1ZEK) will be active from
Christmas Island (OC-002) between April 26th and May 2nd. They will be on
all HF bands
from 160 through 6 meter CW, SSB and RTTY. They will have two 400 watts
amplifiers with
four rigs. Operators and their callsigns are:VK9XC - Karl/JA3MCA, VK9XE -
VK9XK - Sasi/JA1KJW and VK9XY -Mat/JA1JQY. Their suggested frequencies are:
CW - 1822,
3507, 7007, 10007,14007, 18077, 21007, 24897, 28007 and 50110 kHz; SSB -
3799, 7080,
14170,18130, 21270, 24940, 28470 and 50110 kHz; RTTY - 14080 and 21080 kHz
and a6m beacon
will be on 50.110 MHz. QSL via each operator's home callsign asfollows:
JA3MCA (Tachibana
Kaoru, 1-7-5-403 Tsukimino, Yamato, 242-0002Japan), JA8VE (Saito Kunio,
Nishitsuruma, Yamato, 242-0005 Japan), JA1KJW (Nakayama Hisashi, 1-17-8
Shibuya, Yamato,
242-0023 Japan)
and JA1JQY (Matsui Shigeo, 2-31-10 Shimoseya, Seya, Yokohama, 246-0035
Japan). [Tnx OPDX]
27/04/2003: Peter, DH9YPA, will be active from Borkum Island (EU-047, N-01
for the German
Island Award, Loc. JO33io, Nordsee DOK-I) between April 27th and May 9th.
Activity will be
on SSB. QSL via bureau. [Tnx OPDX]
27/04/2003: Look for Fred, F5OZK, to be active April 27th to May 9th as
EA8/F5OZK from Tenerife Island, Canary Islands (AF-004). He will be QRV 40
through 10
meters, WARC included. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [Tnx F5OZK]
27/04/2003: Phil, G4OBK, will operate as GD4OBK/P from near Andreas (WAB
square NX40, Grid
IO74) in the north part of the Isle of Man (EU-116) between April 27th and
May 2nd. He
expects to be QRV for an hour or two every day on 40-10 metres CW and RTTY.
QSL via home
call. [Tnx 425DXN]
27/04/2003: Nobu, JQ1EYN/6, will be QRV from Komaka Island (AS-017) April
27th and 28th,
possibly until the 29th. He plans to be on 80 through 6 meter SSB and CW.
His main
frequencies will be 21.260 MHz SSB and 7.030 MHz CW.QSL via home call,
direct or JARL
bureau. [Tnx JI6KVR]
27/04/2003: Jun, VK4SJ, and Doug, VK4BP, will be active (on 10-40 metresSSB)
as ZK1AYL and
ZK1SIM from the South Cook Islands in April-May. Theirfirst stop will be at
(OC-083) starting on 27 April through 14 May,then they will go to Rarotonga
(OC-013) and
be active from 15 through 26May. QSLs via VK4SJ either direct (June Sim,
P.O. Box 406,
Caloundra 4551,Queensland, Australia) or through the bureau. E-QSLs will not
accepted.[Tnx 425DXN]
28/04/2003: FO/JJ8DEN, will be active from Maupiti Islands (OC-067)
betweenApril 28th and
May 1st. He also plans to activate Maupihaa Atoll (OC-057)during this
period. Operation
will be on HF, CW and RTTY. QSL via JJ8DEN,direct (Yoshitake Izumi,
Minami-24-7, Nishi-1,
Obihiro-City, Hokkaido,080-0011, Japan) or bureau. [Tnx JI6KVR]
28/04/2003: Look for John, GM0VIV/p, to be QRV April 28th, in the
afternoon, from Seil (reference FL-03 for the Islands of Scotland Award,
SCOTIA reference CS-40, IOTA EU-008, WAB NM71, Loc. IO76eh) and Easdale(IOSA
CS-39, IOTA EU-088, WAB NM71, Loc. IO76eg). In theevening, and overnight, he
will activate
Luing (IOSA FL-04, SCOTIA CS-36,IOTA EU-088, Loc. IO76ef). All activations
are weather and
boatmandependent. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [Tnx M0ADG]
29/04/2003: Look for John, GM0VIV/p, to be QRV April 29th from
Kerrera(reference FL-02 for
the Islands of Scotland Award, SCOTIA reference CN-02,IOTA EU-088, Loc.
