JOHANNESBURG – A promise to the poor is particularly sacred. It is an act of grace and great leadership when all efforts are made to keep these pacts, and that is why those G-8 countries that are leading the charge for the poorest, especially for those in Africa, deserve much credit.
MONROVIA – For more than a decade, much of Africa has been moving forward. Economic growth is rising, poverty is falling and democratic governance is spreading. But the global financial crisis threatens to undo this progress by reducing investment, exports and aid just as they should be expanding to build on these successes.
NEW YORK – The global economic recession has translated into a development crisis for Africa, which is revealing the continent’s vulnerability not only to economic contraction but also to climate change. Changing weather patterns are already affecting the lives of millions of Africans by reducing food security, facilitating the spread of diseases like malaria, and prompting mass migration. The livelihoods and lives of millions of people are at risk.
Закрытие Черкизовского рынка вызывает к росту напряженности на других торговых площадках Москвы. Работники рынка "Садовод" жалуются на то, что их теснят изгнанные из Измайлова торговцы, сообщает "Эхо Москвы".
И еще по поводу совокупности православных и псевдоправославных лицемеров, устроивших сиськосрач мне пришел в голову образ - идеально описывающий ситуацию.
Когда донесли царю Давиду, говоря: «Господь благословил дом Аведдара и все, что было у него, ради ковчега Божия», то пошел Давид и с торжеством перенес ковчег Божий из дома Аведдара в город Давидов.
Ленинский районный суд Тюмени обязал ученого Игоря Грошева, устроившего социологический опрос среди студентов Тюменского юридического института (ТЮИ) МВД России, опровергнуть его результаты, сообщает новостной п
Yangon -- All politics are local, goes the old aphorism. Today, we can say that all problems are global. As world leaders meet at the G8 Summit in Italy, they will have to update their politics to grapple with problems that not one of them can solve alone. The last few years have been a cascade of interconnected crises: financial panic, rising food and oil prices, climate shocks, a flu pandemic and more. Political cooperation to address these problems is not a nicety. It is a global necessity. The intensity of global interconnectedness is stunning.
PRINCETON – All over the world, public-sector deficits are exploding. Governments face massive costs rescuing banks and businesses hit by the financial and economic crisis. There is a universal consensus that Keynesian stimulus is needed. At the same time, policymakers are looking more and more nervously for an “exit strategy.” They know that they cannot run deficits forever, but they do not want to say when the painful exit should begin.
MADRID – President Barack Obama’s much discussed Cairo speech represented not only the demise of George W. Bush’s ideological drive to reconstruct the Muslim world through a democratic revolution; it marked the end of American liberalism’s quest to remake the world in its own image.
BRUSSELS – For years, the European Union has called loudly for the closure of the Guantánamo Bay detention center. Now that US President Barack Obama has taken the decision to do so, the EU stands ready to provide political and practical support to the United States to help achieve that goal.
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