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Денис Богуш: 200 000 избирательных кампаний в Украине


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Выпуск No 389


Денис Богуш: 200 000 избирательных кампаний в Украине
2010-07-01 01:10 nattan

Страна приближается к очередному торжеству демократии, которое должно обновить власть на местных выборах. А это более 200 000 избирательных кампаний одновременно!

Сергей Горин оценит качество содержания и степень сохранности объектов культурного наследия, расположенных в Нижнем Новгороде
2010-06-30 23:30 nattan

На ремонт дворов в Автозаводском районе будет выделено 200 миллионов рублей
2010-06-30 23:30 nattan

В рамках проекта «Новые дороги городов «Единой России»

Протокол № 06 заседания президиума экспертного совета проекта общегородской социальной рекламы «Реформа» 24 июня 2010 года
2010-06-30 23:29 nattan

Край обречённых: русские идут
2010-06-30 22:21 nattan

Но сегодняшний наш разговор пойдёт не о ставшей традицией подлости лидеров украинства, а о ближайшем будущем самой Украины и том, как и почему Россия будет «колонизировать» эту запущенную землю, населённую наивными людьми.

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Исследование Freedom House: Страны переходного периода в 2010 году
2010-06-30 20:08 nattan

Международная правозащитная организация Freedom House опубликовала опубликовала аналитический доклад «Страны переходного периода в 2010 году» (Nations in Transit 2010), в котором отметила общую тенденцию к снижению демократических процессов в исследуемых государствах.


Вместо овощей — секонд-хенд
2010-06-30 19:34 nattan

В столице продолжают исчезать традиционные продуктовые рынки…
Алла ДУБРОВЫК, «День»




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Кто «заказал» Украину в приднестровском урегулировании?
2010-06-30 19:25 nattan

Автор: Виталий КУЛИК

Последний месяц украинские СМИ, возможно, с чьей-то умелой подачи, растиражировали информацию о том, что руководство Украины и России пришло к неким секретным договоренностям относительно распределения сфер влияния в Молдове и Приднестровье.

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Блог Егора Холмогорова (ЖЖ): Дюков по поводу анти
2010-06-30 17:01 nattan

Дюков по поводу антикононовской истерии, которую развернули латыши при помощи некоторых русскоязычных блоггеров.

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Блог Юрия Романенко: СССР в воспоминаниях польской коммунистки Целины БУДЗЫНЬСКОЙ
2010-06-30 16:52 nattan

Потрясающее интервью Целины Будзыньской <

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Блог Егора Холмогорова (ЖЖ): Замазывание совет
2010-06-30 16:45 nattan

Замазывание советского периода одной только черной краской - это некий сознательный идеологический маневр, цель которого - полностью снять с государства социальную ответственность, ответственность за воспроизводс

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Странная кампания
2010-06-30 14:55 nattan

Некоторые думают, или делают вид, что думают, что проводились праймериз к выборам кандидатов в депутаты городской думы. На самом деле проводились праймериз на выборы мэра Нижнего Новгорода.

«Модернизация» как предвыборный рефрен
2010-06-30 14:54 nattan

Если исходить как из более или менее очевидного, что к реальной экономике и реальной модернизации «программное» выступление Медведева на форуме в северной столице отношения не имеет.

Блог Егора Холмогорова (ЖЖ):
2010-06-30 13:25 nattan

Произошел серьезный пожар в знаменитом конструкторском бюро «Алмаз-Антей», расположенному по адресу: Ленинградский проспект, дом 80, корпус 2.

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Блог Егора Холмогорова (ЖЖ): <p>Любой, кто хоть ч
2010-06-30 12:43 nattan

Любой, кто хоть чуть-чуть знаком с «технологиями» разведки и основами конспирации отлично знает главный закон разведсети – никаких горизонтальных связей!

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Блог Егора Холмогорова (ЖЖ):
2010-06-30 11:55 nattan

Свободу Анне Чапман,
От Анны Чапман руки.
Дайте свободу Анечке Чапман,
Дайте свободу, суки.

SACHS: The Unaccountable G-8
2010-06-30 02:00 nattan

In hosting the 2010 G-8 summit of major economies, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper called for an “accountability summit,” to hold the G-8 responsible for the promises that it made over the years. But the G-8 has neither fulfilled its promises, nor taken responsibility for its failure to do so.

GROWTH: Those Fickle Sovereign Wealth Funds
2010-06-30 02:00 nattan

Two years ago, sovereign wealth funds were the bogeymen of world finance – until the global financial crisis made worries about them seem to vanish. Now that the crisis is abating, concerns about the SWFs and their behavior are returning.

WOLF: The High Cost of Cheap Fashion
2010-06-30 02:00 nattan

Fashion has been transformed by the recent emergence of retail chains that hire good designers to make throwaway clothing and accessories that are right on trend. But what has been liberating for Western women is a system built literally on the backs of women in the developing world.

GROWTH: Those Fickle Sovereign Wealth Funds
2010-06-30 02:00 nattan

Two years ago, sovereign wealth funds were the bogeymen of world finance – until the global financial crisis made worries about them seem to vanish.

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WEEKLY: The Arrogance of Chinese Power
2010-06-30 01:06 nattan

Success breeds confidence, and rapid success produces arrogance.

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DELONG: Listening to Arsonists
2010-06-30 01:06 nattan

Barack Obama made a significant mistake in naming the Republican ex-senator Alan Simpson to co-chair the president’s deficit-reduction commission.

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WP: Is Academic Freedom Worth Its Price?
2010-06-30 01:06 nattan

In these hard economic times, when ordinary people are struggling to make ends meet, there is a nagging sense that universities are luxuries.

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SINGER: Is it Okay to Cheat in Football?
2010-06-30 01:06 nattan

Players should not be exempt from ethical criticism for what they do on the field, any more than they are exempt from ethical criticism for cheating off the field – for example, by taking performance-enhancing drugs.

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RUSSIA: Russia’s Self-Defeating “But”
2010-06-30 01:06 nattan

Russian leaders harbor grand ambitions of nurturing innovation, luring great scientists back to the country, and catching up with the developed countries.

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FAN: The Chinese Economy’s Secret Recipe
2010-06-30 01:06 nattan

While most major economies in their early stages of growth suffered crises, China’s story seems abnormal (or accidental), and has elicited periodic predictions of an “upcoming crash.” But there is nothing more abnormal about China’s 30-year unbroken pattern of growth than effective macroeconomic intervention in boom times.<img src="http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/project-syndicate/most_recent/en/~4/KOJmxDyRVFE" height="1" width="1"/><img src="http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/project-syndicate/most_recent/en/~4/sDDEXbkGnaU" height="1&qu

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PATTEN: America’s Oil-Spill Nationalism
2010-06-30 01:06 nattan

The oil company BP is discovering that American exceptionalism, when it runs rampant, is a tsunami to be avoided.

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BEN-AMI: Turkey’s Rise and the Decline of Pan-Arabism
2010-06-30 01:06 nattan

Turkey’s growing relevance in the Middle East is the measure of the Arabs’ failure.

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FELDSTEIN: Inflation or Deflation?
2010-06-30 01:06 nattan

Investors nowadays are not sure which to worry about more in the US: future inflation or future deflation.

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E ECONOMIES: Germany’s Europe Deficit
2010-06-30 01:06 nattan

BERLIN -- Germany used to be at the heart of European integration. Its statesmen used to assert that Germany had no independent foreign policy, only a European policy. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, its leaders realized that German reunification was possible only in the context of a united Europe, and they were willing to make some sacrifices to secure European acceptance. Germans would contribute a little more and take a little less than others, thereby facilitating agreement.

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HEALTH: Psychiatry’s Conceptual Malpractice
2010-06-30 01:06 nattan

The American Psychiatric Association’s official diagnostic manual – the DSM, often called the “bible of psychiatry” – in effect defines what is psychologically normal and abnormal in the US and, increasingly, in much of the rest of the world.

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WEEKLY: Don’t Lose Ukraine
2010-06-30 01:06 nattan

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s visit to Ukraine on July 4-5 provides an important opportunity to re-affirm America's commitment to Ukraine’s sovereignty and democratic evolution.

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TA: What Euro Crisis?
2010-06-30 01:06 nattan

European leaders, led by French President Nicolas Sarkozy, declared in May a systemic crisis of the euro, thereby invoking a clause of the EU Treaty intended to help member countries facing the effects of natural disaster.

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ENERGY: The Greening of Growth
2010-06-30 01:06 nattan

The G-20 summit in Toronto is a chance for a long, hard look at how green investments are assisting economic recovery and job growth in many countries, while generating environmental gains as well, including on climate change.

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MOISI: From “Les Bleus” to “the Blues”
2010-06-30 01:06 nattan

Like the French army in the spring of 1940, the French World Cup team’s strategy and technique were outmoded.

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HEALTH: Psychiatry’s Conceptual Malpractice
2010-06-29 23:06 nattan

The American Psychiatric Association’s official diagnostic manual – the DSM, often called the “bible of psychiatry” – in effect defines what is psychologically normal and abnormal in the US and, increasingly, in much of the rest of the world. But proposed changes to the DSM's next edition may serve to discredit psychiatric diagnosis as much as to improve it.

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ENERGY: The Greening of Growth
2010-06-29 23:06 nattan

The G-20 summit in Toronto is a chance for a long, hard look at how green investments are assisting economic recovery and job growth in many countries, while generating environmental gains as well, including on climate change. Leaders should re-affirm their recognition of the Green Economy’s power to create a fundamentally different development path for all countries.

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WEEKLY: Don’t Lose Ukraine
2010-06-29 23:06 nattan

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s visit to Ukraine on July 4-5 provides an important opportunity to re-affirm America's commitment to Ukraine’s sovereignty and democratic evolution. Such a signal is of critical importance, because Ukraine’s hard-won independence and ability to pursue closer Euro-Atlantic ties are under threat.