IO76fj) or Shuna
(IOSA FL-12, SCOTIA CN-08, IOTA EU-008,WAB NM94, Loc. IO76ho). In the
evening, and
overnight, he will activateLuing (IOSA FL-04, SCOTIA CS-36, IOTA EU-088,
Loc. IO76ef). All
activations are weather and boatman dependent. QSL via home call, direct or
bureau. [Tnx
30/04/2003: Look for John, GM0VIV/p, to be QRV April 30th from
Kerrera(reference FL-02 for
the Islands of Scotland Award, SCOTIA reference CN-02,IOTA EU-088, Loc.
IO76fj) or Shuna
(IOSA FL-12, SCOTIA CN-08, IOTA EU-008,WAB NM94, Loc. IO76ho). In the
evening, and
overnight, he will activate Luing (IOSA FL-04, SCOTIA CS-36, IOTA EU-088,
Loc. IO76ef).
All activations are weather and boatman dependent. QSL via home call, direct
or bureau.
[Tnx M0ADG]
01/05/2003: Look for John, GM0VIV/p, to be QRV May 1st from Seil (reference
FL-03 for the
Islands of Scotland Award, SCOTIA reference CS-40, IOTA EU-088, WAB NM71,
Loc. IO76eh).
Activation is weather and boatman dependent.QSL via home call, direct or
bureau. [Tnx
01/05/2003: Taka, JR3TVH/6, will be QRV from Miyako Island (AS-079)
starting around 09:00 UTC May 1st until around 10:00 UTC May 5th. Look for
activity on 6,
10, 12, 17 and 20 meters SSB and CW. QSL to home call, direct or via JARL
QSL bureau. [Tnx
02/05/2003: A team of 8 members of IOCA Group (9A2WJ, 9A6AA, 9A7N,
DL5MFL, DL9CHR), with DE0MST as team-leader and member of WLH Management
Committee, will
be active as 9A0CI and 9A/homecall/p from Vela Palagruza and Otocic
Palagruza lighthouse
(EU-090, CI-084, LH-0057) between May 2nd and 10th. They also propose to
operate from Mala
Palagruza (EU-090, CI-461) and Galijula Island (EU-090, CI-462). Operation
will be SSB and
near the IOTA and lighthouse frequencies, from 80 through 10 meters. QSL
manager will be
Fredy, DE0MST, (only for 9A0CI, May 2-10, 2003) via DARC-bureau or direct to
Stippschild, P.O. Box 1406, D-83657
Lenggries, Germany. [Tnx DE0MST]
02/05/2003: The Fall River ARC will operate on all bands as W1ACT from
Martha's Vineyard (IOTA NA-046, USI MA-005S, Loc. FN41, Dukes County, MA)
May 2nd through
the 4th. QSL via N1JOY (Roland Daignault, 19 Davis Road,Westport, MA 02790,
USA). [Tnx
03/05/2003: Look for Jean-Baptiste, F8DQL, to be active as FO/F8DQL from
Tahiti (IOTA
OC-046, DIFO FO-002) between May 3rd and 25th. It will be an Only CW
Jean-Baptiste has also planned a several days trip toMoorea (IOTA OC-046,
DIFO FO-010)
which dates will be given in time.
Frequencies will be 21.030, 28.030 and 14.030 MHz (+/- QRM). QSL via home
call, direct
with return postage (Jean-Baptiste Jacquemard , 241, boulevard Voltaire,
F-75011 Paris,
France) or via the French REF bureau. Any direct QSLs without sufficient
postage will be
answered by the bureau. [Tnx F5NQL]
03/05/2003: Ruggero, IK2PZC, plans to be active May 3rd to 10th as
IG9/IK2PZC from Lampedusa (AF-019, IIA AG-001). Operation will be on 40, 20,
15 and 10
meter SSB. During the ARI International DX Contest (May 3-4) he will operate
some RTTY.
[Tnx 425DXN]
03/05/2003: Look for Toshi, JM1PXG/6, to be active from Tokara
Kuchino-shima (AS-049) starting around 01:00 UTC May 3rd until around 00:00
UTC May 5th.
Operation will be on 40, 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10 meter CW only.QSL via home
call, direct or
JARL bureau. [Tnx JI6KVR]
03/05/2003: Members from the Radio Club Miramar will be active as
LU7DZL/Dfrom the Miramar
lighthouse (ARG-047) May 3rd beginning at 03:00 UTC. QSLdirect to: Radio
Club Miramar.
