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RollerPlace.com - Don't stand still!

RollerPlace.com - Don't stand still!

Big Apple Bummer 2007-08-31 04:31 Thieves make off with more than 150 skate club T-shirts during the Big Apple Roll. Big Apple Bummer 2007-08-31 04:31 Thieves make off with more than 150 skate club T-shirts during the Big Apple Roll. ...

2007-08-31 07:31:39 + Комментировать

RollerPlace.com - Don't stand still!

Cali World Championships - Part 7 - Typical Days 2007-08-31 02:45 CadoMotus News by Michael Byrne (AUS) back to Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4 , Part 5 , Part 6 From Day 1, it's Welcome to Crazy Town My apologies for this `World Championships Countdown' falling silent during the Championship itself. It has been said (thanks Henry) that it went missing at the critical moment. perhaps it did. Worlds is a crazy time. Regardless of how early your team arrives in the host Cali World Championships - Part 7 - ...

2007-08-31 05:30:43 + Комментировать