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TA: What Euro Crisis?
2010-06-29 23:06 nattan

European leaders, led by French President Nicolas Sarkozy, declared in May a systemic crisis of the euro, thereby invoking a clause of the EU Treaty intended to help member countries facing the effects of natural disaster. But there is no crisis of the euro, only a search by markets for a new equilibrium on interest-rate spreads – which are still far below pre-euro levels.

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MOISI: From “Les Bleus” to “the Blues”
2010-06-29 23:06 nattan

Like the French army in the spring of 1940, the French World Cup team’s strategy and technique were outmoded. Substituting war for soccer, the comparison that comes to mind is that of the aging French military establishment, behind the Maginot Line in 1940, unable to confront General Heinz Guderian’s masterful command of blitzkrieg tank attacks.

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DELONG: Listening to Arsonists
2010-06-29 23:06 nattan

Barack Obama made a significant mistake in naming the Republican ex-senator Alan Simpson to co-chair the president’s deficit-reduction commission. Simpson was a noted budget arsonist when he was in the Senate, and he has recently expressed views that make no sense whatsoever.

WEEKLY: The Arrogance of Chinese Power
2010-06-29 23:06 nattan

Success breeds confidence, and rapid success produces arrogance. That, in a nutshell, is the problem that both Asia and the West face in China, whose unimpeded economic rise owes everything to its established status as a military power.

SINGER: Is it OK to Cheat in Football?
2010-06-29 23:06 nattan

Players should not be exempt from ethical criticism for what they do on the field, any more than they are exempt from ethical criticism for cheating off the field – for example, by taking performance-enhancing drugs. Yet, in soccer, ethical rules don't seem to apply.

WP: Is Academic Freedom Worth Its Price?
2010-06-29 23:06 nattan

In these hard economic times, when ordinary people are struggling to make ends meet, there is a nagging sense that universities are luxuries. In fact, universities may be the most consistently high-performing products of long-term capital investment.

AFRICA: The Return of the African Coup
2010-06-29 23:06 nattan

The conventional wisdom that sub-Saharan Africa has moved beyond military coups may be wishful thinking. In the past two years, Africa has seen successful coups in Niger, Guinea, Madagascar, and Mauritania, with a handful of indirect interventions, failed coups, and whispered threats elsewhere.

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PATTEN: America’s Oil-Spill Nationalism
2010-06-29 23:06 nattan

The oil company BP is discovering that American exceptionalism, when it runs rampant, is a tsunami to be avoided. But, while many Americans wrongly equate BP with Europe, and Europe with failure, it is nonetheless true that Europeans suffer the consequences of their own exceptionalist fantasy.

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SKIDELSKY: Keynes and Social Democracy Today
2010-06-29 23:06 nattan

John Maynard Keynes' main contribution to social democracy lies not in the specifics of policy, but in his insistence that the state as ultimate protector of the public good has a duty to supplement and regulate market forces. Today, that means stopping financial markets from behaving badly.

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BEN-AMI: Turkey’s Rise and the Decline of Pan-Arabism
2010-06-29 23:06 nattan

Turkey’s growing relevance in the Middle East is the measure of the Arabs’ failure. As Islamist democracies whose governments emerge from popular elections, Iran and Turkey – and their Hamas and Hezbollah allies – can claim an advantage over the incumbent Arab regimes, all of which suffer from a desperately yawning legitimacy deficit.

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FELDSTEIN: Inflation or Deflation?
2010-06-29 23:06 nattan

Investors nowadays are not sure which to worry about more in the US: future inflation or future deflation. The good news is that the answer – for at least the next few years – is “neither.”

E ECONOMIES: Germany’s Europe Deficit
2010-06-29 23:06 nattan

BERLIN -- Germany used to be at the heart of European integration. Its statesmen used to assert that Germany had no independent foreign policy, only a European policy. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, its leaders realized that German reunification was possible only in the context of a united Europe, and they were willing to make some sacrifices to secure European acceptance. Germans would contribute a little more and take a little less than others, thereby facilitating agreement.

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«Крепкая семья – крепкая Россия!»
2010-06-29 22:51 nattan

II всероссийский фестиваль семейного творчества пройдет в Нижнем Новгороде

Стоимость комплексного благоустройства жилого квартала на проспекте Октября составит более 37 миллионов рублей
2010-06-29 22:50 nattan

«Работы по завершению строительства нового пищеблока больницы №33 будут вестись в круглосуточном режиме», - Владимир Колчин
2010-06-29 22:50 nattan

ENERGY: The Greening of Growth
2010-06-29 21:06 nattan

The G-20 summit in Toronto is a chance for a long, hard look at how green investments are assisting economic recovery and job growth in many countries, while generating environmental gains as well, including on climate change. Leaders should re-affirm their recognition of the Green Economy’s power to create a fundamentally different development path for all countries.

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WEEKLY: Don’t Lose Ukraine
2010-06-29 21:06 nattan

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s visit to Ukraine on July 4-5 provides an important opportunity to re-affirm America's commitment to Ukraine’s sovereignty and democratic evolution. Such a signal is of critical importance, because Ukraine’s hard-won independence and ability to pursue closer Euro-Atlantic ties are under threat.

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TA: What Euro Crisis?
2010-06-29 21:06 nattan

European leaders, led by French President Nicolas Sarkozy, declared in May a systemic crisis of the euro, thereby invoking a clause of the EU Treaty intended to help member countries facing the effects of natural disaster. But there is no crisis of the euro, only a search by markets for a new equilibrium on interest-rate spreads – which are still far below pre-euro levels.

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MOISI: From “Les Bleus” to “the Blues”
2010-06-29 21:06 nattan

Like the French army in the spring of 1940, the French World Cup team’s strategy and technique were outmoded. Substituting war for soccer, the comparison that comes to mind is that of the aging French military establishment, behind the Maginot Line in 1940, unable to confront General Heinz Guderian’s masterful command of blitzkrieg tank attacks.

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DELONG: Listening to Arsonists
2010-06-29 21:06 nattan

Barack Obama made a significant mistake in naming the Republican ex-senator Alan Simpson to co-chair the president’s deficit-reduction commission. Simpson was a noted budget arsonist when he was in the Senate, and he has recently expressed views that make no sense whatsoever.

WEEKLY: The Arrogance of Chinese Power
2010-06-29 21:06 nattan

Success breeds confidence, and rapid success produces arrogance. That, in a nutshell, is the problem that both Asia and the West face in China, whose unimpeded economic rise owes everything to its established status as a military power.

SINGER: Is it OK to Cheat in Football?
2010-06-29 21:06 nattan

Players should not be exempt from ethical criticism for what they do on the field, any more than they are exempt from ethical criticism for cheating off the field – for example, by taking performance-enhancing drugs. Yet, in soccer, ethical rules don't seem to apply.

WP: Is Academic Freedom Worth Its Price?
2010-06-29 21:06 nattan

In these hard economic times, when ordinary people are struggling to make ends meet, there is a nagging sense that universities are luxuries. In fact, universities may be the most consistently high-performing products of long-term capital investment.

AFRICA: The Return of the African Coup
2010-06-29 21:06 nattan

The conventional wisdom that sub-Saharan Africa has moved beyond military coups may be wishful thinking. In the past two years, Africa has seen successful coups in Niger, Guinea, Madagascar, and Mauritania, with a handful of indirect interventions, failed coups, and whispered threats elsewhere.

PATTEN: America’s Oil-Spill Nationalism
2010-06-29 21:06 nattan

The oil company BP is discovering that American exceptionalism, when it runs rampant, is a tsunami to be avoided. But, while many Americans wrongly equate BP with Europe, and Europe with failure, it is nonetheless true that Europeans suffer the consequences of their own exceptionalist fantasy.

SKIDELSKY: Keynes and Social Democracy Today
2010-06-29 21:06 nattan

John Maynard Keynes' main contribution to social democracy lies not in the specifics of policy, but in his insistence that the state as ultimate protector of the public good has a duty to supplement and regulate market forces. Today, that means stopping financial markets from behaving badly.

BEN-AMI: Turkey’s Rise and the Decline of Pan-Arabism
2010-06-29 21:06 nattan

Turkey’s growing relevance in the Middle East is the measure of the Arabs’ failure. As Islamist democracies whose governments emerge from popular elections, Iran and Turkey – and their Hamas and Hezbollah allies – can claim an advantage over the incumbent Arab regimes, all of which suffer from a desperately yawning legitimacy deficit.

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FELDSTEIN: Inflation or Deflation?
2010-06-29 21:06 nattan

Investors nowadays are not sure which to worry about more in the US: future inflation or future deflation. The good news is that the answer – for at least the next few years – is “neither.”

E ECONOMIES: Germany’s Europe Deficit
2010-06-29 21:06 nattan

BERLIN -- Germany used to be at the heart of European integration. Its statesmen used to assert that Germany had no independent foreign policy, only a European policy. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, its leaders realized that German reunification was possible only in the context of a united Europe, and they were willing to make some sacrifices to secure European acceptance. Germans would contribute a little more and take a little less than others, thereby facilitating agreement.

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HEALTH: Psychiatry’s Conceptual Malpractice
2010-06-29 21:06 nattan

The American Psychiatric Association’s official diagnostic manual – the DSM, often called the “bible of psychiatry” – in effect defines what is psychologically normal and abnormal in the US and, increasingly, in much of the rest of the world. But proposed changes to the DSM's next edition may serve to discredit psychiatric diagnosis as much as to improve it.

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Акела промахнулся?
2010-06-29 20:36 nattan

«Горячие темы» западных блогов – блеск и нищета Уоррена Баффета, снос домов ради жилья, банкротство BP, американский дефицит. // Дмитрий Балковский, специально для Bankir.Ru

Блог Егора Холмогорова (ЖЖ): <p>Осознал ужасное - я
2010-06-29 20:29 nattan

Осознал ужасное - я за последний год дезадаптировался относительно летней Москвы. Тесноты, грязи, запахов макдональдса... Смотрю со смесью ужаса и отвращения. Весной все не так страшно. А вот летом - запах гниения.

