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Фестиваль <<Спасская башня>> стартовал на Красной площади

Фестиваль «Спасская башня» стартовал на Красной площади
2017-08-26 21:15
Перед гостями выступят десятки коллективов: от шотландских волынщиков до даосских монахов.

Непогода не помешала фестивалю «Спасская башня»
2017-08-26 22:15
Перед гостями выступают десятки коллективов — от шотландских волынщиков до даосских монахов.

Ежегодная акция «Ночь кино» стартовала в России
2017-08-26 22:22
Гости фестиваля могут посмотреть отечественные фильмы, выбранные в ходе онлайн-голосования, а также послушать лекции об истории кинематографа.

Iraq: Iraqi forces recapture majority of Tal Afar from IS, authorities announce
2017-08-26 22:50
Iraqi forces have seized the majority of Tal Afar from the self-proclaimed Islamic State (IS; formerly ISIL/ISIS), military officials announced on Saturday. Iraqi government troops are said to have driven the militants out from the centre. Foreign Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari announced, Saturday, that 70 percent of the town had been recaptured. Tal Afar holds strategic importance as part of a supply route that connected Syria with Mosul, a former stronghold of the militant movement which has since been recaptured by Iraqi forces. The battle for Tal Afar has displaced many in camps outside the town. The civilians who live in the camps remain in dire conditions, lacking adequate clean water and sufficient food supplies.

USA: Arrests and confrontations at Alt-Right counter-protest in San Francisco
2017-08-26 23:02
Protesters countered an alt-right ‘freedom of speech’ gathering organised by Patriot Prayer's Joey Gibson, in San Francisco’s Alamo Square Park, Saturday. One female protester was arrested for breaching the barricade, while another man whom protesters accused of being part of the alt-right was cornered by demonstrators, and reportedly had his phone confiscated.

Germany: Arrests made as anti-lignite protesters block coal-delivery rail tracks
2017-08-26 23:39
Several groups of activists from the 'Ende Gelande' movement blocked the railway tracks between the Rath and Neurath lignite-fired power stations, Saturday. Previously it was reported that more than 1,000 demonstrators had moved out from their 'Klimacamp' near Bedburg on Saturday morning in the direction of the RWE Niederaussem power plant. However in the afternoon the crowd suddenly split into several groups, trying to reach the rail tracks of Nord-Sued-Kohlebahn. They succeeded in two places, but another big group of around 200 climate activists was intercepted and surrounded by police officers in a field before they could reach the railroad. Other groups were also reportedly intercepted and detained by police before they could block the tracks. The actions, organised by campaigners from the Ende Gelaende alliance, came in parallel with an authorised rally under the motto 'Rote Linie gegen Kohle' (Red Line against Coal), that took place between the villages of Buir and Manheim, and that was attended by at least 3,000 peple who formed a one km (0.62 mile) human chain, in protest against the expansion of brown coal production at the Garzweiler and Tagebau Hambach open-pit mines. On Friday numerous groups of anti-coal protesters, who had been camping in the Rheinland for the whole week, also managed to block railway tracks that deliver brown coal from mines to power stations; however police cleared the way by evening.

Russia: Thousands denounce 'Yarovaya law' in central Moscow
2017-08-27 00:37
Some 1,000 people rallied on Academician Sakharov Avenue, in central Moscow, Saturday, to take part in the 'For Free Internet' march and demonstrate against the so-called 'Yarovaya law'. 17 people were reportedly detained during the rally, six of whom were arrested for violation rules of carrying out the protest. Eleven protesters were released. The demonstrators denounced the 'Yarovaya law' (also known as the 'Yarovaya package'), which stipulates new requirements for data collection and cryptographic backdoors in the telecommunications industry, and condemned the VPN ban and other internet regulating measures.

«Формула власти»: Президент Финляндии Саули Нийнистё
2017-08-27 01:10
На вопросы «Формулы власти» о феномене современной Финляндии, о ее истории, о давних связях с Россией отвечает президент Финляндии Саули Нийнисте.

Курт Волкер предостерег Украину от попыток возродить ядерную программу
2017-08-27 01:49
«Украине не готова войти в НАТО». «Киеву не следует начинать программу по разработке ядерного оружия. Отказ от него в соответствии с Будапештским меморандумом был правильным решением». Это все — заявления спецпредставителя США по Украине Курта Волкера.