P.O. Box 102, 7607 Miramar, Argentina (SAE +1 IRC). [Tnx LU7CC]
06/05/2003: Look for Fabien, FO/F8CFU, to be QRV May 6th to 16th from
Tubuai Island (OC-152), Austral Islands. He will operate on 10, 12, 15,
17,20 and 30
metres with a 2-element and dipoles. QSL via home call. [Tnx425DXN]
07/05/2003: Look for members of the Radio Club of Provins, F6KOP, to be QRV
May 7th to
12th from Ile de Groix (IOTA EU-048, DIFM AT-012, Grid IN87) as TM7R.
Operation will be on
all bands, HF through UHF. There may also be
operations for the French Castle and Forts Award (DFCF). QSL TM7R via
15/05/2003: Jun, VK4SJ, and Doug, VK4BP, will be active (on 10-40 metres
and ZK1SIM from Rarotonga (OC-013) between May 15th and 26th.QSLs via VK4SJ
either direct
(June Sim, P.O. Box 406, Caloundra 4551,Queensland, Australia) or through
the bureau.
E-QSLs will not be accepted.[Tnx 425DXN]
18/05/2003: Thomas, DL7UZO, will be active as OZ/homecall from
BornholmIsland (EU-030,
BO-001 for the Danish Islands Award, Grid JO75), May 18th to23rd. Activity
will be on the
IOTA frequencies 80 through 10 meters,including the WARC bands and 6 meters
(50.100 MHz CW
and WSJT on 50.250MHz). Operations will be on CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK31 using
a FT-847 +
Dipole.QSL direct or via Bureau. [Tnx OPDX]
21/05/2003: Look for Jim, WI9WI, to be active May 21st through 27th
fromSignal Hill,
Curacao (SA-006, Grid: FK52) as PJ2WI. He also plans to
participate in the CQ WW WPX CW Contest (May 24-25) as a single
operatorentry. QSL via
WI9WI, direct or bureau. [Tnx CCC]
21/05/2003: Look for CT1AHU, PY8EA, PT7BI, PT2GTI, PT2HF to be active (call
unknown) from
Mexiana Island (SA-042, DIB-69) between May 21st and 25th. Operation will be
on 40, 20, 15
and 10 meter SSB. Further information isexpected in due course. [Tnx
22/05/2003: From May 22nd to 26th, look for the Castres DX Gang members, to
be active once
more from the Fort Brescou Island (French departments award:
Herault/34, French Provinces award: Languedoc-Roussillon, IOTA EU-148, DIFM
ME-001, WLHA
LH-0500, French Forts and Castles award DFCF:34001, WW LocJN13SG). The
operators include
F5AUB, F5XX, F5BJW, F4CLO, F5JBR, F5UOE,F5BLP and F6DBX. Activity is planned
on HF + 6
meters bands, SSB, CW, RTTY and PSK31. At least 4 stations with beams, wires
and amps,
will be on the air as 2 using SSB, one using CW and one using PSK31/RTTY/CW.
The call sign
is F5XX/p. Two members of the crew (namely Bernard F5XX and Andre, F5JBR)
will sign TM5B
during the WPX Contest (May 24-25). QSL via F5XX, either direct (envelope +
postage) or
via the French bureau. [Tnx F5NQL]
Silvano, KB5GL will be active from the Breton Islands
(NA-089) on
25-26 April. He will run 100 watts into a vertical (R5) antenna and
expects to be QRV starting around 13-14 UTC on 21260 kHz, but he will
not be able to spend the night on the island due to the presence of
raccoons. Any support will be gratefully accepted. QSL via home call
(Silvano Amenta, 5028 Hearst Ave, Metaire, LA 70001, USA) or, for
Europe only, via IZ8CCW (Antonio Cannataro, P.O.Box 360, 87100
Cosenza - CS, Italy).