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HEALTH: Psychiatry’s Conceptual Malpractice
2010-06-29 19:06 nattan

The American Psychiatric Association’s official diagnostic manual – the DSM, often called the “bible of psychiatry” – in effect defines what is psychologically normal and abnormal in the US and, increasingly, in much of the rest of the world. But proposed changes to the DSM's next edition may serve to discredit psychiatric diagnosis as much as to improve it.

ENERGY: The Greening of Growth
2010-06-29 19:06 nattan

The G-20 summit in Toronto is a chance for a long, hard look at how green investments are assisting economic recovery and job growth in many countries, while generating environmental gains as well, including on climate change. Leaders should re-affirm their recognition of the Green Economy’s power to create a fundamentally different development path for all countries.

WEEKLY: Don’t Lose Ukraine
2010-06-29 19:06 nattan

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s visit to Ukraine on July 4-5 provides an important opportunity to re-affirm America's commitment to Ukraine’s sovereignty and democratic evolution. Such a signal is of critical importance, because Ukraine’s hard-won independence and ability to pursue closer Euro-Atlantic ties are under threat.

TA: What Euro Crisis?
2010-06-29 19:06 nattan

European leaders, led by French President Nicolas Sarkozy, declared in May a systemic crisis of the euro, thereby invoking a clause of the EU Treaty intended to help member countries facing the effects of natural disaster. But there is no crisis of the euro, only a search by markets for a new equilibrium on interest-rate spreads – which are still far below pre-euro levels.

MOISI: From “Les Bleus” to “the Blues”
2010-06-29 19:06 nattan

Like the French army in the spring of 1940, the French World Cup team’s strategy and technique were outmoded. Substituting war for soccer, the comparison that comes to mind is that of the aging French military establishment, behind the Maginot Line in 1940, unable to confront General Heinz Guderian’s masterful command of blitzkrieg tank attacks.

DELONG: Listening to Arsonists
2010-06-29 19:06 nattan

Barack Obama made a significant mistake in naming the Republican ex-senator Alan Simpson to co-chair the president’s deficit-reduction commission. Simpson was a noted budget arsonist when he was in the Senate, and he has recently expressed views that make no sense whatsoever.

WEEKLY: The Arrogance of Chinese Power
2010-06-29 19:06 nattan

Success breeds confidence, and rapid success produces arrogance. That, in a nutshell, is the problem that both Asia and the West face in China, whose unimpeded economic rise owes everything to its established status as a military power.

SINGER: Is it OK to Cheat in Football?
2010-06-29 19:06 nattan

Players should not be exempt from ethical criticism for what they do on the field, any more than they are exempt from ethical criticism for cheating off the field – for example, by taking performance-enhancing drugs. Yet, in soccer, ethical rules don't seem to apply.

WP: Is Academic Freedom Worth Its Price?
2010-06-29 19:06 nattan

In these hard economic times, when ordinary people are struggling to make ends meet, there is a nagging sense that universities are luxuries. In fact, universities may be the most consistently high-performing products of long-term capital investment.

AFRICA: The Return of the African Coup
2010-06-29 19:06 nattan

The conventional wisdom that sub-Saharan Africa has moved beyond military coups may be wishful thinking. In the past two years, Africa has seen successful coups in Niger, Guinea, Madagascar, and Mauritania, with a handful of indirect interventions, failed coups, and whispered threats elsewhere.

PATTEN: America’s Oil-Spill Nationalism
2010-06-29 19:06 nattan

The oil company BP is discovering that American exceptionalism, when it runs rampant, is a tsunami to be avoided. But, while many Americans wrongly equate BP with Europe, and Europe with failure, it is nonetheless true that Europeans suffer the consequences of their own exceptionalist fantasy.

SKIDELSKY: Keynes and Social Democracy Today
2010-06-29 19:06 nattan

John Maynard Keynes' main contribution to social democracy lies not in the specifics of policy, but in his insistence that the state as ultimate protector of the public good has a duty to supplement and regulate market forces. Today, that means stopping financial markets from behaving badly.

BEN-AMI: Turkey’s Rise and the Decline of Pan-Arabism
2010-06-29 19:06 nattan

Turkey’s growing relevance in the Middle East is the measure of the Arabs’ failure. As Islamist democracies whose governments emerge from popular elections, Iran and Turkey – and their Hamas and Hezbollah allies – can claim an advantage over the incumbent Arab regimes, all of which suffer from a desperately yawning legitimacy deficit.

FELDSTEIN: Inflation or Deflation?
2010-06-29 19:06 nattan

Investors nowadays are not sure which to worry about more in the US: future inflation or future deflation. The good news is that the answer – for at least the next few years – is “neither.”

E ECONOMIES: Germany’s Europe Deficit
2010-06-29 19:06 nattan

BERLIN -- Germany used to be at the heart of European integration. Its statesmen used to assert that Germany had no independent foreign policy, only a European policy. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, its leaders realized that German reunification was possible only in the context of a united Europe, and they were willing to make some sacrifices to secure European acceptance. Germans would contribute a little more and take a little less than others, thereby facilitating agreement.

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ENERGY: The Greening of Growth
2010-06-29 18:06 nattan

The G-20 summit in Toronto is a chance for a long, hard look at how green investments are assisting economic recovery and job growth in many countries, while generating environmental gains as well, including on climate change. Leaders should re-affirm their recognition of the Green Economy’s power to create a fundamentally different development path for all countries.

WEEKLY: Don’t Lose Ukraine
2010-06-29 18:06 nattan

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s visit to Ukraine on July 4-5 provides an important opportunity to re-affirm America's commitment to Ukraine’s sovereignty and democratic evolution. Such a signal is of critical importance, because Ukraine’s hard-won independence and ability to pursue closer Euro-Atlantic ties are under threat.

TA: What Euro Crisis?
2010-06-29 18:06 nattan

European leaders, led by French President Nicolas Sarkozy, declared in May a systemic crisis of the euro, thereby invoking a clause of the EU Treaty intended to help member countries facing the effects of natural disaster. But there is no crisis of the euro, only a search by markets for a new equilibrium on interest-rate spreads – which are still far below pre-euro levels.

MOISI: From “Les Bleus” to “the Blues”
2010-06-29 18:06 nattan

Like the French army in the spring of 1940, the French World Cup team’s strategy and technique were outmoded. Substituting war for soccer, the comparison that comes to mind is that of the aging French military establishment, behind the Maginot Line in 1940, unable to confront General Heinz Guderian’s masterful command of blitzkrieg tank attacks.

DELONG: Listening to Arsonists
2010-06-29 18:06 nattan

Barack Obama made a significant mistake in naming the Republican ex-senator Alan Simpson to co-chair the president’s deficit-reduction commission. Simpson was a noted budget arsonist when he was in the Senate, and he has recently expressed views that make no sense whatsoever.

WEEKLY: The Arrogance of Chinese Power
2010-06-29 18:06 nattan

Success breeds confidence, and rapid success produces arrogance. That, in a nutshell, is the problem that both Asia and the West face in China, whose unimpeded economic rise owes everything to its established status as a military power.

SINGER: Is it OK to Cheat in Football?
2010-06-29 18:06 nattan

Players should not be exempt from ethical criticism for what they do on the field, any more than they are exempt from ethical criticism for cheating off the field – for example, by taking performance-enhancing drugs. Yet, in soccer, ethical rules don't seem to apply.

WP: Is Academic Freedom Worth Its Price?
2010-06-29 18:06 nattan

In these hard economic times, when ordinary people are struggling to make ends meet, there is a nagging sense that universities are luxuries. In fact, universities may be the most consistently high-performing products of long-term capital investment.

AFRICA: The Return of the African Coup
2010-06-29 18:06 nattan

The conventional wisdom that sub-Saharan Africa has moved beyond military coups may be wishful thinking. In the past two years, Africa has seen successful coups in Niger, Guinea, Madagascar, and Mauritania, with a handful of indirect interventions, failed coups, and whispered threats elsewhere.

PATTEN: America’s Oil-Spill Nationalism
2010-06-29 18:06 nattan

The oil company BP is discovering that American exceptionalism, when it runs rampant, is a tsunami to be avoided. But, while many Americans wrongly equate BP with Europe, and Europe with failure, it is nonetheless true that Europeans suffer the consequences of their own exceptionalist fantasy.

SKIDELSKY: Keynes and Social Democracy Today
2010-06-29 18:06 nattan

John Maynard Keynes' main contribution to social democracy lies not in the specifics of policy, but in his insistence that the state as ultimate protector of the public good has a duty to supplement and regulate market forces. Today, that means stopping financial markets from behaving badly.

BEN-AMI: Turkey’s Rise and the Decline of Pan-Arabism
2010-06-29 18:06 nattan

Turkey’s growing relevance in the Middle East is the measure of the Arabs’ failure. As Islamist democracies whose governments emerge from popular elections, Iran and Turkey – and their Hamas and Hezbollah allies – can claim an advantage over the incumbent Arab regimes, all of which suffer from a desperately yawning legitimacy deficit.

FELDSTEIN: Inflation or Deflation?
2010-06-29 18:06 nattan

Investors nowadays are not sure which to worry about more in the US: future inflation or future deflation. The good news is that the answer – for at least the next few years – is “neither.”

E ECONOMIES: Germany’s Europe Deficit
2010-06-29 18:06 nattan

BERLIN -- Germany used to be at the heart of European integration. Its statesmen used to assert that Germany had no independent foreign policy, only a European policy. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, its leaders realized that German reunification was possible only in the context of a united Europe, and they were willing to make some sacrifices to secure European acceptance. Germans would contribute a little more and take a little less than others, thereby facilitating agreement.

