Discussion of the Unions’ social policy taken place on August 24, 2003 within a political forum Elections — 2003», was mostly centered around well-sponsored parties, including Communist and LDPR parties, which were endlessly promising social justice through their representation, depriving other delegates an opportunity to participate. Finally some party representatives got fed up with this unfounded chatter. For instance, one Russia’s Renaissance representative implied, All these State Duma parties have been occupying seats there for the past 12 years, first, they should repent before the nation for having done nothing all this time instead of endless chattering.
August 22, 2003 was marked as a starting point for a political forum Elections–2003 taking place in Moscow at the Manezh exhibition hall. It is crucial to point out that Conceptual Party Edinenie participation in the forum among other parties serves as evidence of reaching a new level in creating awareness and a final break through the information blockade used against the Public Security Conception: Dead Water all these years, but above all, it is further opportunity for the Conception to be introduced to broader masses of people.