9A - Feco, HA8KW will be active as 9A/HA8KW/P from Prvic
Island (EU-170
IOCA CI-094) on on 24-31 July. He will operate mostly CW with some
SSB and will participate in the IOTA Contest (12-hour CW). QSL via
home call either direct or through the bureau. [TNX HA8KW]
9H - On 1 May the Malta Amateur
Radio League
(9H1MRL) will be active
from a portable setup (JM75) operating various HF/VHF/UHF and
microwave bands and modes. They are looking for possible skeds with
amateurs along the Mediterranean coast. Equipment will be various
dish and yagi antennas, transverters and homebuilt gear. Those who
would like to arrange a sked on 10 GHz SSB and ATV, 1296 MHz SSB,
1255 MHz ATV, 2.4 GHz SSB (RX only: cross band with VHF or UHF) 432
MHz SSB and FM, 144 MHz SSB and FM, 50 MHz SSB and Oscar 40
Satellite (mode U/S) are invited to contact 9H1BN (9h1bn@amsat.org)
and/or 9H1LO (stanley@9h1lo.com) as soon as possible. [TNX 9H1LO]
9M2 - Look for Johnny, 9M2/G3LIV
to be active
(mainly CW with some PSK31)
from mainland Malaysia on 6-16 May, from Penang Island (AS-015) on
16-30 May and from Langkawi Island (AS-058) on 30 May-9 June. [TNX
The Daily DX]
DL - Peter, DH9YPA will be
active from Borkum
Island (EU-047, N-01 for
the German Islands Award) between 27 April and 9 May. QSL via
bureau. [TNX DL2VFR]
DL - Look for Detlev, DL1RTW/p
and Klaus,
DL7UXG/p to be active from
Pellworm Island (EU-042, N-23 for the German Islands Award, ARLHS
FED-187, German Lighthouse 40) on 19-22 June. More information at
http://www.qsl.net/dl7uxg [TNX DL7UXG]
DU - Roland, DU1KGJ will be
active, probably
as DX4CN, from the Calagua
Islands (OC-202) on 26-28 April. QSL via VE7DP. [TNX VE7DP]
F - Radio club station TP6CE
will be activated
on CW, SSB and RTTY on
2-4 May to celebrate the anniversary of the Council of Europe in
Strasbourg, France. [TNX OK1DRY]
F - A group of 13 operators
(namely F4AJQ,
F5AGB, F5PVF, F5TST, F5VHQ, F8BUI, F8BJI, F8BQQ and F9IE) will be
active on all bands and modes as TM7R from Groix Island (EU-048,
DIFM AT-012) starting on 2 or 7 May until the 12th. QSL via F6KOP.
[TNX F5NQL and La Gazette du DX]
F5XX and F6DBX from the
Castres DX Gang (http://castres.dx.gang.free.fr/) will be active as
F5XX/p from Fort Brescou (EU-148, DIFM ME-001) on 22-26 May. They
will operate on 160-6 metres CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK31 with four
stations. Bernard, F5XX (f5xx@wanadoo.fr) and Andre, F5JBR
(andre.schweitzer@dd-01.travail.gouv.fr) will participate in the CQ
WW WPX CW Contest as TM5B and are looking for one or two more
operators to join them. QSLs via F5XX either direct or through the
bureau. [TNX F5NQL]
F - Dom, F5SJB reports he will
be active again
as TM5CW from 24 May
through 7 June, CQ WW WPX CW Contest included. QSL via F5SJB either
direct or through the bureau.