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HEALTH: Psychiatry’s Conceptual Malpractice
2010-06-29 18:06 nattan

The American Psychiatric Association’s official diagnostic manual – the DSM, often called the “bible of psychiatry” – in effect defines what is psychologically normal and abnormal in the US and, increasingly, in much of the rest of the world. But proposed changes to the DSM's next edition may serve to discredit psychiatric diagnosis as much as to improve it.

HEALTH: Psychiatry’s Conceptual Malpractice
2010-06-29 16:07 nattan

The American Psychiatric Association’s official diagnostic manual – the DSM, often called the “bible of psychiatry” – in effect defines what is psychologically normal and abnormal in the US and, increasingly, in much of the rest of the world. But proposed changes to the DSM's next edition may serve to discredit psychiatric diagnosis as much as to improve it.

ENERGY: The Greening of Growth
2010-06-29 16:07 nattan

The G-20 summit in Toronto is a chance for a long, hard look at how green investments are assisting economic recovery and job growth in many countries, while generating environmental gains as well, including on climate change. Leaders should re-affirm their recognition of the Green Economy’s power to create a fundamentally different development path for all countries.

WEEKLY: Don’t Lose Ukraine
2010-06-29 16:07 nattan

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s visit to Ukraine on July 4-5 provides an important opportunity to re-affirm America's commitment to Ukraine’s sovereignty and democratic evolution. Such a signal is of critical importance, because Ukraine’s hard-won independence and ability to pursue closer Euro-Atlantic ties are under threat.

TA: What Euro Crisis?
2010-06-29 16:07 nattan

European leaders, led by French President Nicolas Sarkozy, declared in May a systemic crisis of the euro, thereby invoking a clause of the EU Treaty intended to help member countries facing the effects of natural disaster. But there is no crisis of the euro, only a search by markets for a new equilibrium on interest-rate spreads – which are still far below pre-euro levels.

MOISI: From “Les Bleus” to “the Blues”
2010-06-29 16:07 nattan

Like the French army in the spring of 1940, the French World Cup team’s strategy and technique were outmoded. Substituting war for soccer, the comparison that comes to mind is that of the aging French military establishment, behind the Maginot Line in 1940, unable to confront General Heinz Guderian’s masterful command of blitzkrieg tank attacks.

DELONG: Listening to Arsonists
2010-06-29 16:07 nattan

Barack Obama made a significant mistake in naming the Republican ex-senator Alan Simpson to co-chair the president’s deficit-reduction commission. Simpson was a noted budget arsonist when he was in the Senate, and he has recently expressed views that make no sense whatsoever.

WEEKLY: The Arrogance of Chinese Power
2010-06-29 16:07 nattan

Success breeds confidence, and rapid success produces arrogance. That, in a nutshell, is the problem that both Asia and the West face in China, whose unimpeded economic rise owes everything to its established status as a military power.

SINGER: Is it OK to Cheat in Football?
2010-06-29 16:07 nattan

Players should not be exempt from ethical criticism for what they do on the field, any more than they are exempt from ethical criticism for cheating off the field – for example, by taking performance-enhancing drugs. Yet, in soccer, ethical rules don't seem to apply.

WP: Is Academic Freedom Worth Its Price?
2010-06-29 16:07 nattan

In these hard economic times, when ordinary people are struggling to make ends meet, there is a nagging sense that universities are luxuries. In fact, universities may be the most consistently high-performing products of long-term capital investment.

AFRICA: The Return of the African Coup
2010-06-29 16:07 nattan

The conventional wisdom that sub-Saharan Africa has moved beyond military coups may be wishful thinking. In the past two years, Africa has seen successful coups in Niger, Guinea, Madagascar, and Mauritania, with a handful of indirect interventions, failed coups, and whispered threats elsewhere.

PATTEN: America’s Oil-Spill Nationalism
2010-06-29 16:07 nattan

The oil company BP is discovering that American exceptionalism, when it runs rampant, is a tsunami to be avoided. But, while many Americans wrongly equate BP with Europe, and Europe with failure, it is nonetheless true that Europeans suffer the consequences of their own exceptionalist fantasy.

SKIDELSKY: Keynes and Social Democracy Today
2010-06-29 16:07 nattan

John Maynard Keynes' main contribution to social democracy lies not in the specifics of policy, but in his insistence that the state as ultimate protector of the public good has a duty to supplement and regulate market forces. Today, that means stopping financial markets from behaving badly.

BEN-AMI: Turkey’s Rise and the Decline of Pan-Arabism
2010-06-29 16:07 nattan

Turkey’s growing relevance in the Middle East is the measure of the Arabs’ failure. As Islamist democracies whose governments emerge from popular elections, Iran and Turkey – and their Hamas and Hezbollah allies – can claim an advantage over the incumbent Arab regimes, all of which suffer from a desperately yawning legitimacy deficit.

FELDSTEIN: Inflation or Deflation?
2010-06-29 16:07 nattan

Investors nowadays are not sure which to worry about more in the US: future inflation or future deflation. The good news is that the answer – for at least the next few years – is “neither.”

E ECONOMIES: Germany’s Europe Deficit
2010-06-29 16:07 nattan

BERLIN -- Germany used to be at the heart of European integration. Its statesmen used to assert that Germany had no independent foreign policy, only a European policy. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, its leaders realized that German reunification was possible only in the context of a united Europe, and they were willing to make some sacrifices to secure European acceptance. Germans would contribute a little more and take a little less than others, thereby facilitating agreement.

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Блог Егора Холмогорова (ЖЖ):
2010-06-29 14:59 nattan

Начата реставрация н

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HEALTH: Psychiatry’s Conceptual Malpractice
2010-06-29 14:08 nattan

The American Psychiatric Association’s official diagnostic manual – the DSM, often called the “bible of psychiatry” – in effect defines what is psychologically normal and abnormal in the US and, increasingly, in much of the rest of the world. But proposed changes to the DSM's next edition may serve to discredit psychiatric diagnosis as much as to improve it.

ENERGY: The Greening of Growth
2010-06-29 14:08 nattan

The G-20 summit in Toronto is a chance for a long, hard look at how green investments are assisting economic recovery and job growth in many countries, while generating environmental gains as well, including on climate change. Leaders should re-affirm their recognition of the Green Economy’s power to create a fundamentally different development path for all countries.

WEEKLY: Don’t Lose Ukraine
2010-06-29 14:08 nattan

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s visit to Ukraine on July 4-5 provides an important opportunity to re-affirm America's commitment to Ukraine’s sovereignty and democratic evolution. Such a signal is of critical importance, because Ukraine’s hard-won independence and ability to pursue closer Euro-Atlantic ties are under threat.

TA: What Euro Crisis?
2010-06-29 14:08 nattan

European leaders, led by French President Nicolas Sarkozy, declared in May a systemic crisis of the euro, thereby invoking a clause of the EU Treaty intended to help member countries facing the effects of natural disaster. But there is no crisis of the euro, only a search by markets for a new equilibrium on interest-rate spreads – which are still far below pre-euro levels.

MOISI: From “Les Bleus” to “the Blues”
2010-06-29 14:08 nattan

Like the French army in the spring of 1940, the French World Cup team’s strategy and technique were outmoded. Substituting war for soccer, the comparison that comes to mind is that of the aging French military establishment, behind the Maginot Line in 1940, unable to confront General Heinz Guderian’s masterful command of blitzkrieg tank attacks.

DELONG: Listening to Arsonists
2010-06-29 14:08 nattan

Barack Obama made a significant mistake in naming the Republican ex-senator Alan Simpson to co-chair the president’s deficit-reduction commission. Simpson was a noted budget arsonist when he was in the Senate, and he has recently expressed views that make no sense whatsoever.

WEEKLY: The Arrogance of Chinese Power
2010-06-29 14:08 nattan

Success breeds confidence, and rapid success produces arrogance. That, in a nutshell, is the problem that both Asia and the West face in China, whose unimpeded economic rise owes everything to its established status as a military power.

SINGER: Is it OK to Cheat in Football?
2010-06-29 14:08 nattan

Players should not be exempt from ethical criticism for what they do on the field, any more than they are exempt from ethical criticism for cheating off the field – for example, by taking performance-enhancing drugs. Yet, in soccer, ethical rules don't seem to apply.

WP: Is Academic Freedom Worth Its Price?
2010-06-29 14:08 nattan

In these hard economic times, when ordinary people are struggling to make ends meet, there is a nagging sense that universities are luxuries. In fact, universities may be the most consistently high-performing products of long-term capital investment.

AFRICA: The Return of the African Coup
2010-06-29 14:08 nattan

The conventional wisdom that sub-Saharan Africa has moved beyond military coups may be wishful thinking. In the past two years, Africa has seen successful coups in Niger, Guinea, Madagascar, and Mauritania, with a handful of indirect interventions, failed coups, and whispered threats elsewhere.

PATTEN: America’s Oil-Spill Nationalism
2010-06-29 14:08 nattan

The oil company BP is discovering that American exceptionalism, when it runs rampant, is a tsunami to be avoided. But, while many Americans wrongly equate BP with Europe, and Europe with failure, it is nonetheless true that Europeans suffer the consequences of their own exceptionalist fantasy.

SKIDELSKY: Keynes and Social Democracy Today
2010-06-29 14:08 nattan

John Maynard Keynes' main contribution to social democracy lies not in the specifics of policy, but in his insistence that the state as ultimate protector of the public good has a duty to supplement and regulate market forces. Today, that means stopping financial markets from behaving badly.

BEN-AMI: Turkey’s Rise and the Decline of Pan-Arabism
2010-06-29 14:08 nattan

Turkey’s growing relevance in the Middle East is the measure of the Arabs’ failure. As Islamist democracies whose governments emerge from popular elections, Iran and Turkey – and their Hamas and Hezbollah allies – can claim an advantage over the incumbent Arab regimes, all of which suffer from a desperately yawning legitimacy deficit.