Russia: 'Spasskaya Tower' Military Music Festival kicks off in Moscow
2017-08-27 02:19
The Tenth International Military Music Festival 'Spasskaya Tower' kicked off on Red Square in Moscow, Saturday. Some 1,500 musicians, military bands and other artists participate in the 2017 edition of the festival, which is marked by various classical music concerts, equestrian shows, receptions as well as a parade of the honour guards units of the heads of states. Events will take place at venues across the Russian capital, including parks and railway stations. The festival will run in Moscow from August 26 till September 3.

Venezuela: Thousands march through Caracas against new US sanctions
2017-08-27 03:42
Thousands of people marched through the streets of Caracas, Saturday, to demonstrate against newly imposed sanctions against Venezuela by the US. The march took place on the same day as the military exercises dubbed 'Bolivarian Sovereignty 2017', which saw the mobilisation of 900,000 people, both civilians and service personnel. On Friday, the White House announced fresh financial sanctions on the oil-rich nation leading to an increase in tensions between the two countries. The sanctions prohibit financial institutions from providing new money to the Venezuelan government or state oil company PDVSA. Trump recently said he would not rule out military intervention in Venezuela after Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro introduced a controversial new Constituent Assembly last month.

Germany: 'No forum is illegal!' — Freiburg activists protest 'left-wing extremist' Indymedia website ban
2017-08-27 05:21
Some 200 left-wing activists rallied against the closure of «left-wing extremist» Linksunten Indymedia internet platform, in Freiburg, Saturday. The protesters denounced the closure of the platform, holding banners reading «No forum is illegal» and «Press freedom instead of police state.» German Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere announced the ban of the internet platform, adding that From now on, not before, the operation of this platform is a criminal offence.» Security authorities regard the site, launched in 2009, as one of the most influential medium in the left wing scene. Despite its closure, a message appeared on it, announcing its return.

Canada: 2 detained at PEGIDA demo in Ontario
2017-08-27 06:59
Police detained two people at the Patriots of Canada Against the Islamisation of the West (PEGIDA Canada) demonstration in front of the City Hall of London, Ontario, Saturday. Dozens of PEGIDA supporters and hundreds of counter-protesters faced off during the anti-Islam 'Freedom Rally.' Up to 500 people reportedly participated in the rally. Tensions ran high; however, due to the police presence tensions did not escalate. Apart from the arrests, no major disturbances were reported.

Венесуэла всерьез восприняла угрозы Трампа
2017-08-27 10:01
Венесуэльские военные начали проводить тренировки для гражданского населения. Мирных жителей решили подготовить на тот случай, если слова президента Дональда Трампа окажутся не просто угрозой, и США осуществят военное вмешательство в дела Боливарианской республики.

Французские традиции: рейтинг президента стремительно летит под откос
2017-08-27 10:07
Рейтинг Эммануэля Макрона резко упал. Еще в июле его работу на посту президента оценивали положительно 54 % жителей Франции. Но всего за месяц этот показатель упал до сорока процентов.

Афганцы боятся американцев больше, чем талибов
2017-08-27 11:26
Жители восточной части Афганистана живут в постоянном страхе. В регионе постоянно проходят военные операции США и ответные вылазки боевиков. Причем, американцев местные жители боятся больше талибов.

«ТопСеть»: Дело Кирилла Серебренникова и конец высокого летнего сезона
2017-08-27 11:54
Школьники ради лайков избивают стариков и женщин, как заканчивается высокий летний сезон, почему туристы все реже выбирают для отдыха Турцию, за что посадили Кирилла Серебренникова и кто они — самые высокооплачиваемые актеры по версии журнала Forbes. Самые обсуждаемые новости недели в одной программе — в программе «ТопСеть».

Дольщики ЖК «Царицыно» ждут не возмездия, а квартиры
2017-08-27 11:56
На этой неделе по подозрению в особо крупном мошенничестве задержан зерновой магнат Игорь Пинкевич. Главу одной из крупнейших в стране хлебобулочных компаний «Настюша», которая также была застройщиком жилого комплекса «Царицыно», подозревают в хищении миллиардов рублей у дольщиков.

«Спасская башня»: праздник, где говорят на одном языке
2017-08-27 12:31
Шотландские волынщики, индийские трубадуры и турецкие барабанщики. Самый зрелищный и громкий международный фестиваль «Спасская башня» стартовал в столице. На брусчатке военные оркестры из 14 стран, впервые среди них чилийцы. В ближайшие дни звуками духовых и ударных наполнятся также городские парки, скверы и даже вокзалы.