F - Special event station TM0AR
will be active
(on 10, 12, 15, 17, 20
and 40 metres SSB) from 24 May to 1 June for the International
Festival of Arts and Technologies in the departement of Sarthe. QSL
via F5TJC either direct or through the bureau. [TNX F5TJC]
FO - Look for FO/JJ8DEN to be
active on CW and
RTTY from Maupiti Island
(OC-067), French Polynesia from 28 April to 1 May. He might also
operate from Maupihaa (OC-057). QSL via JJ8DEN either direct (
Yoshitake Izumi, Minami-24-7, Nishi-1, Obihiro-City, Hokkaido,
080-0011, Japan) or through the burea. [TNX JI6KVR]
FP - Paul, FP/K9OT and Peg,
planning their third annual
low-power DX vacation to Miquelon (NA-032) from 27 July to 5
August, including an entry by FP/K9OT in the CW North American QSO
Party. They will operate both CW and SSB and concentrate on 160,
80, 40, 30, 17, 12 and 10 meters. Special attention will again be
given to QRP stations, mobiles, Asia and Oceania. QSL via home
calls either direct or through the bureau. Visit
http://www.mhtc.net/~k9ot for
updates. [TNX K9OT]
GM - Look for John, GM0VIV/p to
operate from
the following Scottish
Islands between 28 April and 1 May: Seil (EU-005), Easdale
(EU-005), Luing (EU-005), Kerrera (EU-008) and Shuna (EU-008). All
activations are weather and boatman dependent. QSL via home call,
direct or bureau. [TNX VA3RJ]
HI - Special station HI0RCD will
be activated
on 10-80 metres by the
Radio Club Dominicano through 4 May during the 6th International
Book Show in the Dominican Republic (NA-096). [TNX HI8ROX]
HL - Kim/HL1OYF, Park/HL1EJT,
Ryu/DS4NYE and
other operators from Buan
ARC will be active on all bands CW and SSB as either homecall/4 and
DS0PF/4 from Wi Island (AS-148) on 24-27 May. QSL for all via
HL1OYF either direct (P.O BOX 54, Dong-jak, Seoul 156-600, South
Korea) or through the bureau. [TNX HL3EJT]
HS - Charlie, K4VUD will again
be active from
Thailand as HS0ZCW from 28
April to about 15 June. Please note that he will operate on neither
the WARC bands (not allowed in Thailand) nor 80 and 160 metres
(allowed only during some contests). QSL via home call. [TNX K4VUD]
HV - The Pontifical Lateran University club station HV5PUL will be
activated on HF, 6 and 2 metres during the Lateran Day on 10 May.
I - Two special event stations
will be
activated from Venezia (EU-131,
IIA VE-045) by members of the local ARI branch. Look for II3SM on
25-27 April during the celebrations for St. Mark and for II3NAV on
8-11 May during "Navalis Boat Show". QSLs for both via IQ3VE
direct (ARI Venezia, P.O. Box 227, 30100 Venezia - VE, Italy) or
through the bureau. [TNX IK3RIY]
I - Look for IK2SNG, IK4ALM,
to be active (SSB and
CW) from a few islands located at the Mouths of the Po:
25-27 April Scanno di Piallazza (EU-155, IIA FE-001)
26 April Isola della Barricata (not IOTA, IIA RO-005)
27 April Scanno delle Ceppe (not IOTA, IIA RO-013)
QSL via home calls, either direct or through the bureau. [TNX
I - Marconian station IZ4CUK
will be activated
by operators from ARI
Casalecchio di Reno (http://www.qsl.net/aririghi) during the
International Marconi Day on 26 April. QSL via bureau to IK4BWC.
I - Operators from ARI Rapallo
(http://www.arirapallo.it) will operate
special station IY1MR from Santa Margherita Ligure during the
International Marconi Day.
I - Giovanni/IZ2DPX,
Antonello/IK2DUW and
Lorenzo/IK5MDF will operate as IP1TIN from Tino Island (EU-083) on
27 April, 11 and 25 May and again on 26-27 July. They plan to be
active on 10-40 metres SSB, CW, RTTY and PSK. [TNX IK5MDF]
IZ4DIW and IZ4AGI will
participate in the ARI International DX Contest (3-4 May) as IR4A.
QSL via bureau. [TNX IZ4COT]
will be active on
10, 15, 20, 40 and 80
metres SSB as IG9/ON4DST from Lampedusa (AF-019) on 24-29 May.
Bureau cards via ON4DST, direct cards should be sent to ON4AMM
(Mary Lou Moons, Oudestraat 9, B-3560 Lummen, Belgium). [TNX
J5 - Sebastien, F8DQZ is now
active as J5UAT
from Guinea Bissau [425DXN
624]. According to La Gazette du DX, he is waiting for the next
ferry to take him to Bubaque Island (AF-020), where he will remain
until 4 May. QSL via F8DQZ.