FELDSTEIN: Inflation or Deflation?
2010-06-29 14:08 nattan

Investors nowadays are not sure which to worry about more in the US: future inflation or future deflation. The good news is that the answer – for at least the next few years – is “neither.”

E ECONOMIES: Germany’s Europe Deficit
2010-06-29 14:08 nattan

BERLIN -- Germany used to be at the heart of European integration. Its statesmen used to assert that Germany had no independent foreign policy, only a European policy. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, its leaders realized that German reunification was possible only in the context of a united Europe, and they were willing to make some sacrifices to secure European acceptance. Germans would contribute a little more and take a little less than others, thereby facilitating agreement.

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Блог Юрия Романенко: Как мы ходим по граблям. 100 лет
2010-06-29 14:06 nattan

 Поставил материал по Павлу Скоропадскому и его актуальности для нас.

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Нижний вновь столица реформ
2010-06-29 13:46 nattan

Не случайно, что именно в Нижегородской области активно развивается отделение «Правого дела». Ведь именно нижегородцам, кующим оборону страны, всегда позволяли говорить чуть больше и думать чуть либеральнее.

HEALTH: Psychiatry’s Conceptual Malpractice
2010-06-29 13:06 nattan

The American Psychiatric Association’s official diagnostic manual – the DSM, often called the “bible of psychiatry” – in effect defines what is psychologically normal and abnormal in the US and, increasingly, in much of the rest of the world. But proposed changes to the DSM's next edition may serve to discredit psychiatric diagnosis as much as to improve it.

ENERGY: The Greening of Growth
2010-06-29 13:06 nattan

The G-20 summit in Toronto is a chance for a long, hard look at how green investments are assisting economic recovery and job growth in many countries, while generating environmental gains as well, including on climate change. Leaders should re-affirm their recognition of the Green Economy’s power to create a fundamentally different development path for all countries.

WEEKLY: Don’t Lose Ukraine
2010-06-29 13:06 nattan

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s visit to Ukraine on July 4-5 provides an important opportunity to re-affirm America's commitment to Ukraine’s sovereignty and democratic evolution. Such a signal is of critical importance, because Ukraine’s hard-won independence and ability to pursue closer Euro-Atlantic ties are under threat.

TA: What Euro Crisis?
2010-06-29 13:06 nattan

European leaders, led by French President Nicolas Sarkozy, declared in May a systemic crisis of the euro, thereby invoking a clause of the EU Treaty intended to help member countries facing the effects of natural disaster. But there is no crisis of the euro, only a search by markets for a new equilibrium on interest-rate spreads – which are still far below pre-euro levels.

MOISI: From “Les Bleus” to “the Blues”
2010-06-29 13:06 nattan

Like the French army in the spring of 1940, the French World Cup team’s strategy and technique were outmoded. Substituting war for soccer, the comparison that comes to mind is that of the aging French military establishment, behind the Maginot Line in 1940, unable to confront General Heinz Guderian’s masterful command of blitzkrieg tank attacks.

DELONG: Listening to Arsonists
2010-06-29 13:06 nattan

Barack Obama made a significant mistake in naming the Republican ex-senator Alan Simpson to co-chair the president’s deficit-reduction commission. Simpson was a noted budget arsonist when he was in the Senate, and he has recently expressed views that make no sense whatsoever.

WEEKLY: The Arrogance of Chinese Power
2010-06-29 13:06 nattan

Success breeds confidence, and rapid success produces arrogance. That, in a nutshell, is the problem that both Asia and the West face in China, whose unimpeded economic rise owes everything to its established status as a military power.

SINGER: Is it OK to Cheat in Football?
2010-06-29 13:06 nattan

Players should not be exempt from ethical criticism for what they do on the field, any more than they are exempt from ethical criticism for cheating off the field – for example, by taking performance-enhancing drugs. Yet, in soccer, ethical rules don't seem to apply.

WP: Is Academic Freedom Worth Its Price?
2010-06-29 13:06 nattan

In these hard economic times, when ordinary people are struggling to make ends meet, there is a nagging sense that universities are luxuries. In fact, universities may be the most consistently high-performing products of long-term capital investment.

AFRICA: The Return of the African Coup
2010-06-29 13:06 nattan

The conventional wisdom that sub-Saharan Africa has moved beyond military coups may be wishful thinking. In the past two years, Africa has seen successful coups in Niger, Guinea, Madagascar, and Mauritania, with a handful of indirect interventions, failed coups, and whispered threats elsewhere.

PATTEN: America’s Oil-Spill Nationalism
2010-06-29 13:06 nattan

The oil company BP is discovering that American exceptionalism, when it runs rampant, is a tsunami to be avoided. But, while many Americans wrongly equate BP with Europe, and Europe with failure, it is nonetheless true that Europeans suffer the consequences of their own exceptionalist fantasy.

SKIDELSKY: Keynes and Social Democracy Today
2010-06-29 13:06 nattan

John Maynard Keynes' main contribution to social democracy lies not in the specifics of policy, but in his insistence that the state as ultimate protector of the public good has a duty to supplement and regulate market forces. Today, that means stopping financial markets from behaving badly.

BEN-AMI: Turkey’s Rise and the Decline of Pan-Arabism
2010-06-29 13:06 nattan

Turkey’s growing relevance in the Middle East is the measure of the Arabs’ failure. As Islamist democracies whose governments emerge from popular elections, Iran and Turkey – and their Hamas and Hezbollah allies – can claim an advantage over the incumbent Arab regimes, all of which suffer from a desperately yawning legitimacy deficit.

FELDSTEIN: Inflation or Deflation?
2010-06-29 13:06 nattan

Investors nowadays are not sure which to worry about more in the US: future inflation or future deflation. The good news is that the answer – for at least the next few years – is “neither.”

E ECONOMIES: Germany’s Europe Deficit
2010-06-29 13:06 nattan

BERLIN -- Germany used to be at the heart of European integration. Its statesmen used to assert that Germany had no independent foreign policy, only a European policy. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, its leaders realized that German reunification was possible only in the context of a united Europe, and they were willing to make some sacrifices to secure European acceptance. Germans would contribute a little more and take a little less than others, thereby facilitating agreement.

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Китайская модель снижения численности населения
2010-06-29 11:58 nattan

У нас теперь есть достаточный опыт[знакомства] с программами контроля рождаемости, чтобы понять, что они могут легко стать механизмом для давления элиты на бедных. Я боюсь, что возведение к легитимности меры "вне добровольного планирования семьи" представляют из себя именно такое давление...

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Билл Гейтс – крупнейший донор ВОЗ
2010-06-29 11:49 nattan

Действительно ли Билл Гейтс оказывает спонсорскую помощь ВОЗ больше, чем правительство США?

E ECONOMIES: Germany’s Europe Deficit
2010-06-29 11:36 nattan

BERLIN -- Germany used to be at the heart of European integration. Its statesmen used to assert that Germany had no independent foreign policy, only a European policy. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, its leaders realized that German reunification was possible only in the context of a united Europe, and they were willing to make some sacrifices to secure European acceptance. Germans would contribute a little more and take a little less than others, thereby facilitating agreement.

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HEALTH: Psychiatry’s Conceptual Malpractice
2010-06-29 11:36 nattan

The American Psychiatric Association’s official diagnostic manual – the DSM, often called the “bible of psychiatry” – in effect defines what is psychologically normal and abnormal in the US and, increasingly, in much of the rest of the world. But proposed changes to the DSM's next edition may serve to discredit psychiatric diagnosis as much as to improve it.

ENERGY: The Greening of Growth
2010-06-29 11:36 nattan

The G-20 summit in Toronto is a chance for a long, hard look at how green investments are assisting economic recovery and job growth in many countries, while generating environmental gains as well, including on climate change. Leaders should re-affirm their recognition of the Green Economy’s power to create a fundamentally different development path for all countries.

WEEKLY: Don’t Lose Ukraine
2010-06-29 11:36 nattan

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s visit to Ukraine on July 4-5 provides an important opportunity to re-affirm America's commitment to Ukraine’s sovereignty and democratic evolution. Such a signal is of critical importance, because Ukraine’s hard-won independence and ability to pursue closer Euro-Atlantic ties are under threat.

TA: What Euro Crisis?
2010-06-29 11:36 nattan

European leaders, led by French President Nicolas Sarkozy, declared in May a systemic crisis of the euro, thereby invoking a clause of the EU Treaty intended to help member countries facing the effects of natural disaster. But there is no crisis of the euro, only a search by markets for a new equilibrium on interest-rate spreads – which are still far below pre-euro levels.

MOISI: From “Les Bleus” to “the Blues”
2010-06-29 11:36 nattan

Like the French army in the spring of 1940, the French World Cup team’s strategy and technique were outmoded. Substituting war for soccer, the comparison that comes to mind is that of the aging French military establishment, behind the Maginot Line in 1940, unable to confront General Heinz Guderian’s masterful command of blitzkrieg tank attacks.

DELONG: Listening to Arsonists
2010-06-29 11:36 nattan

Barack Obama made a significant mistake in naming the Republican ex-senator Alan Simpson to co-chair the president’s deficit-reduction commission. Simpson was a noted budget arsonist when he was in the Senate, and he has recently expressed views that make no sense whatsoever.

WEEKLY: The Arrogance of Chinese Power
2010-06-29 11:36 nattan

Success breeds confidence, and rapid success produces arrogance. That, in a nutshell, is the problem that both Asia and the West face in China, whose unimpeded economic rise owes everything to its established status as a military power.

SINGER: Is it OK to Cheat in Football?
2010-06-29 11:36 nattan

Players should not be exempt from ethical criticism for what they do on the field, any more than they are exempt from ethical criticism for cheating off the field – for example, by taking performance-enhancing drugs. Yet, in soccer, ethical rules don't seem to apply.

