When sound economic advice is divorced from political reality, it probably will not be very useful advice. Unfortunately, that is true of the World Bank's impressive new report on China, which the country's one-party regime has a strong interest in ignoring.
Большинство слушателей "Маяка" считают, что участниц панк-группы Pussy Riot, организовавших "панк-молебен" в храме Христа Спасителя, необходимо отпустить из-под стражи.
Уговаривал сегодня о. Андрея Кураева завести формспринг. Давайте вместе поуговариваем, что ли? Я думаю, что его формспринг был бы невероятно интересен.
В 2011 году корпорация PrattWhitney (США) покинула Пермскую моторостроительную площадку, продав Объединённой двигателестроительной корпорации (ОДК) свои блокирующие пакеты акций в уставном капитале ОАО «Пермский моторный завод» и ОАО «Авиадвигатель» за $37 млн.
В настоящий момент основное внимание экспертов приковано к усиливающемуся охлаждению мировой экономики, которое в силу накопленных структурных дисбалансов в мировой экономике и валютно-финансовой системе, а также хронического нежелания наднациональных элит даже обсуждать реальные причины глобального финансово-экономич
As countries around the world struggle to lay the foundations for faster sustainable growth, they would do well to focus on policies that encourage innovation, which is the primary source of technological change and productivity growth. Over the past decade, Asia has done that, whereas Europe, the US, and Japan have not.
Like the EU, the UK has become enamored with the idea of reducing carbon emissions through wind technology. But recent research overwhelmingly shows that wind power does not help to avert climate change, is not competitive, and that it costs far more than other energy sources.
Политика сайта ИНТЕЛРОС/«Интеллектуальная Россия» — соблюдение авторских прав. В данном ролике, выставленном на портале «YouTube», мы не обнаружили ссылок на ограничение по его использованию.
Although Libyans are now celebrating the first anniversary of the revolution that toppled Muammar el-Qaddafi, they are increasingly frustrated with the interim government's failure to purge and prosecute senior Qaddafi officials, and to rein in the militias that overthrew his regime. Those tasks will await the government that emerges from elections in June.
As France's presidential election looms, the country is approaching a breaking point, owing to the crisis of its banks and its parlous fiscal position. When that point is reached – almost certainly in the year or two following the election – it will cause radical, wrenching change, because the current political establishment has proposed no path forward.
Трагедия Ка-52 «Аллигатор» и гибель его экипажа, на мой взгляд, - прямое следствие проведенного реформирования Военно-воздушных сил, а также торжества воинствующего дилетантизма.
China’s economy is slowing, and Premier Wen Jiabao suggests that this was both inevitable and beneficial. Whether or not Wen is right, the Chinese authorities have much work to do in laying the groundwork for strong economic performance in the medium and long term.
Заявление Министерства иностранных дел Саудовской Аравии прозвучало громко и ясно - Россия, перестать вмешиваться! И не выдвигай ложных обвинений, что Саудовская Аравия поддерживает терроризм в Сирии.
Главная задача Соединенных Штатов на ближайшие десятилетия – это восстановление жизнеспособности идеи «Большого Запада» при одновременном продвижении ее и поддержании сложного равновесия на Востоке с учетом глобального усиления Китая.
Today’s fragile global economy faces many risks: the risk of another flare-up of the eurozone crisis; the risk of a worse-than-expected slowdown in China; and the risk that the US economy's recovery fizzles (again). But no risk is more serious than that posed by a further spike in oil prices.
Last year's nuclear accident in Fukushima underscored the need for alternatives to replace nuclear power, but many question whether renewable energy up to the task. But, given that wind power is cleaner, safer, and quickly becoming cheaper than new nuclear capacity, the answer should be obvious.
The US is now wrestling with the nuclear fears of two of its close allies, Israel and South Korea. While Israel’s alarm at the prospect of a nuclear-armed Iran is existential in nature, South Koreans, too, fear that their country, faced with the North Korea’s nuclear obsession and uncertainty about America’s security guarantee, could become a wasteland.
The unruly outcome of state-assembly elections in India on March 6 has fueled speculation that the national government might be in jeopardy – and has revived a sense that India may be suffering from too much democracy. But this is the India that Mahatma Gandhi fought to free, and its turbulent politics is well worth celebrating.