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Iran: Syria team arrive ahead of 2-2 World Cup qualifier vs. Iran

Iran: Syria team arrive ahead of 2-2 World Cup qualifier vs. Iran
2017-09-05 23:23
The Syrian national team were seen at their hotel before they faced Iran in the FIFA 2018 World Cup Qualifier at Tehran’s Azadi Stadium, on Tuesday, a match which was drawn 2-2. Syrian fans filled the stadium holding Syrian flags and portraits of Bashar Al Assad, despite the ongoing war. The conflict in Syria has meant that the national squad has been forced to play their home games in Malaysia. The 2018 World Cup will be held in Russia.

Syria: Fans celebrate in Damascus as Syria draw 2-2 with Iran in World Cup qualifier
2017-09-05 23:53
Syrians took to the streets of Damascus, on Tuesday, to celebrate their team's 2-2 draw with Iran in the FIFA 2018 qualifiers. Public spaces screened the match to a chorus of ecstatic fans, while Syrians afterwards took to the streets beeping their car horns as night fell on the Syrian capital. The result keeps alive Syria's chances of making it to the World Cup in Russia.

Iran: Syrian fans pull Mexican waves as national team gets closer to World Cup
2017-09-06 11:23
Syrian football fans were in a jubilant mood at Tehran’s Azadi Stadium, Tuesday, following the national football team’s 2-2 draw with Iran in the FIFA 2018 qualifier, keeping alive Syria's chances of making it to the World Cup in Russia. Stirring the stadium with Mexican waves, Syrian fans waved Syrian flags and held portraits of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. The conflict in Syria has meant that the national squad has been forced to play their home games in Malaysia. The Syrian national football team, who played their home games in Malaysia due to the ongoing conflict in Syria, is due to face Australia for a spot in the 2018 World Cup in Russia. The first leg is scheduled for October 5, while the return leg will be played on October 10.

Хоккейный матч «Автомобилист» — «Ак Барс» сегодня в эфире ОТВ
2017-09-06 12:00
Хоккейный клуб «Автомобилист» продолжает домашнюю серию игр. Сегодня на арене КРК «Уралец» екатеринбургская команда принимает казанский «Ак Барс». В прошлом туре уральцы дома переиграли «Адмирал» со счетом 4:1. В свою очередь, «Ак Барс» в последней игре всухую проиграл ХК «Сочи» — 0:5. В настоящее время казанская команда находится на второй строчке Восточной конференции, «шоферы» занимают девятое место. Отметим, что главный тренер «Ак Барса» Зинэтула Билялетдинов проведет свой 700-й матч на посту главного тренера казанского клуба. Матч начнется в 19:00. За ходом игры можно будет наблюдать в эфире «Областного телевидения», а также на сайте телекомпании (доступно для жителей Свердловской области).

Germany: Munich holds memorial ceremony for victims of 1972 Olympics Massacre
2017-09-06 13:49
Munich held a memorial service on Wednesday in honour of the 11 Israeli athletes and the German police officer murdered during the 1972 Olympics by Palestinian shooters. German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and Israeli President Reuven Rivlin as well as a number of high profile politicians attended the ceremony, held at the memorial in Munich Olympic Park, a permanent museum that pays tribute to the victims. The memorial covers an area of 500 square metres and displays profiles and photos of each of the 11 victims. 11 members of the Israeli Olympic delegation as well as one German police officer were killed in the massacre of the 1972 Olympic Games.

