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Moscow English Club

  Все выпуски  

Belief in God

Илья Шальнов
Английский Клуб

Dear fans of English! Welcome to our Moscow English Club. We meet in a quiet and spacious cafe in the center of Moscow within five minutes' walk from a metro station. Our groups are no bigger than seven people. You can choose the group, the leader and the topic you like. The topics of the nearest meeting will be announced in the newsletter. We are getting together for speaking English, sharing thoughts, exchanging experience and making friends. If you are truly interested in mastering the language, you will learn many interesting tips as well. See you at the next meeting!

Belief in God
2011-11-22 18:28 Ilya

1) Do you believe in existence of God?
2) Do you believe in existence of many gods?
3) Are atheists and communists also believers?
4) Do you believe in science?
5) Where does the logical analysis lead? Should we trust our logic?
6) Does materialism equal to belief that God exists, but he is an idiot?
7) Does God or any other deity interfere in human affairs or has God left us forever?
8) Why does Evil exist?


Who are Russians?
2011-11-22 18:28 Ilya

1) Who are Russians? Who are Russian women? Who are Russian men?
2) Why others think of us in terms and images like: communism, vodka, laziness, Gulag, mafia, balalaika and bears on the streets?
3) Do Russians have the national idea? What is Russian national anti-idea?
4) Why don’t western people like Russians?
5) Do Russians have inner freedom?
6) Do Russians have competitive advantages?
7) Are Russians hospitable and amicable?
8) Are Russians open? Why do Russians not like psychologists and psycho-analysts?
9) Is the Russian language really great and powerful? Do we really have a great culture?
10) Can we talk about Russians of different nationalities or is such a talk nonsensical?
11) Is it true that the Soviet Union was an empire of Russians?
12) Is there something good in nationalism and Nazism? Should Russia be for Russians? Should Russian culture and language have any special support?
13) Does Russian diaspora have any future?
14) What is Russian religion? Is it the Orthodox Christian Church? Is it Paganism? Is it communism?
15) What is awaiting us in the future?


Men, women and all kind of stereotypes
2011-11-22 18:29 Ilya

1) Who should and who shouldn't, who does and who doesn’t, and why?

~ make court , be gallant
~ propose
~ be inferior
~ give in, give way, concede, comply, step back
~ protect, defend

2) Who is the giver and who is the taker?
3) What one may expect to get in return?
4) Who is stronger? Who lives longer lives and why?
5) Around whom should the family be built?
6) Who should be the breadwinner and who should be the housespouse?

7) What is man's work and what is woman's?
8) Should boys and girls be given the same toys?

9) Who needs sex more? Who needs more sex?
10) What is to do if one wants sex and the other one doesn't?

11) Who needs children more?
12) What is to do if one wants to have children and the other one doesn't?

13) Should men allow themselves to wear flamboyant cloths?
14) Should men allow themselves to express their feelings and even cry?
15) Should men allow themselves to complain?
16) Does anybody have a right to be a loser?


Belief in Church
2011-11-22 18:29 Ilya

1) Is your belief your own choice or other people have decided for you in what you should believe? Should we in our belief be with our nations?
2) Can one belong to two different churches simultaneously?
3) Should Christians doubt their religion? What about Muslims? What about terrorists?
4) If our religion tells us one thing and our conscience another, whom should we follow?
5) Do we need mediators between us and God? Can we find the right way ourselves?
6) Do you believe in Church, in popes, in Holy Scriptures?
7) Do you believe in The Ten Commandments (The Decalogue)?
8) Are religions responsible for crimes the believers or so called believers have committed?
9) What is the difference between religions and sects?
10) Should the church pay taxes?
11) Has the Orthodox Church discredited itself?


