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Книги Гровера Ферра о советской истории - анонс от Гровера Ферра (на английском)


Копирую письмо от Гровера Ферра по поводу выхода его новой книги на английском:

Dear friend:

I am glad to inform you that my new book has now been now published!

Grover Furr. The Murder of Sergei Kirov: History, Scholarship and the Anti-Stalin Paradigm. 

Paperback: 434 pages
Publisher: Erythros Press and Media, LLC (2013)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 061580201X
ISBN-13: 978-0615802015

It costs $20 plus shipping.

You can buy a copy, credit card or check, at the webpage of the publisher, Erythros Press & Media:


On this same page you'll find a short description of the book; endorsements by some respected scholars; a reproduction of the book's cover, etc.

* * * * *

NOTE: If you can, please order it from the Erythros page. 

My small left publisher makes more money back from a direct sale than from a sale to Amazon, which takes a big per centage of the price.

Erythros invested money in this book. I'd like them to make it back so they can publish more books of mine in the future!


* * * * *

It’s also available from Amazon.com:


It is also available from a UK distributor: Abebooks.co.uk, at


*Also, the most important thing: Please order copies for



* your LOCAL PUBLIC LIBRARY where you live.

Getting this book into libraries is important because many more people can read it.

Most working people around the world just can't spend $US 20 plus shipping for a copy of their own. But they can borrow it from a library.

Please forward this email of mine to anyone and everyone you know who is interested in the history of the communist movement, and in the history of the Soviet Union.


Grover Furr
Montclair State University

Montclair NJ 07043


Именно эта книга в ближайшее время выйдет на русском языке.

До скорой встречи! 


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