WP: Is Academic Freedom Worth Its Price?
2010-06-29 11:36 nattan

In these hard economic times, when ordinary people are struggling to make ends meet, there is a nagging sense that universities are luxuries. In fact, universities may be the most consistently high-performing products of long-term capital investment.

AFRICA: The Return of the African Coup
2010-06-29 11:36 nattan

The conventional wisdom that sub-Saharan Africa has moved beyond military coups may be wishful thinking. In the past two years, Africa has seen successful coups in Niger, Guinea, Madagascar, and Mauritania, with a handful of indirect interventions, failed coups, and whispered threats elsewhere.

PATTEN: America’s Oil-Spill Nationalism
2010-06-29 11:36 nattan

The oil company BP is discovering that American exceptionalism, when it runs rampant, is a tsunami to be avoided. But, while many Americans wrongly equate BP with Europe, and Europe with failure, it is nonetheless true that Europeans suffer the consequences of their own exceptionalist fantasy.

SKIDELSKY: Keynes and Social Democracy Today
2010-06-29 11:36 nattan

John Maynard Keynes' main contribution to social democracy lies not in the specifics of policy, but in his insistence that the state as ultimate protector of the public good has a duty to supplement and regulate market forces. Today, that means stopping financial markets from behaving badly.

BEN-AMI: Turkey’s Rise and the Decline of Pan-Arabism
2010-06-29 11:36 nattan

Turkey’s growing relevance in the Middle East is the measure of the Arabs’ failure. As Islamist democracies whose governments emerge from popular elections, Iran and Turkey – and their Hamas and Hezbollah allies – can claim an advantage over the incumbent Arab regimes, all of which suffer from a desperately yawning legitimacy deficit.

FELDSTEIN: Inflation or Deflation?
2010-06-29 11:36 nattan

Investors nowadays are not sure which to worry about more in the US: future inflation or future deflation. The good news is that the answer – for at least the next few years – is “neither.”

Блог Егора Холмогорова (ЖЖ):
2010-06-29 10:28 nattan

Опрос: "приморские партизаны" больше всего понравились москвичам - им сочувствует каждый второй - как я и предполагал - очень многое говорит о москвичах (а заодно о роли и

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SKIDELSKY: Keynes and Social Democracy Today
2010-06-29 09:36 nattan

John Maynard Keynes' main contribution to social democracy lies not in the specifics of policy, but in his insistence that the state as ultimate protector of the public good has a duty to supplement and regulate market forces. Today, that means stopping financial markets from behaving badly.

BEN-AMI: Turkey’s Rise and the Decline of Pan-Arabism
2010-06-29 09:36 nattan

Turkey’s growing relevance in the Middle East is the measure of the Arabs’ failure. As Islamist democracies whose governments emerge from popular elections, Iran and Turkey – and their Hamas and Hezbollah allies – can claim an advantage over the incumbent Arab regimes, all of which suffer from a desperately yawning legitimacy deficit.

FELDSTEIN: Inflation or Deflation?
2010-06-29 09:36 nattan

Investors nowadays are not sure which to worry about more in the US: future inflation or future deflation. The good news is that the answer – for at least the next few years – is “neither.”

E ECONOMIES: Germany’s Europe Deficit
2010-06-29 09:36 nattan

BERLIN -- Germany used to be at the heart of European integration. Its statesmen used to assert that Germany had no independent foreign policy, only a European policy. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, its leaders realized that German reunification was possible only in the context of a united Europe, and they were willing to make some sacrifices to secure European acceptance. Germans would contribute a little more and take a little less than others, thereby facilitating agreement.

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HEALTH: Psychiatry’s Conceptual Malpractice
2010-06-29 09:36 nattan

The American Psychiatric Association’s official diagnostic manual – the DSM, often called the “bible of psychiatry” – in effect defines what is psychologically normal and abnormal in the US and, increasingly, in much of the rest of the world. But proposed changes to the DSM's next edition may serve to discredit psychiatric diagnosis as much as to improve it.

ENERGY: The Greening of Growth
2010-06-29 09:36 nattan

The G-20 summit in Toronto is a chance for a long, hard look at how green investments are assisting economic recovery and job growth in many countries, while generating environmental gains as well, including on climate change. Leaders should re-affirm their recognition of the Green Economy’s power to create a fundamentally different development path for all countries.

WEEKLY: Don’t Lose Ukraine
2010-06-29 09:36 nattan

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s visit to Ukraine on July 4-5 provides an important opportunity to re-affirm America's commitment to Ukraine’s sovereignty and democratic evolution. Such a signal is of critical importance, because Ukraine’s hard-won independence and ability to pursue closer Euro-Atlantic ties are under threat.

TA: What Euro Crisis?
2010-06-29 09:36 nattan

European leaders, led by French President Nicolas Sarkozy, declared in May a systemic crisis of the euro, thereby invoking a clause of the EU Treaty intended to help member countries facing the effects of natural disaster. But there is no crisis of the euro, only a search by markets for a new equilibrium on interest-rate spreads – which are still far below pre-euro levels.

MOISI: From “Les Bleus” to “the Blues”
2010-06-29 09:36 nattan

Like the French army in the spring of 1940, the French World Cup team’s strategy and technique were outmoded. Substituting war for soccer, the comparison that comes to mind is that of the aging French military establishment, behind the Maginot Line in 1940, unable to confront General Heinz Guderian’s masterful command of blitzkrieg tank attacks.

DELONG: Listening to Arsonists
2010-06-29 09:36 nattan

Barack Obama made a significant mistake in naming the Republican ex-senator Alan Simpson to co-chair the president’s deficit-reduction commission. Simpson was a noted budget arsonist when he was in the Senate, and he has recently expressed views that make no sense whatsoever.

WEEKLY: The Arrogance of Chinese Power
2010-06-29 09:36 nattan

Success breeds confidence, and rapid success produces arrogance. That, in a nutshell, is the problem that both Asia and the West face in China, whose unimpeded economic rise owes everything to its established status as a military power.

SINGER: Is it OK to Cheat in Football?
2010-06-29 09:36 nattan

Players should not be exempt from ethical criticism for what they do on the field, any more than they are exempt from ethical criticism for cheating off the field – for example, by taking performance-enhancing drugs. Yet, in soccer, ethical rules don't seem to apply.

WP: Is Academic Freedom Worth Its Price?
2010-06-29 09:36 nattan

In these hard economic times, when ordinary people are struggling to make ends meet, there is a nagging sense that universities are luxuries. In fact, universities may be the most consistently high-performing products of long-term capital investment.

AFRICA: The Return of the African Coup
2010-06-29 09:36 nattan

The conventional wisdom that sub-Saharan Africa has moved beyond military coups may be wishful thinking. In the past two years, Africa has seen successful coups in Niger, Guinea, Madagascar, and Mauritania, with a handful of indirect interventions, failed coups, and whispered threats elsewhere.

PATTEN: America’s Oil-Spill Nationalism
2010-06-29 09:36 nattan

The oil company BP is discovering that American exceptionalism, when it runs rampant, is a tsunami to be avoided. But, while many Americans wrongly equate BP with Europe, and Europe with failure, it is nonetheless true that Europeans suffer the consequences of their own exceptionalist fantasy.

Результаты праймериз «Единой России» в Нижнем Новгороде утверждены
2010-06-29 09:32 nattan

политсовет местного отделения партии

Валерий Англичанинов освобожден от должности заместителя губернатора
2010-06-29 09:32 nattan

Нижегородской области

Тимофеев: результаты выборов на Бору не могут не радовать
2010-06-29 09:31 nattan

Порядка 55 процентов проголосовавших отдали голоса за партию «Единая Россия»

BEN-AMI: Turkey’s Rise and the Decline of Pan-Arabism
2010-06-29 07:36 nattan

Turkey’s growing relevance in the Middle East is the measure of the Arabs’ failure. As Islamist democracies whose governments emerge from popular elections, Iran and Turkey – and their Hamas and Hezbollah allies – can claim an advantage over the incumbent Arab regimes, all of which suffer from a desperately yawning legitimacy deficit.

FELDSTEIN: Inflation or Deflation?
2010-06-29 07:36 nattan

Investors nowadays are not sure which to worry about more in the US: future inflation or future deflation. The good news is that the answer – for at least the next few years – is “neither.”

E ECONOMIES: Germany’s Europe Deficit
2010-06-29 07:36 nattan

BERLIN -- Germany used to be at the heart of European integration. Its statesmen used to assert that Germany had no independent foreign policy, only a European policy. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, its leaders realized that German reunification was possible only in the context of a united Europe, and they were willing to make some sacrifices to secure European acceptance. Germans would contribute a little more and take a little less than others, thereby facilitating agreement.

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HEALTH: Psychiatry’s Conceptual Malpractice
2010-06-29 07:36 nattan

The American Psychiatric Association’s official diagnostic manual – the DSM, often called the “bible of psychiatry” – in effect defines what is psychologically normal and abnormal in the US and, increasingly, in much of the rest of the world. But proposed changes to the DSM's next edition may serve to discredit psychiatric diagnosis as much as to improve it.

ENERGY: The Greening of Growth
2010-06-29 07:36 nattan

The G-20 summit in Toronto is a chance for a long, hard look at how green investments are assisting economic recovery and job growth in many countries, while generating environmental gains as well, including on climate change. Leaders should re-affirm their recognition of the Green Economy’s power to create a fundamentally different development path for all countries.

WEEKLY: Don’t Lose Ukraine
2010-06-29 07:36 nattan

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s visit to Ukraine on July 4-5 provides an important opportunity to re-affirm America's commitment to Ukraine’s sovereignty and democratic evolution. Such a signal is of critical importance, because Ukraine’s hard-won independence and ability to pursue closer Euro-Atlantic ties are under threat.