JA - Taka, JR3TVH was very
unlucky during his
11-13 April operation from
Miyako Island (AS-079) - the propagation was very poor on both 6
metres and HF and he also had problems with his HF antenna. He is
going to return to the island to give 6 metres enthusiasts in
Europe and Africa a last chance. Look for JR3TVH/6 to be active
from 7 UTC on 1 May to 1 UTC on the 4th. He will operate on 40-6
metres SSB, CW, RTTY, AM and FM. A beacon will be activated on
50.138 MHz. Taka can be contacted for skeds by e-mail to
jr3tvh@arrl.net. QSL via home call either direct or through the
bureau. [TNX JR3TVH]
JD1_oga - Hide, JM1LJS will be
active as
either JM1LJS/JD1 and JD1BLK from
Ogasawara from 27 April to 4 May. He plans to operate on 10-160
metres SSB and CW. QSLs via JM1LJS. Logs will be available at
http://radio-dream.com/jd1blk/e/ [TNX JM1LJS]
KC4_ant - Ernie, W1MRQ is active as KC4USM from McMurdo Station on Ross
Island (AN-011), Antarctica until "sometime in August". QSL
K1CA. [TNX The Daily DX]
KH9 - Jake, N6XIV/KH9 became QRV
from Wake
Island [425DXN 624] on 14260
kHz at 07.40 UTC on 22 April. This was his first operation since
arriving on Wake a few days ago. He was spotted on the DX cluster
on 20 April just before 10 UTC on 30 metres, but Jake confirms that
station was definitely not the genuine N6XIV/KH9. He will be on the
air as work permits, roughly between 7 UTC to 9 UTC, on +/- 14260
and 21305. Jake may attempt other bands, but that will be dictated
by his very limited operating hours. This is an SSB only operation:
do not waste your time if you hear N6XIV/KH9 on CW. QSL via K2FF.
[TNX W6FRH and K2FF]
KP - Special event call K4C will
be aired from
Puerto Rico by the
Caribbean Amateur Radio Group on 3-17 May to celebrate the Hamfest
and Old Timers Recognition event. Look for them on 28370, 21370,
14270 and 7270 kHz. QSL via KP4ARN. [TNX KP4ARN]
(http://www.qsl.net/lx5a/activities.htm) will be activated by
Johannes, DF5AU on 10-11 May during the MIR Contest. QSL via LX1RQ
either direct or through the bureau. [TNX DF5AU]
LZ - Special event station
LZ03KM will be
active on all bands and modes
between 1 and 31 May to celebrate St. Cyril and Methodius' Day. QSL
via bureau or direct to LZ1BFR (P.O.Box 830, 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria).
OE - The Austrian amateur radio operators and Government radio stations
will held a national Emergency test on 1 May between 5-8 UTC and
14-17 UTC. The 80m and 30m bands will be in use (CW and SSB) and
the following Government stations are expected to participate: OEC
(State Department), OEP213 (Ministry of Interior), OEY???
(Military) OEH??? (Red Cross). They are not allowed to make
international QSOs, but SWL reports can be sent via the OE QSL
bureau. [TNX OE8KDK]
OM - Erwin/OM7PY, Zsolt/HA6PS
and Laci/HA6NL
will be active from Ruzina,
Slovakia between 29 April and 5 May. They will participate in the
AGCW-QRP and ARI International DX Contests as OM/HA5RT/P. QSL via
home calls. [TNX HA6NL]
OZ - Thomas, OZ/DL7UZO will be
active from
Bornholm Island (EU-030) on
18-23 May. He plans to operate on 10-80 metres CW, SSB, RTTY and
PSK31, plus 6m CW (50.100 Mhz) and WSJT (50.250 Mhz). QSL via home
call either direct or through the bureau. [TNX DL2VFR]
PJ - Carlo, I4ALU reports he
will operate as
PJ6/I4ALU from Saba
(NA-145), Netherlands Antilles on 12-23 August. Look for him on
10-40 metres only CW. QSL via home call.
SP - Operators from Radio Club SP4KSY will be active as HF650O to
celebrate the 650th anniversary of the town of Olsztyn from 1 May
through 31 July. QSL via SQ4NR either direct (Grzegorz Gawel ul.
Herdera 16/14, 10-691 Olsztyn, Poland) or through the bureau. [TNX
SP - Helmut, DL7VOX will be
active (on 10-80
metres mainly CW) as
SP1/DL7VOX/p from Wolin Island (EU-132) from 26 May to 14 June. QSL
via homecall either direct (Helmut Radach, Riesaer Str. 93, D-12627
Berlin, Germany) or through the bureau. [TNX DL7VOX]
SV9 - Jan Erik, SM2EKM will
operate mostly CW
as SV9/SM2EKM from Agia
Marina, Crete (EU-015) from 29 May to 12 June. QSL via home call
either direct or through the bureau. [TNX SM2EKM]
T7 - Piero, IZ1ERR and Giovanni,
IW2BSQ plan
to operate as T7/homecall
from San Marino on 3-5 May. They will concentrate on UO-14 and (if
possible) FO-20 satellite operations, as well as on MS on 2 metres.
