There are number of ways in which we can talk about things which have a tendency to happen or things which are generally true .
1. We can use the verb to tend to followed by a verb .
He tends to get angry if you criticize his clothes .
British people tend to be a little reserved.
2. We can also use the modal verb will / won't + infinitive. Note that in this tense, will does not have a future reference.
If you ask him 100 questions, he'll know the answer to 99 of them.
Never put tomatoes on her plate - she won't eat them.
3. We can also use the adverb always with the present continuous tense to talk about tendencies. This often indicates that the speaker is annoyed about this particular "tendency".
My brother's always borrowing things without asking me.
They're always telling me what to do - I hate that!
Адреса наших школ:
м. Молодежная, ул. Бобруйская, д.6, кор.2,
м. Цветной Бульвар, ул. Садовая - Самотечная, д. 13, офис 413,
м. Улица 1905 года, Шмитовский проезд, д.5
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