TA: What Euro Crisis?
2010-06-29 07:36 nattan

European leaders, led by French President Nicolas Sarkozy, declared in May a systemic crisis of the euro, thereby invoking a clause of the EU Treaty intended to help member countries facing the effects of natural disaster. But there is no crisis of the euro, only a search by markets for a new equilibrium on interest-rate spreads – which are still far below pre-euro levels.

MOISI: From “Les Bleus” to “the Blues”
2010-06-29 07:36 nattan

Like the French army in the spring of 1940, the French World Cup team’s strategy and technique were outmoded. Substituting war for soccer, the comparison that comes to mind is that of the aging French military establishment, behind the Maginot Line in 1940, unable to confront General Heinz Guderian’s masterful command of blitzkrieg tank attacks.

DELONG: Listening to Arsonists
2010-06-29 07:36 nattan

Barack Obama made a significant mistake in naming the Republican ex-senator Alan Simpson to co-chair the president’s deficit-reduction commission. Simpson was a noted budget arsonist when he was in the Senate, and he has recently expressed views that make no sense whatsoever.

WEEKLY: The Arrogance of Chinese Power
2010-06-29 07:36 nattan

Success breeds confidence, and rapid success produces arrogance. That, in a nutshell, is the problem that both Asia and the West face in China, whose unimpeded economic rise owes everything to its established status as a military power.

SINGER: Is it OK to Cheat in Football?
2010-06-29 07:36 nattan

Players should not be exempt from ethical criticism for what they do on the field, any more than they are exempt from ethical criticism for cheating off the field – for example, by taking performance-enhancing drugs. Yet, in soccer, ethical rules don't seem to apply.

WP: Is Academic Freedom Worth Its Price?
2010-06-29 07:36 nattan

In these hard economic times, when ordinary people are struggling to make ends meet, there is a nagging sense that universities are luxuries. In fact, universities may be the most consistently high-performing products of long-term capital investment.

AFRICA: The Return of the African Coup
2010-06-29 07:36 nattan

The conventional wisdom that sub-Saharan Africa has moved beyond military coups may be wishful thinking. In the past two years, Africa has seen successful coups in Niger, Guinea, Madagascar, and Mauritania, with a handful of indirect interventions, failed coups, and whispered threats elsewhere.

PATTEN: America’s Oil-Spill Nationalism
2010-06-29 07:36 nattan

The oil company BP is discovering that American exceptionalism, when it runs rampant, is a tsunami to be avoided. But, while many Americans wrongly equate BP with Europe, and Europe with failure, it is nonetheless true that Europeans suffer the consequences of their own exceptionalist fantasy.

SKIDELSKY: Keynes and Social Democracy Today
2010-06-29 07:36 nattan

John Maynard Keynes' main contribution to social democracy lies not in the specifics of policy, but in his insistence that the state as ultimate protector of the public good has a duty to supplement and regulate market forces. Today, that means stopping financial markets from behaving badly.

FELDSTEIN: Inflation or Deflation?
2010-06-29 05:36 nattan

Investors nowadays are not sure which to worry about more in the US: future inflation or future deflation. The good news is that the answer – for at least the next few years – is “neither.”

E ECONOMIES: Germany’s Europe Deficit
2010-06-29 05:36 nattan

BERLIN -- Germany used to be at the heart of European integration. Its statesmen used to assert that Germany had no independent foreign policy, only a European policy. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, its leaders realized that German reunification was possible only in the context of a united Europe, and they were willing to make some sacrifices to secure European acceptance. Germans would contribute a little more and take a little less than others, thereby facilitating agreement.

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HEALTH: Psychiatry’s Conceptual Malpractice
2010-06-29 05:36 nattan

The American Psychiatric Association’s official diagnostic manual – the DSM, often called the “bible of psychiatry” – in effect defines what is psychologically normal and abnormal in the US and, increasingly, in much of the rest of the world. But proposed changes to the DSM's next edition may serve to discredit psychiatric diagnosis as much as to improve it.

ENERGY: The Greening of Growth
2010-06-29 05:36 nattan

The G-20 summit in Toronto is a chance for a long, hard look at how green investments are assisting economic recovery and job growth in many countries, while generating environmental gains as well, including on climate change. Leaders should re-affirm their recognition of the Green Economy’s power to create a fundamentally different development path for all countries.

WEEKLY: Don’t Lose Ukraine
2010-06-29 05:36 nattan

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s visit to Ukraine on July 4-5 provides an important opportunity to re-affirm America's commitment to Ukraine’s sovereignty and democratic evolution. Such a signal is of critical importance, because Ukraine’s hard-won independence and ability to pursue closer Euro-Atlantic ties are under threat.

TA: What Euro Crisis?
2010-06-29 05:36 nattan

European leaders, led by French President Nicolas Sarkozy, declared in May a systemic crisis of the euro, thereby invoking a clause of the EU Treaty intended to help member countries facing the effects of natural disaster. But there is no crisis of the euro, only a search by markets for a new equilibrium on interest-rate spreads – which are still far below pre-euro levels.

MOISI: From “Les Bleus” to “the Blues”
2010-06-29 05:36 nattan

Like the French army in the spring of 1940, the French World Cup team’s strategy and technique were outmoded. Substituting war for soccer, the comparison that comes to mind is that of the aging French military establishment, behind the Maginot Line in 1940, unable to confront General Heinz Guderian’s masterful command of blitzkrieg tank attacks.

DELONG: Listening to Arsonists
2010-06-29 05:36 nattan

Barack Obama made a significant mistake in naming the Republican ex-senator Alan Simpson to co-chair the president’s deficit-reduction commission. Simpson was a noted budget arsonist when he was in the Senate, and he has recently expressed views that make no sense whatsoever.

WEEKLY: The Arrogance of Chinese Power
2010-06-29 05:36 nattan

Success breeds confidence, and rapid success produces arrogance. That, in a nutshell, is the problem that both Asia and the West face in China, whose unimpeded economic rise owes everything to its established status as a military power.

SINGER: Is it OK to Cheat in Football?
2010-06-29 05:36 nattan

Players should not be exempt from ethical criticism for what they do on the field, any more than they are exempt from ethical criticism for cheating off the field – for example, by taking performance-enhancing drugs. Yet, in soccer, ethical rules don't seem to apply.

WP: Is Academic Freedom Worth Its Price?
2010-06-29 05:36 nattan

In these hard economic times, when ordinary people are struggling to make ends meet, there is a nagging sense that universities are luxuries. In fact, universities may be the most consistently high-performing products of long-term capital investment.

AFRICA: The Return of the African Coup
2010-06-29 05:36 nattan

The conventional wisdom that sub-Saharan Africa has moved beyond military coups may be wishful thinking. In the past two years, Africa has seen successful coups in Niger, Guinea, Madagascar, and Mauritania, with a handful of indirect interventions, failed coups, and whispered threats elsewhere.

PATTEN: America’s Oil-Spill Nationalism
2010-06-29 05:36 nattan

The oil company BP is discovering that American exceptionalism, when it runs rampant, is a tsunami to be avoided. But, while many Americans wrongly equate BP with Europe, and Europe with failure, it is nonetheless true that Europeans suffer the consequences of their own exceptionalist fantasy.

SKIDELSKY: Keynes and Social Democracy Today
2010-06-29 05:36 nattan

John Maynard Keynes' main contribution to social democracy lies not in the specifics of policy, but in his insistence that the state as ultimate protector of the public good has a duty to supplement and regulate market forces. Today, that means stopping financial markets from behaving badly.

BEN-AMI: Turkey’s Rise and the Decline of Pan-Arabism
2010-06-29 05:36 nattan

Turkey’s growing relevance in the Middle East is the measure of the Arabs’ failure. As Islamist democracies whose governments emerge from popular elections, Iran and Turkey – and their Hamas and Hezbollah allies – can claim an advantage over the incumbent Arab regimes, all of which suffer from a desperately yawning legitimacy deficit.

E ECONOMIES: Germany’s Europe Deficit
2010-06-29 03:36 nattan

BERLIN -- Germany used to be at the heart of European integration. Its statesmen used to assert that Germany had no independent foreign policy, only a European policy. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, its leaders realized that German reunification was possible only in the context of a united Europe, and they were willing to make some sacrifices to secure European acceptance. Germans would contribute a little more and take a little less than others, thereby facilitating agreement.

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HEALTH: Psychiatry’s Conceptual Malpractice
2010-06-29 03:36 nattan

The American Psychiatric Association’s official diagnostic manual – the DSM, often called the “bible of psychiatry” – in effect defines what is psychologically normal and abnormal in the US and, increasingly, in much of the rest of the world. But proposed changes to the DSM's next edition may serve to discredit psychiatric diagnosis as much as to improve it.

ENERGY: The Greening of Growth
2010-06-29 03:36 nattan

The G-20 summit in Toronto is a chance for a long, hard look at how green investments are assisting economic recovery and job growth in many countries, while generating environmental gains as well, including on climate change. Leaders should re-affirm their recognition of the Green Economy’s power to create a fundamentally different development path for all countries.

WEEKLY: Don’t Lose Ukraine
2010-06-29 03:36 nattan

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s visit to Ukraine on July 4-5 provides an important opportunity to re-affirm America's commitment to Ukraine’s sovereignty and democratic evolution. Such a signal is of critical importance, because Ukraine’s hard-won independence and ability to pursue closer Euro-Atlantic ties are under threat.

TA: What Euro Crisis?
2010-06-29 03:36 nattan

European leaders, led by French President Nicolas Sarkozy, declared in May a systemic crisis of the euro, thereby invoking a clause of the EU Treaty intended to help member countries facing the effects of natural disaster. But there is no crisis of the euro, only a search by markets for a new equilibrium on interest-rate spreads – which are still far below pre-euro levels.