QSL via bureau. [TNX IZ1ERR]
T8 - Bill, T88BA's visit to
South Palau
(OC-248) [425DXN 621] has been
postponed until sometime next month due to reasons beyond his
control. He will announce the new dates as soon as a decision is
made (again, this is not under his control). [TNX G4JVG]
TI - Amateur radio operators
from Costa Rica
are allowed to operate
using their callsigns with the special prefix TE75 on 1-31 May.
This is to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the first amateur
radio transmission from the country, made on 4 May 1928 by Amando
Cespedes Marin, TI4NRH. All TE75 stations share a common QSL route,
which is the Radio Club of Costa Rica (TI0RC) either direct or
through the bureau. Further information is available at
http://www.ti0rc.org or from te75@ti0rc.org [TNX TI2DLL]
UA - Special event callsigns
will be aired on 10-18
May for the 10th anniversary of the Siberian ARC Radio-Prim and
again on 28-30 June for the 110th anniversary of Novosibirsk, the
capital city of Siberia. QSL via UA9ORQ either direct (Vladimir
Volosozhar, P.O. Box 868, Novosibirsk, 630089, Russia) or via the
bureau. Details are available at http://www.nsk.su/~rpc/eh.htm [TNX
UR - Special event station
EO58JS will be
active on 5-12 May to
commemorate the 58th anniversary of the end of World War II. QSL
direct to KD5RBU or via the Ukrainian bureau. [TNX UU9CW]
VE - The Society of Newfoundland
Amateurs will be operating (CW
only) as VO1BZM from the Admiralty House Museum in Mount Pearl,
Newfoundland on 26 April for the International Marconi Day. QSL via
bureau or via VO1HE. [TNX VO1TA]
VK9_lh - Look for VK9LS to be
aired by
Trevor/VK7TS and Rex/VK7MO from Lord
Howe Island (OC-004) on 3-10 May. Trevor will be operating on 10,
15 and 20 metres SSB, CW, PSK, RTTY and SSTV. Rex will be on 2m,
70cm and 23cm using JT44, FSK441, VFSKCW and SSB looking for
contacts within meteor scatter and aircraft enhancement range. QSL
via bureau or direct to VK7TS or VK7MO. [TNX VK7TS]
W - David/WA4ET, Cory/N1WON, Ron/N4KE and Jim/NU4Y will be active (on
6-40 metres SSB, CW and RTTY) as
WA4ET from
Havens Island (NA-076,
USI FL-104S, Grid EL89) from 25 April through around 14 UTC on the
28th, weather and conditions permitting. QSL via WA4ET. [TNX N1WON]
W - Silvano, KB5GL was expected to be active from the Breton Islands
(NA-089) on 25-26 April starting around 13 UTC on the 25th.
Latest information is that the weather has turned bad and he may
not be able to be QRV until 19 UTC. He cannot spend the night on
the island. QSL via KB5GL or (for Europe) IZ8CCW. [TNX N6VR]
XE - Ten Mexicans (XE2Q, XE2TG,
XE2PVX, XE2SER and XE2RDA) and one US operator (WD9EWK) will be
active as 4A2Q from Imuris, State of Sonora, on 3-4 May. They will
work CW, PSK31, RTTY and SSB on 160-10 metres, plus satellite
(UO-14, FO-20 and FO-29). QSL via WD9EWK. More information on the
operation can be found at http://www.qsl.net/wd9ewk/4a2q.html [TNX
YB - Daud, YC8RRK is active from
Island (OC-210), typically
between 14 and 16 UTC on 15 metres SSB. QSL direct to YC9BU (do not
send green stamps, use IRCs instead). [TNX IZ8CCW]
YB - Kadek, YC9BU and others plan to be active (on 10, 12, 15, 17 and 20
metres) as 8A9R from Rote Island (OC-241) for about 10 days in mid
June. [TNX YC9BU]
YN - Michael/AB5EB, Mike/AD5A
and Jake/KB5SKN
will be active from Little
Corn Island (NA-013) from 31 May to 2 June. They will have a
vertical antenna and an amplifier and will try to operate also RTTY
and possibly 6 metres. The call at this time is unknown. QSL via
N6AWD (Fred K. Stenger, 6000 Hesketh Dr., Bakersfield, CA 93309,
USA). [TNX http://www.islandradio.org]
ZA - Following the November
mission, a follow-up project
will be formulated with Albanian Ministry of Transport and
Telecommunications officials to secure and further develop amateur
radio in Albania. Contributing to these valuable activities, a
four-man team will once again visit Albania and activate ZA1B with
two stations on several bands. Look for Teemu/SM0WKA, Pekka/OH2TA,
Pertti/OH2PM and Martti/OH2BH to operate on the usual DX
frequencies from 25 April through 5 May. QSL via OH2BH. [TNX N4GN]
ZA - ZA1FD, ZA5G and several operators from Italy (namely IK2DUW,
IZ7ATN, IZ7BNH and IZ7CTE) will be active as ZA3/homecall from
Durres (JN91RH), Albania from 29 May to 3 June. Look for them on
the HF bands SSB, CW, RTTY, PSK 31, plus 2 and 6 metres. They will
also operate from the lighthouse at Cape Durres (ARLHS ALB-002).
