CAMBRIDGE – A huge struggle is brewing within the G-20 over the future of the global financial system. The outcome could impact the world – and not only the esoteric world of international finance – for decades to come.
BERKELEY – Unemployment is currently rising like a rocket, because businesses that normally would be expanding and hiring are not, and those businesses that would normally be contracting and shedding workers are doing so very rapidly. Businesses that ought to be expanding and hiring cannot, because the depressed general level of financial asset prices prevents them from borrowing money or selling bonds on profitable terms.
BERLIN – On the banks of the Rhine and in Prague, NATO and the European Union will pay homage to the new American president in early April. There will be pretty pictures and lofty speeches on the future of the transatlantic relationship – in other words, business as usual.
PRINCETON – To understand how we got ourselves into our current economic mess, complicated explanations about derivatives, regulatory failure, and so on are beside the point. The best answer is both ancient and simple: hubris.
MOSCOW – The crisis in Georgia last August tested Europe’s security system, and the system failed to fulfill its core task of ensuring common security for the continent as a whole. As a result, Europe must re-examine its current security arrangements, analyze what happened, and take this analysis into account in reforming those arrangements.
Недавно вернулся с Международного симпозиума "ИМИДЖ ГОСУДАРСТВА/РЕГИОНА В СОВРЕМЕННОМ ИНФОРМАЦИОННОМ ПРОСТРАНСТВЕ" который проходил в Санкт-Петербурге. сайт
Общеизвестно, что карпатские русины имеют давние традиции в борьбе за свою национальную идентичность, пережив национальное возрождение в середине ХIХ в., в межвоенной Чехословакии и вступив в третий его этап с начала
Когда мы говорим про возможность начала мировой войны, многие называют это "алармизмом", "пугалкой", "страшилкой". Кто-то хихикает: дескать, опять втирают нам про поджигателей войны в Вашингтоне.