France: «It's the best choice for me» — French footballer Kylian Mbappe on joining Paris Saint-Germain
2017-09-06 16:01
SOT, journalist (French): «In the last few years we had the idea that you wanted to stay with Monaco, what changed your mind?» SOT, Kylian Mbappe, French professional football player (French): «To be honest, when I finished my season in May in the Championship, I was planning to stay. And when I met the President first of all I gave my priority to Monaco. I told them that my priority as to stay. But certain things have happen which have changed my mind, and I've worked a lot with family on my future, and I made the decision to rejoin PSG and I think that it's the best choice for me». French footballer Kylianb Mbappe expressed his optimism about his recent move form Monaco to Paris Saint-Germain in a press conference in Paris on Wednesday. The 18-year-old also admitted to his initial intention of staying another season with Monaco. «To be honest, when I finished my season in May in the Championship, I was planning to stay. And when I met the President first of all I gave my priority to Monaco», said the forward player. Mpappe went on to say that certain things had changed his mind and he «made the decision to rejoin PSG» which he said was the «best choice». He described his new club as «extremely ambitious» and he remained positive that «with lots of work, respect and humility» the team would be successful. Over the past six months, Mbappe scored 26 goals for Monaco and helped the club reach the Champions League semifinals.

Екатеринбург примет соревнования по художественной гимнастике на Кубок губернатора
2017-09-06 17:09
На три дня Екатеринбург превратится в столицу грации и пластики. 7 сентября в городе стартуют соревнования по гимнастике «Малахитовая лента» на Кубок губернатора Свердловской области. На турнир съедутся спортсмены со всей России. Андрей Зяблицев, заместитель министра физической культуры и спорта Свердловской области: «Для Свердловской области эти соревнования являются знаковыми. По предложению региональной федерации спортивной губернатором, правительством Свердловской области было принято решение о проведении этих мероприятий». Местом проведения состязаний выбрали международный выставочный центр «Екатеринбург-ЭКСПО». Площадку для выступлений застелили профессиональным ковровым покрытием и установили на нем специальный помост. 500 спортсменок в возрасте от 7 до 17 лет будут показывать номера как из классической художественной гимнастики, так и эстетической, где больше танцевальных и акробатических движений. Завершится турнир концертом, который посетит чемпионка мирового первенства в итальянском Пезаро екатеринбурженка Анастасия Татарева.

В «азиатской пятерке» Мундиаля осталось последнее свободное место
2017-09-06 18:03
Владимир Путин поздравил лидера Южной Кореи Мун Чжэ Ина с тем, что их футбольная сборная получила путевку на Мундиаль. По традиции право побороться за золото мирового первенства получают 5 команд из группы так называемого «азиатского отбора». В четверку сильнейших вошли Южная Корея, Япония, Иран и Саудовская Аравия. Кто станет пятым, выяснится после стыкового матча «Сирия — Австралия».

Syria: National team given hero's welcome as they edge closer to first ever World Cup
2017-09-06 19:00
Syrian football fans celebrated the return of the national football team in style, Wednesday, after their last-gasp 2-2 draw with Iran in Tehran guaranteed a play-off to qualify for the 2018 World Cup in Russia. Syria must now face Australia and, if victorious, will have to defeat a team from the Americas to secure a place at the finals to mark the country's first ever World Cup, amidst a six year conflict. The national team are forced to play home games in Malaysia, some 7,000 miles away, and are low on funds due to financial sanctions meaning qualification for the World Cup would be a huge sporting achievement.

UAE: Committee confirms Russian Paralympians will remain suspended
2017-09-06 20:13
Sir Philip Craven, the President of the International Paralympic Committee, confirmed that the Russian Paralympic Committee (RPC) will remain suspended from competition until at least November 2017 while speaking in Abu Dhabi, Wednesday. However, Russian athletes will be able to qualify as neutrals, meaning they will not compete under the Russian flag, across four sports for the Paralympic Winter Games given the committee only has seven more criteria to meet. «The IPC Governing Board has decided to maintain the suspension of the RPC with a further review due in November 2017», said Craven. «In recognition of the fact that the RPC only has seven criteria still to meet, the Board has put in place a limited interim measure for Russian athletes to compete as neutrals in qualification events across four sports for the Paralympic Winter Games».

Во Владикавказе появился дворец тхэквондо
2017-09-06 21:51
Первый в России специализированный дворец тхэквондо открылся во Владикавказе. Это один из самых популярных видов спорта в Осетии после вольной борьбы. Строительство длилось почти 3 года. И теперь в новом комплексе могут одновременно заниматься более сотни спортсменов, в том числе с ограниченными возможностями.

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