Ганем-Али: сирийские войска разгромили игиловцев при поддержке ВКС
2017-08-27 13:20
В Сирии в районе города Ганем-Али в результате операции сирийских войск при поддержке российской боевой авиации уничтожены более 800 террористов группировки ИГИЛ (запрещена в РФ). Таким образом, завершен разгром самой боеспособной и хорошо вооруженной группировки ИГИЛ в долине реки Евфрат.

Волкер: Запад готов к агрессии России
2017-08-27 15:18
Страны Запада должны развивать собственную систему безопасности и работать над ней вместе, заявил спецпредставитель Госдепартамента США по Украине Курт Волкер.

Американцы охотятся на талибов, а убивают мирных афганцев
2017-08-27 16:15
Жители восточной части Афганистана живут в постоянном страхе. В беседах с журналистами они рассказывают: в регионе постоянно проводятся военные операции США, направленные против талибов, а также ответные вылазки боевиков. Ну а гражданское население постоянно между двух огней.

Новая форма украинских моряков: прятаться негде, но камуфляж есть
2017-08-27 16:35
Новая форма украинских военных моряков вызвала недоумение. Военнослужащие были одеты камуфляж, хотя в море никаких деревьев, полей и кустов нет. Некоторые шутят, что так будет проще маскироваться на дне среди водорослей.

Russia: Orphaned children of IS fighters haunted by war following return home from Iraq
2017-08-27 17:06
Five-year-old Khadija and her three-year-old sister Fatima spent a day in the comfort of their family home in Makhachkala, Dagestan, Sunday, shortly after being reunited with their relatives and loved ones. The sisters were among the five Russian-speaking children who were brought back to their homeland last Friday, after being taken by their now-deceased parents to Iraq as they joined the self-proclaimed Islamic State (IS; formerly ISIL/ISIS). The parents of Khadija and Fatima reportedly left for Turkey two years ago taking their children with them before heading to Mosul. Khadija and Fatima were rescued from the embattled city and taken to an orphanage in Baghdad. Khadija and Fatima are still haunted by the traumatic experience of war while living under IS rule. Grandfather of the girls, Anvar, said «she told me that when there were bombs, they would run to a basement. And when she sees a helicopter now — Ah! She says: Helicopter! Plane! She is shocked by it». He went on to say, «the other day I was opening an ice cream, and I have a habit of popping the packaging. I accidentally slapped it and she immediately twitched. Oh! it's like an explosion.» Anvar said that in the beginning he did not believe in the success of the mission to rescue the two girls, but then, he said, «I asked the almighty to give them health and strength, to get my grandchildren back. And this is how it happened. I received them safe and alive.» Head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov ordered his representative in the Middle East to use his diplomatic connections to secure the return of Khadija and Fatima, as well as other children. According to reports, dozens of Russian-speaking children are still in Iraqi orphanages across the country. The campaign to identify these kids and reunite them with their families in Russia and the CIS is ongoing. Mandatory Credit RT LOGO. For VOD, Please, Contact Client Desk — Izharova@Ruptly.Tv Ruptly reported on the grandparents’ reaction after being recognised by their grandchildren in a video on August 14. Link: https://ruptly.tv/vod/20170814-045

Додон поздравил Молдавию с 26-й годовщиной независимости
2017-08-27 17:12
Молдавия сегодня отмечает 26-ю годовщину независимости страны. Жителей республики с праздником поздравил президент Игорь Додон. Торжества начались с возложения цветов в мемориальном комплексе «Вечность». А продолжились парадом национальных костюмов и концертом на центральной площади Кишинева.

USA: Venezuelans will defend their sovereignty 'to the last breath' — FM Arreaza
2017-08-27 17:59
Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza said that the state was prepared to take all «possible steps» to defend its citizens in the face of the recent US sanctions and threats after meeting with UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres in New York, Saturday. «If Venezuela was attacked, rest assured that the armed forces of the Bolivarian Republic, the people of Venezuela, would defend to the last breath their territory, their integrity, dignity, independence and sovereignty,» said Arreaza. He also said there was a need for «serious opposition» in Venezuela, while also saying future economic hardships suffered by Venezuela would be the responsibility of US President Donald Trump. «If it so happens that the sanctions affect the economy of Venezuela or its citizens, the responsibility will be borne exclusively by the president of the United States,» he said. «We can't let it happen, having leaders who betray the motherland and then try to avoid responsibility and to shift it to the government of Nicolas Maduro, who protects the people of Venezuela,» Arreaza stated.

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