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East Jerusalem: Celebrations as Israel lifts al-Aqsa mosque age restrictions

East Jerusalem: Celebrations as Israel lifts al-Aqsa mosque age restrictions
2017-07-29 03:00
Thousands of Muslim worshippers gathered outside the al-Aqsa mosque in East Jerusalem, after Friday prayers, to celebrate the lifting of age restrictions placed by Israeli authorities on accessing the compound. Dozens of fireworks were set off, while others danced and waved large Palestinian flags. Authorities that administer the compound announced that all gates to al-Aqsa would be open to Palestinians of all ages. Earlier on Friday, Israeli police had prevented men under the age of 50 from entering through some of the compound's gates. Violence has spread across Israel and Palestine, after Israeli officials installed, now removed, metal detectors and extra security cameras in the al-Aqsa compound following the shooting of two Israeli police officers at the site earlier this month in a gun-fight, in which three Arab-Israeli shooters were also killed. This has led to further clashes: three Palestinians died during confrontations with Israeli security forces on Friday, according to media reports; three Israelis were fatally stabbed at home in a West Bank settlement, and some 30 Palestinians conducting night-time prayer near the Lion's Gate were injured during scuffles with Israeli forces on Tuesday.

UK: Police brutality protest turns violent in Hackney
2017-07-29 04:00
Chaos hit east London, Friday, as protests demanding justice for the death of 20-year-old Rashan Charles turned violent. Charles was chased and apprehended by police in Hackney, east London, on July 23, dying shortly after the incident. Demonstrators gathered outside the shop in Kingsland Road where Charles was initially arrested. Outside the store protesters proceeded to block the road, forming barricades to obstruct traffic. Footage shows a lorry driving through containers used as barricades and taking away several protesters clinging to the vehicle's windows. The disturbances continued into the night with protesters and police conducting running battles, in which officer on horseback charged those gathered. According to the footage of the convenience shop's surveillance camera, Charles is followed inside the shop by a uniformed police officer. After a struggle, in which Charles was pinned to the floor, the 20-year-old is seen putting an object inside his mouth. The young man was then handcuffed and brought to Royal London hospital, where he died shortly after. Charles was the second young-black man to die in the area in less than a month.

Ядерная медицина: разработки дубненских врачей не имеют аналогов в мире
2017-07-29 07:06
Вероника Скворцова посетила научные учреждения в городе Дубна. Особое внимание министр здравоохранения уделила предприятиям медико-технического кластера. В области ядерной медицины там сотрудничают специалисты из 20 стран.

КНДР сообщает о 2-м пуске МБР «Хвансон-14»: США в пределах досягаемости
2017-07-29 07:10
Северная Корея сообщила о втором пуске межконтинентальной баллистической ракеты «Хвансон-14». Как утверждает Пхеньян, США оказались в пределах досягаемости ракеты.

В Израиле появилась надежда на затишье
2017-07-29 08:17
Пятничная молитва мусульман на Храмовой горе в Израиле прошла мирно. И это — после двух недель беспорядков. Накануне муфтий Иерусалима заявил, что верующие снова могут вернуться в комплекс мечетей. Ранее они отказались посещать его, возмутившись повышенными после теракта мерами безопасности.

«Агитпроп»: Сообщение Трампа, которое вызвало переполох
2017-07-29 08:31
Новые вызовы со стороны США, ситуация на индо-пакистанской границе и сообщение президента Трампа, которое вызвало переполох в американских штабах.

Белый дом: Трамп готов подписать очередные санкции против России
2017-07-29 10:01
Президент США Дональд Трамп ознакомился с окончательным вариантом законопроекта, который ужесточает санкции против России. Президент США намерен подписать его, сообщила пресс-служба Белого дома. Новые ограничения коснутся, в том числе, российских банков и нефтегазовой сферы.

Режиссер Алексей Левинский отметил сегодня 70-летие
2017-07-29 11:30
Театральный режиссер, актер и педагог Алексей Левинский отметил сегодня 70-летие. В свой день рождения он открыл персональную выставку картин в «Галерее на Малой Ордынке». То, что режиссер еще и художник — для многих стало открытием.

