Ядерные – теперь?. (на английском.) Не настало ли после 11 сентября время оторваться от ископаемого топлива и взглянуть на ядерную энергию под другим углом?. Дамиан Кейв, Salon.com, Сан-Франциско, США, 10 декабря 2001
Powell Says Nuclear Deal Is Close. Verification Measures to Be Discussed at Meeting With Putin. By Alan Sipress, Washington Post, USA, 10 Desember 2001
India, Pakistan and the Bomb. The Indian subcontinent is the most likely place in the world for a nuclear war. By M.V. Ramana, A.H. Nayyar, Scientific American, 7 Desember 2001
Nukes now!. Post-Sept. 11, isnt it time to get off our fossil fuel fixation and take another look at nuclear power?. By Damien Cave, Salon.com, San Francisco, USA, 10 Desember 2001
Recent safety hazards at aging nuclear plants. In the past three years, old or worn-out equipment has caused dozens of incidents requiring plants to shut down. By Chris Knap, Orange County Register, 9 Desember 2001