Russia may declare amnesty for economic crimes
The government of Russia may declare amnesty for economic crimes somewhere in the end of 2013, thinks the head of the Russian Union of Industrialist and Entrepreneurs Alexander Shokhin.
Russia decides to adopt ISAs
The government’s commission on lawmaking approved amendments to the law on investments of labor pensions in Russia and another one on auditing activity (where it deals with adoption of international standards). Changing the legislation of Russia is aimed at introduction of international standards on auditing.
Evaluation of real estate by single standards
Global professional organizations for the first met together to start their joint work on creation of evaluation standards and methods. This meeting – the International Property Measurement Standards Coalition - took place in Washington.
АICPA аims to offer сredentials overseas
In a vote at its Spring Meeting, the Governing Council of the American Institute of CPAs authorized the board to offer the institute’s credentials overseas.
Kind regards,
Alexander Kurnikov, editor of GAAP-IFRS.COM
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