Театр классического балета Art — Da представил «Ромео и Джульетту»
2017-07-29 11:30
Лето — время гастролей и отпусков, но только не для трупп — участников «Летних балетных сезонов». В Москве они проходят 17-й раз. И традиционно на сцене Российского молодежного театра. Театр классического балета Art — Da представил «Ромео и Джульетту» в хореографии Леонида Лавровского. Вместе с российскими — в спектакле работали танцовщики Опера Гарнье.

В Польше открылся 21-й Шекспировский фестиваль
2017-07-29 11:30
В Польше открылся XXI Шекспировский фестиваль. Это одно из крупнейших в Европе событий, посвященных жизни и творчеству великого драматурга.

В Нескучном саду открылось здание электрощитовой с раритетным оборудованием
2017-07-29 11:30
Как освещалась территория Центрального парка культуры и отдыха в 30-е годы? На территории Нескучного сада после реконструкции открыто здание, в котором разместили электро-щитовую. Она оснащена хорошо сохранившимся раритетным оборудованием.

Трамп одобрил новые санкции против России
2017-07-29 12:44
Дональд Трамп подпишет новые санкции против России. В Белом доме рассказали, что президент США уже ознакомился с законопроектом. Все замечания Трампа учли, поэтому он одобряет документ и готов подписать его.

Вести. Эфир от 29.07.2017 (11:00)
2017-07-29 13:00
В Черном море терпит крушение сухогруз «Анда». Судно перевернулось в 40 километрах от берега Крыма. В Алтайском крае устраняют последствия сильнейшего ночного урагана. Трамп готовится подписать новый пакет антироссийских санкций.

State of Palestine: Israeli military raids PalMedia headquarters in Ramallah
2017-07-29 13:00
Israeli military forces raided the PalMedia complex headquarters in the West Bank city of Ramallah during the early hours of Saturday morning. The complex hosts a number of international news outlets, including the RT Arabic offices. Some office doors and editing rooms sustained damage during the search operation, but there were no reported injuries among the RT staff. The Israeli military has previously raided the RT offices in Ramallah in June 2014, where the company suffered material damage. The PalMedia premises also accommodate the offices of the Al-Quds, Al-Mayadin, France24, Al-Manar.

Трамп сменил главу своей администрации
2017-07-29 13:30
Вместо Райнса Прибуса этот пост занял Джон Келли, министр внутренней безопасности, отставной генерал. За день до отставки Прибуса новый директор Белого дома по связям с общественностью обвинил его в утечках информации в СМИ.

Саакашвили будет бороться за гражданство Украины в суде
2017-07-29 14:03
Михаил Саакашвили решил судиться с властями Украины из-за лишения его гражданства. Президент Украины Петр Порошенко 26 июля отобрал паспорт у Саакашвили из-за ложных сведений: бывший президент Грузии не указал, что находился под следствием на Родине.

Iran: Iranian lawmakers unianimously approve bill countering «terrorist US actions»
2017-07-29 15:00
Iranian lawmakers unanimously approved general outlines of a bill countering ‘hostile US measures against Iran,' Chairman of the Iranian Parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission Alaeddin Boroujerdi said in Tehran, Saturday. Speaking to reporters following a special meeting held by the commission, Alaeddin Boroujerdi said that “the message of the unanimous vote is that there is coordination and unity in the Iranian parliament for taking actions against the US Congress' measures.” Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi also commented on the meeting and vote, saying that “a strong reaction should be taken” against the latest US sanctions against the Islamic Republic. “We need a suitable reaction against these hostile actions of the US especially, because of the effects that influence JPCOA,” Araghchi said. On Thursday, the US Senate approved the bill with 98 votes to two, two days after the House of Representatives had voted for the bill with an overwhelming majority of 419-3. Now that the bill has been approved in both the House and the Senate, it will be passed to US President Donald Trump to sign it into law.

Вести. Эфир от 29.07.2017 (14:00)
2017-07-29 16:00
Пожар в турецком отеле: 400 человек эвакуированы, есть пострадавшие. В Алтайском крае устраняют последствия сильнейшего урагана. Трамп готовится подписать новый пакет санкций против России.