Do you believe?
2011-11-22 18:30 Ilya

1) Do you believe in AIDS, swine flu, bird flu, atypical pneumonia and other new disastrous plagues like those?
2) Do you believe that people's activity causes the global warming? Do you believe in possibility of the nuclear winter catastrophe? Do you think we can fix the first plague with the second one?
3) What about ozone holes? Isn't it scaring?
4) Do you worry about comets, asteroids and supernovas?
5) Do you believe that democracy is the ideal and the only possible form of governing?
6) Do you believe in free market? Do you believe that self-interested competition in the free market would tend to benefit society as a whole by keeping prices low?
7) Do you think our government is really clever and professional? Or are they just ignoramuses?
8) Do you think economists and other experts are able to predict economic crisises and the situation in the global market?
9) Do you believe in Darwin’s theory of evolution? Do you think evolution really exists?
10) Do you think inoculations are good for the health of people? Do you inoculate against flu?
11) Do you think that in case of some disease you should go to a doctor and do not try self-treatment and self-medication?
12) Do you believe that Christ really lived so long ago? Do you believe that the texts of the Bible don’t change throughout the centuries?


Do you want to be charismatic?
2011-11-24 18:03 Ilya

1) Will you like always to be in the center of very strong and deep attention?
2) Do you like to provoke people and invent adventures?
3) Would you like to use symbols of power which hypnotize majority of (stupid) people? Would you like to have a very American and very successful appearance?
4) Would you like to enjoy respect you don't deserve?
5) Will you try natural but not standard and therefore very risky behavior? What about telling people the truth?
6) Would you like to try all possible and impossible sexual experiments to liberate your sexuality? Or do you think this has nothing to do with charisma?
7) Are you ready to destroy your enemies or adversaries ruthlessly? Or do pity, compassion, sorrow and remorse hamper you?
8) Are other people interesting to you? Or do you never subsidize others with your interest and attention?
9) Are you the one who gives exams or the one who always takes them?
10) Why do you think you deserve unique attention?
11) Do you share or hide secrets of your magic? Or do you never think about such a stupid and childish thing as “magic”?
12) Would you like to be a hypnotist?
13) What is better - to be a very successful mediocrity or a genius-loser?

2011.11.30 Wednesday 19.00
2011-11-29 12:47 Ilya

This Wednesday we discuss: Do you believe?

Some very controversial principles of effective behavior
2011-12-02 12:02 Ilya

1) Everything is permitted. You mustn’t only be caught. You mustn’t only get in troubles. There is no crime but stupidity.
2) Never worry about your karma.
3) Care about nobody but yourself.
4) Do only what you want to do.
5) Regret about nothing. And then, why do people regret?
6) Never brake. And then, why do people brake?
7) Never react on things which have nothing to do with your own business. And then, why do people DO react?
8) Never do things for free.
9) Distinguish between things which are good for people and things for which people are ready to pay.
10) A man must be like one who is accepted. (As Nikulin once said about his character Balbes)
11) Never believe, never fear, never ask.
12) Be present in everything you do.
13) What other principles of effective behavior could you suggest?

2011.12.04 Sunday 16.00
2011-12-02 12:14 Ilya

Main topic for the discussion: Some very controversial principles of effective behavior
Additional topic for the discussion: Magic

Hello, friends!
2011-12-05 13:39 Ilya

Hello, friends! Welcome to our Moscow-English-Club. Our meetings are held in one of quiet and spacious cafes in the center of Moscow near the metro.

The groups now are small: no bigger than seven people. Every group has a topic for the discussion; the questions are printed and given to the participants. The topic can be found on our site in advance.

No preliminary registration is required. Just come and participate. The level of the participants is advanced or intermediate. In our English communication club we speak only English. If it is your first time and you are not ready to speak yet, you can just sit and listen.

The communication is organized by a leader, the author of the topic. The duty of the leader is to make sure that everyone gets the opportunity to speak. The topic is just a start point of the communication. Then the discussion may take its own direction.

We come here not only for improving our English: socialization is also the aim. If you are interested in studying foreign languages you will learn many interesting and useful things. You will also be able to find partners for your personal communication among other members of our club. Perhaps one day you will become one of the leaders.

We are looking forward to seeing you.

2011.12.07 Wednesday 19.00
2011-12-05 15:15 Ilya

First topic: Some very controversial principles of effective behavior
Second topic: Life after life

Ilya Shalnov

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