QSL via home calls, direct or bureau. [TNX IK7JWX]
K5C: Statistics, photos, on-line log checking and a story of the
K5C recent operation from Cat Island (NA-082) are available
on the Magnolia DX Association's web site at
QSL VIA RW6HS: The web page for Vasilij is at http://www.rw6hs.narod.ru
S05X: The last batch of S05X QSOs was uploaded on 23 April and the
on line log at http://www.pagus.it/s05x/ is now complete.
Missing QSOs or discrepancies in QSO data should be reported
to the QSL manager (EA4URE). [TNX I8NHJ]
V60A & V60Z: Pictures of the recent IOTA operations by I2YDX and
from Nukuoro Atoll (OC-259), Oroluk Atoll (OC-260) and
Mwokil Atoll (OC-226) are available at http://www.425dxn.org
ZW0S: The ZW0S (St.Peter and St.Paul Rocks) logs are now available
at http://www.qsl.net/ps7jn
till 10/05 4X55I: special station (Israel) 624
till 01/05 6W/F5VHQ: Senegal 619
till 27/04 9H: Malta * by OE8CIQ & OE8YDQ 615
till 12/05 9N7DX: Nepal * by 4Z4DX 623
till ?? 9N7YJ: Nepal * by LA5YJ 618
till 04/05 C93CM & C93FF: Mozambique * by IZ4DPV & IK4ZHH 621
till 27/04 CV1T: Cabo Polonio Lighthouse 623
till November DP1POL: "Neumayer" Base (WABA DL-03) * by DL5XL
till 29/04 EM13UCC: special event station (Ukraine) 624
till 05/05 FO/F8CFU: Hao Atoll (OC-066), French Polynesia 624
till 31/12 HE2MM: special call (Switzerland) 622
till 30/11 HL0KSJ & D88S: "King Sejong" (WABA HL-01) * by
DS4CNB 603
till 15/05 HL5/VK2DXI: Korea 611
till 27/04 IB0DX: Ventotene (EU-045) * by MDXC 622
till 27/04 IC8/IN3XUG: Ischia (EU-031) 623
till 27/04 ID9RGE: Filicudi Island (EU-017) * by IT9s 622
till 31/12 II1D: special call 610
till 27/04 II3SM: special event station (EU-131) 625
till 02/05 IS0/IZ1EPM: Sardinia (EU-024) 615
till 10/05 IU5ONU: special event station 605
till 04/05 J5UAT: Guinea Bissau (also AF-020) * by F8DQZ 625
till 25/05 OH0/DF8QJ, DL2VB, DK6QW, DG1YTF, DL6YFB: Aland Isls. 623
till 2004 R1ANZ: "Mirny" Base (WABA UA-07) 608
till 28/04 UE6IKI & UE6IAA: Caspian Sea islands 624
till 26/04 ZD8Z: Ascension Island * by N6TJ 623
25/04-03/05 DL: Usedom Island (EU-129) * by DLs 624
25/04-27/04 IK2SNG, IK4ALM, IK4VET and IK4XCL: EU-155 625
25/04-26/04 KB5GL: Breton Islands (NA-089) 625
25/04-09/05 TX4PG: Marquesas (OC-027) * by I2YSB and others 622
25/04-28/04 WA4ET: Havens Island (NA-076) 625
Документ подготовлен по информации предоставленной мировыми источниками радиолюбительской информации.
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