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Moscow English Club

Moscow English Club

Real-Talk-Club Илья Шальнов http://shalnov.ru http://shalnov-school.ru http://my-programs.ru http://homeclubs.ru Клуб Сам Себе Психолог Собираем новую психологическую группу (на русском. Встречаемся по СРЕДАМ 19.00-21.00 в одном из кафе недалеко от метро Новослободская. Цена 300 рублей. По предварительной записи по телефону. Контакты и другая необходимая информация тут: http://homeclubs.ru Тема ближайшей дискуссии: Выбираем или создаем свою школу бизнеса Что всего приоритетней, и чем можно пренебречь? Каки...

2012-09-23 14:35:56 + Комментировать

Moscow English Club

Real-Talk-Club Илья Шальнов http://shalnov.ru http://shalnov-school.ru http://my-programs.ru http://homeclubs.ru We resume our meetings this Thursday at 19.00 in the cafe Landrin near the metro station Novoslobodskaya. We will have two topics for our discussions. No registration required. You are very welcome. All necessary information can be found in our site http://homeclubs.ru Main topic: Speed Reading Principles 1) Back-skipping, regressions. Go only ahead. What are the minuses and the pluses of that p...

2012-09-21 18:56:03 + Комментировать

Moscow English Club

Ilya Shalnov Английский Клуб http://homeclubs.ru/ Дорогие друзья, Наши встречи начнутся в середине сентября. Пока можно посмотреть некоторые из наших опубликованных книг или сделать заказ. Dear friends, Sorry for not writing for a long time. Our meetings will start in the second half of September. I was busy with writing and publishing some books. I am still working on that. Here you can take a look at some of my books or order some of them: Psychological Club - Topics for discussions Английский Коммуникац...

2012-07-11 15:39:35 + Комментировать


Sunday 11 December 16.00...

2011-12-11 17:15:36 + Комментировать

Belief in God

Who are Russians? * Men, women and all kind of stereotypes * Belief in Church * Do you believe? * Do you want to be charismatic? * 2011.11.30 Wednesday 19.00 * Some very controversial principles of effective behavior * 2011.12.04 Sunday 16.00 * Hello, friends! * 2011.12.07 Wednesday 19.00...

2011-12-05 17:25:46 + Комментировать

Moscow English Club - Hello, friends!

Ilya Shalnov Английский Клуб http://moscow-english-club.ru/ Hello, friends! Hello, friends! Welcome to our Moscow-English-Club. Our meetings are held in one of quiet and spacious cafes in the center of Moscow near the metro. The groups now are small: no bigger than seven people. Every group has a topic for the discussion; the questions are printed and given to the participants. The topic can be found on our site in advance. No preliminary registration is required. Just come and participate. The level of th...

2011-12-05 14:43:12 + Комментировать

Moscow English Club - Some very controversial principles of effective behavior

Ilya Shalnov Английский Клуб http://moscow-english-club.ru/ 2011.12.04 Sunday 16.00 Main topic for the discussion: Some very controversial principles of effective behavior Additional topic for the discussion: Magic Some very controversial principles of effective behavior 1) Everything is permitted. You mustn't only be caught. You mustn't only get in troubles. There is no crime but stupidity. 2) Never worry about your karma. 3) Care about nobody but yourself. 4) Do only what you want to do. 5) `Never regret...

2011-12-02 13:29:09 + Комментировать

Moscow English Club

Ilya Shalnov Английский Клуб http://moscow-english-club.ru/ This Wednesday 2011.11.30 at 19.00 We are going to discuss: Do you believe? Ilya Shalnov http://moscow-english-club.ru/ ...

2011-11-29 13:52:58 + Комментировать

Moscow English Club

Ilya Shalnov Английский Клуб http://moscow-english-club.ru/ Do you want to be charismatic? (for 2011.11.27) 1) Will you like always to be in the center of very strong and deep attention? 2) Do you like to provoke people and invent adventures? 3) Would you like to use symbols of power which hypnotize majority of (stupid) people? Would you like to have a very American and very successful appearance? 4) Would you like to enjoy respect you don't deserve? 5) Will you try natural but not standard and therefore v...

2011-11-24 19:16:14 + Комментировать

Moscow English Club

Ilya Shalnov Английский Клуб http://moscow-english-club.ru/ Men, women and all kind of stereotypes 1) Who should and who shouldn't, who does and who doesn't, and why? ~ make court , be gallant ~ propose ~ be inferior ~ give in, give way, concede, comply, step back ~ protect, defend 2) Who is the giver and who is the taker? 3) What one may expect to get in return? 4) Who is stronger? Who lives longer lives and why? 5) Around whom should the family be built? 6) Who should be the breadwinner and who should be...

2011-11-22 15:22:24 + Комментировать