USA: EU could soon become «victim» of anti-Russia sanctions — UN envoy Nebenzia
2017-07-29 16:00
Russia's newly appointed Permanent Representative to the UN Vasili Nebenzia stated that «ironically» the EU, which implemented «illegal» sanctions against Moscow, could now «be a victim of those sanctions,» while speaking to the press following his meeting with UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres in New York, Friday. Nebenzia noted that «ironically, the European Union, which implemented illegal sanctions against us [Russia] along with the US, now could be a victim of those sanctions as a result of the resolution which was adopted [recently] by [the US] Congress» before adding that «the situation can be described as — we told you so.» Russian authorities have stated that the US must cut the number of diplomatic staff in the country to 455 personnel by September 1, and halt their usage of summer houses in Serebryany Bor and embassy storage facilities on Dorozhnaya Street in Moscow by August 1. Moscow's decision comes after Congress passed a bill that would impose new economic sanctions against Russia, targeting mining, defence, and shipping industries, among others. US President Donald Trump must first sign off on the bill before it is fully implemented.

Russia: Sanctions move Russia closer to «alternatives to the US financial system» — Ryabkov
2017-07-29 16:00
SOT, Sergei Ryabkov, Russia's Deputy Foreign Minister (English): «This retaliation is long, long overdue. You remember that the previous administration of the US, the Obama administration, expelled Russian diplomats on December 29 last year and deprived us of our property. During the Trump administration nothing happened towards changing this situation, which is completely unacceptable to us. And I should say that after the [US] Senate voted, on July 27, so overwhelmingly on a completely weird and unacceptable piece of legislation, it was the last drop that made all of this happen.» Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said that steps taken by the US to «make our lives more difficult,» bring Russia closer to developing alternatives to the US financial system. In an interview that took place in Moscow, Ryabkov also urged Washington to «stop now» with «the completely weird and unacceptable piece of legislation» which was passed in the Senate, referring to the fresh sanctions likely to be imposed on Russia. «It was the last drop that made all of this happen,» Rybakov said. «Every single step which is taken by people on The Hill brings us closer to the moment where we will develop all sorts of alternatives to the US financial system, to the dollar reserve currency system, to all sorts of areas where the whole world, not just Russia, is dependent on frivolous action on the part of the US.» Ryabkov also described the sanctions as «detrimental» to US interests, while also attacking US President Donald Trump's administration's inaction with regard to former US President Barack Obama's expulsion of Russian diplomats and seizure of property in December of last year. «This retaliation is long, long overdue. You remember that the Obama administration expelled Russian diplomats on December 29th last year and deprived us of our property. During the Trump administration nothing has happened to change this situation, which is completely unacceptable to us,» Ryabkov elaborated.

Саакашвили: Порошенко — банальный торгаш
2017-07-29 16:18
Михаил Саакашвили назвал Петра Порошенко «банальным торгашом». Бывший президент Грузии и экс-губернатор Одесской области заявил, что главу Украины интересуют только деньги.

ЕС вводит санкции против Польши
2017-07-29 17:27
Еврокомиссия запустила санкционную процедуру против Польши из-за судебной реформы. Варшаву могут оштрафовать за то, что изменения в судебной системе не соответствуют демократическим ценностям.

Russia: Drone captures US storage facility following clear out order in wake of sanctions
2017-07-29 22:17
Drone footage captured activity at what is believed to be a US embassy storage facility on Dorozhnaya Street in Moscow, Saturday, a day after Russia instructed the US to clear the unit before August 1 as part of Russia’s response to further US sanctions. Russian authorities have stated that the US must cut the number of diplomatic staff in the country to 455 personnel by September 1, and halt their usage of summer houses in Serebryany Bor and embassy storage facilities on Dorozhnaya Street in Moscow by August 1. Moscow's decision comes after Congress passed a bill that would impose new economic sanctions against Russia, targeting mining, defence, and shipping industries, among others. US President Donald Trump must first sign off on the bill before it is fully implemented.