MOISI: From “Les Bleus” to “the Blues”
2010-06-29 03:36 nattan

Like the French army in the spring of 1940, the French World Cup team’s strategy and technique were outmoded. Substituting war for soccer, the comparison that comes to mind is that of the aging French military establishment, behind the Maginot Line in 1940, unable to confront General Heinz Guderian’s masterful command of blitzkrieg tank attacks.

DELONG: Listening to Arsonists
2010-06-29 03:36 nattan

Barack Obama made a significant mistake in naming the Republican ex-senator Alan Simpson to co-chair the president’s deficit-reduction commission. Simpson was a noted budget arsonist when he was in the Senate, and he has recently expressed views that make no sense whatsoever.

WEEKLY: The Arrogance of Chinese Power
2010-06-29 03:36 nattan

Success breeds confidence, and rapid success produces arrogance. That, in a nutshell, is the problem that both Asia and the West face in China, whose unimpeded economic rise owes everything to its established status as a military power.

SINGER: Is it OK to Cheat in Football?
2010-06-29 03:36 nattan

Players should not be exempt from ethical criticism for what they do on the field, any more than they are exempt from ethical criticism for cheating off the field – for example, by taking performance-enhancing drugs. Yet, in soccer, ethical rules don't seem to apply.

WP: Is Academic Freedom Worth Its Price?
2010-06-29 03:36 nattan

In these hard economic times, when ordinary people are struggling to make ends meet, there is a nagging sense that universities are luxuries. In fact, universities may be the most consistently high-performing products of long-term capital investment.

AFRICA: The Return of the African Coup
2010-06-29 03:36 nattan

The conventional wisdom that sub-Saharan Africa has moved beyond military coups may be wishful thinking. In the past two years, Africa has seen successful coups in Niger, Guinea, Madagascar, and Mauritania, with a handful of indirect interventions, failed coups, and whispered threats elsewhere.

PATTEN: America’s Oil-Spill Nationalism
2010-06-29 03:36 nattan

The oil company BP is discovering that American exceptionalism, when it runs rampant, is a tsunami to be avoided. But, while many Americans wrongly equate BP with Europe, and Europe with failure, it is nonetheless true that Europeans suffer the consequences of their own exceptionalist fantasy.

SKIDELSKY: Keynes and Social Democracy Today
2010-06-29 03:36 nattan

John Maynard Keynes' main contribution to social democracy lies not in the specifics of policy, but in his insistence that the state as ultimate protector of the public good has a duty to supplement and regulate market forces. Today, that means stopping financial markets from behaving badly.

BEN-AMI: Turkey’s Rise and the Decline of Pan-Arabism
2010-06-29 03:36 nattan

Turkey’s growing relevance in the Middle East is the measure of the Arabs’ failure. As Islamist democracies whose governments emerge from popular elections, Iran and Turkey – and their Hamas and Hezbollah allies – can claim an advantage over the incumbent Arab regimes, all of which suffer from a desperately yawning legitimacy deficit.

FELDSTEIN: Inflation or Deflation?
2010-06-29 03:36 nattan

Investors nowadays are not sure which to worry about more in the US: future inflation or future deflation. The good news is that the answer – for at least the next few years – is “neither.”

HEALTH: Psychiatry’s Conceptual Malpractice
2010-06-29 01:36 nattan

The American Psychiatric Association’s official diagnostic manual – the DSM, often called the “bible of psychiatry” – in effect defines what is psychologically normal and abnormal in the US and, increasingly, in much of the rest of the world.

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ENERGY: The Greening of Growth
2010-06-29 01:36 nattan

The G-20 summit in Toronto is a chance for a long, hard look at how green investments are assisting economic recovery and job growth in many countries, while generating environmental gains as well, including on climate change.

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WEEKLY: Don’t Lose Ukraine
2010-06-29 01:36 nattan

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s visit to Ukraine on July 4-5 provides an important opportunity to re-affirm America's commitment to Ukraine’s sovereignty and democratic evolution.

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TA: What Euro Crisis?
2010-06-29 01:36 nattan

European leaders, led by French President Nicolas Sarkozy, declared in May a systemic crisis of the euro, thereby invoking a clause of the EU Treaty intended to help member countries facing the effects of natural disaster.

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MOISI: From “Les Bleus” to “the Blues”
2010-06-29 01:36 nattan

Like the French army in the spring of 1940, the French World Cup team’s strategy and technique were outmoded.

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DELONG: Listening to Arsonists
2010-06-29 01:36 nattan

Barack Obama made a significant mistake in naming the Republican ex-senator Alan Simpson to co-chair the president’s deficit-reduction commission.

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WEEKLY: The Arrogance of Chinese Power
2010-06-29 01:36 nattan

Success breeds confidence, and rapid success produces arrogance.

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SINGER: Is it OK to Cheat in Football?
2010-06-29 01:36 nattan

Players should not be exempt from ethical criticism for what they do on the field, any more than they are exempt from ethical criticism for cheating off the field – for example, by taking performance-enhancing drugs.

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WP: Is Academic Freedom Worth Its Price?
2010-06-29 01:36 nattan

In these hard economic times, when ordinary people are struggling to make ends meet, there is a nagging sense that universities are luxuries.

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AFRICA: The Return of the African Coup
2010-06-29 01:36 nattan

The conventional wisdom that sub-Saharan Africa has moved beyond military coups may be wishful thinking.

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PATTEN: America’s Oil-Spill Nationalism
2010-06-29 01:36 nattan

The oil company BP is discovering that American exceptionalism, when it runs rampant, is a tsunami to be avoided.

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SKIDELSKY: Keynes and Social Democracy Today
2010-06-29 01:36 nattan

John Maynard Keynes' main contribution to social democracy lies not in the specifics of policy, but in his insistence that the state as ultimate protector of the public good has a duty to supplement and regulate market forces.

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BEN-AMI: Turkey’s Rise and the Decline of Pan-Arabism
2010-06-29 01:36 nattan

Turkey’s growing relevance in the Middle East is the measure of the Arabs’ failure.

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FELDSTEIN: Inflation or Deflation?
2010-06-29 01:36 nattan

Investors nowadays are not sure which to worry about more in the US: future inflation or future deflation.

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E ECONOMIES: Germany’s Europe Deficit
2010-06-29 01:36 nattan

BERLIN -- Germany used to be at the heart of European integration. Its statesmen used to assert that Germany had no independent foreign policy, only a European policy. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, its leaders realized that German reunification was possible only in the context of a united Europe, and they were willing to make some sacrifices to secure European acceptance. Germans would contribute a little more and take a little less than others, thereby facilitating agreement.

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За последний год в Нижнем Новгороде демонтировано 68 незаконных рекламных конструкций
2010-06-28 23:38 nattan

Городской бюджет не получает ни копейки дохода с подобных конструкций, поскольку согласно федеральному законодательству не может взимать арендную плату.

Владимир Колчин проверит ход строительства нового пищеблока больницы №33 Ленинского района
2010-06-28 23:37 nattan

DELONG: Listening to Arsonists
2010-06-28 23:36 nattan

Barack Obama made a significant mistake in naming the Republican ex-senator Alan Simpson to co-chair the president’s deficit-reduction commission. Simpson was a noted budget arsonist when he was in the Senate, and he has recently expressed views that make no sense whatsoever.

SINGER: Is it OK to Cheat in Football?
2010-06-28 23:36 nattan

Players should not be exempt from ethical criticism for what they do on the field, any more than they are exempt from ethical criticism for cheating off the field – for example, by taking performance-enhancing drugs. Yet, in soccer, ethical rules don't seem to apply.

WEEKLY: The Arrogance of Chinese Power
2010-06-28 20:06 nattan

Success breeds confidence, and rapid success produces arrogance. That, in a nutshell, is the problem that both Asia and the West face in China, whose unimpeded economic rise owes everything to its established status as a military power.

WP: Is Academic Freedom Worth Its Price?
2010-06-28 19:06 nattan

In these hard economic times, when ordinary people are struggling to make ends meet, there is a nagging sense that universities are luxuries. In fact, universities may be the most consistently high-performing products of long-term capital investment.

Осень все расставит на свои места.
2010-06-28 16:26 nattan

Лето обещает быть беспокойным для членов партии «Единая Россия». Коммунисты будут отдыхать, справедливороссы будут отдыхать, «Правое дело» будет отдыхать, – а «Единая Россия» будет суетиться. Будут сводить мелкие счеты, писать заявы, и тому подобное.

Рейтинг политических лидеров и неудачников недели (21 – 27 июня)
2010-06-28 15:52 nattan

Политическим лидером недели эксперты назвали мэра Дзержинска Виктора Портнова. Список неудачников возглавил глава администрации Канавинского района Нижнего Новгорода Борис Крохин.

Федеральная армия. Уроки Рима
2010-06-28 15:50 nattan

Современная западная цивилизация, как известно, во многом – наследница цивилизации римской.

Блог Егора Холмогорова (ЖЖ): Лично я считаю, что б
2010-06-28 15:41 nattan

Лично я считаю, что борьба со всевозможными "днями русской оккупации" на всей территории бывшего СССР должна вестись по методу 121 сонета.

30 июня «Нижегородский пресс-клуб» проведет заседание, посвященное октябрьским выборам
2010-06-28 14:32 nattan

Программы партий обсудят чиновники, политики, политологи и социологи региона

Сланцевый газ: Эврика или ложный рассвет?
2010-06-28 10:22 nattan

Альтернативный источник получения природного газа вызывает много разговоров, как среди производителей, так и среди потребителей этого вида топлива.

Блог Егора Холмогорова (ЖЖ):
2010-06-28 10:16 nattan

Ликбез по истории д

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Секретное оружие
2010-06-28 09:58 nattan

Как "Тополь" нагнул "Гнома", и почему "Шарик" в космос не вышел


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