Italy: Anti-refugee vessel member describes plans to patrol Mediterranean
2017-07-29 22:32
Identitarian and crew-member Simon Wald spoke at the port of Catania on Saturday ahead of the plan to monitor NGO work in the Mediterranean Sea aboard Defend Europe's C-Star vessel. «Our mission is in [the] first place to observe but the mission of the other NGOs, the so called rescue NGOs, is to bring as much people, they declared that way, to bring as much people to Europe as possible and this is kind of an illegal taxi service directly from Libya to the Sicilian islands,» he said. The Defend Europe project was launched by the Generation Identity organisation with the purpose of intercepting refugees crossing the Mediterranean from Libya and taking them to non-European destinations they deem to be safe. The C-star vessel is expected to arrive in Catania in the next four-six days.

Argentina: Anti-Maduro protesters throw fake blood at Venezuelan embassy
2017-07-29 23:41
Venezuelans staged an artistic protest against their government outside the Venezuelan embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Saturday morning. The anti-Maduro protest was held to oppose Sunday's vote to elect a newly formed assembly charged with writing a new Venezuelan constitution. Police forces put up barriers outside the embassy, which protesters stuck signs to. The signs were then splattered with fake blood to lament the deaths of Venezuelan citizens in the recent violence. Activist and Venezuelan student Gloria San Miguel called for unity within her country, and asked the Venezuelan government to stop «exercising bad policies» and «speak clearly to the people, on behalf of the growing genocide.»

Macedonia: US and Macedonian troops show off military equipment in Skopje
2017-07-30 00:59
The US and Macedonian troops demonstrated their armoured vehicles and weaponry in Skopje, Saturday, ahead of the joint US-Macedonia drills, dubbed «Dragoon Guardian 17». The presented military hardware is reportedly being used by members of the Engineering Squadron of the US troops and the engineering combat battalion of the First Mechanised Infantry Brigade of the Macedonian army. The event was attended by Estonian Deputy Defence Minister Bekim Maksuti and US Ambassador to Macedonia Jess Bailey. Following the presentation of the military hardware, short self-defence training was reportedly held. On Friday, some 300 US soldiers and 120 military vehicles arrived to Macedonia to take part in the 'Dragoon Guardian 17' joint drill, which is set to run in Macedonia's Krivolak Army Range until August 10. According to Macedonia's Defence Ministry, the main objective of the drills is to deepen the US-Macedonia military cooperation as well as strengthen Macedonia's military and operation capability, compatible with NATO standards.

USA: Hundreds celebrate Trumpcare defeat in Washington DC rally
2017-07-30 06:42
Hundreds turned out to a rally in Washington DC's Freedom Plaza, on Saturday, to celebrate the defeat of the GOP Healthcare repeal bill. House Minority Leader, Nancy, Pelosi, thanked activists, supporters and «those in Congress» for the victory, but asserted that the next task was aimed at ensuring that US President Donald Trump does not «sabotage» the Affordable Care Act. Other speakers present included Ola Ojewumi, activist and founder of the nonprofit organization Sacred Hearts Children's Transplant Foundation. The US Senate voted down the repeal of Better Care Reconciliation Act, also known as 'Obamacare', by a vote of 57 to 43.

Russia: Alas — mysterious remains found on Kerch Peninsula not alien despite media hype
2017-07-30 07:16
Mysterious remains found by archaeologists on the Kerch Peninsula dating back almost 2000 years, have been proven to be human, despite speculation as to their origin due to a deformed skull, as footage showed on Saturday. Following the detailed examination of the remains, it was stated that they belong to a boy with cranial deformation. The disfigurement caused significant speculation among the press, some of whom noted that the unusual skull shape could be a sign of alien life. The boy is said to have been a Sarmatian, a people consisting of nomadic Iranian-speaking tribes originating in Eastern Europe. Pavel Getsko of the Institute of Archaeology at the Russian Academy of Sciences explained that in Sarmatian society it was common to intentionally disfigure heads because it was thought to look more «brutal» and «warlike.» Scientists came to the conclusion that, at the time of his death, the child was not more than one and a half years old. A molded jar, small beads, glass paste and copper alloy bracelet, worn on right hand, were also found near the boy.

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