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English дома Lets talk food! Давайте поговорим о еде

Здравствуйте, уважаемые читатели и подписчики!

Давайте поговорим сегодня о еде. Перед вами список вопросов. Все они простые для понимания, но есть некоторые выражения, которые нужно объяснить, так как они относятся к местным реалиям или являются разговорными.

comfort food - это выражением у местных обозначает такую пищу, которую едят, чтобы почувствовать себя хорошо после тяжелого дня, пережитого стресса, а иногда и в качестве компенсации или даже награды.

to be picky - быть привередливым в еде

to go without food - обходиться без еды

cuisine - кухня ( в значении "национальные блюда", например японская кухня, русская кухня)

to crave - очень сильно хотеть есть что-либо, например беременные женщины иногда очень хотят есть соленое, молочное ( а иногда даже мел) Считается, что так наше тело сигнализирует нам о том, каких витаминов и минералов ему не хватает. 

Как работатать над вопросами:

лучше всего работать в паре с человеком, у которого такой же уровень владения языком как и у вас.
Если такого человека нет, то придется самому задавать себе вопрос и самому же отвечать.

Успешно вам попрактиковаться!

How often do you think about food and eating?

What is your comfort food?

Can you eat just anything? Or you are very picky?

Can you go without food for a whole day?

Do you have to watch what you eat?

What is your favourite breakfast, lunch and dinner?

Do you think your country’s food is the best?

Do you think “you are what you eat”?

What do you think about canned, frozen and processed food? How often do you (and your family members) eat frozen, canned food?

What kinds of international cuisine do you like?

Are you fussy or particular about the food you eat?

Have your favourite kinds of food changed over the years?

Do you like fast food and slow food?

What do you think about food additives? Are you addicted to some food?

Do you sometime crave ant food? What kind of food do you usually crave?

What food did you  crave during pregnancy? 

Do you care where the food you eat comes from?

What national dishes from Russia and Siberia would you recommend to the world?

Do you worry about the rising cost of food?

Do you think the world’s food will ever run out?

Is your food bill big?

How often do you think about food and eating?

What is your comfort food?

Can you eat just anything? Or you are very picky?

Can you go without food for a whole day?

Do you have to watch what you eat?

What is your favourite breakfast, lunch and dinner?

Do you think Russian food is the best?

Do you think “you are what you eat”?

What do you think about canned, frozen and processed food? How often do you (and your family members) eat frozen, canned food?

What kinds of international cuisine do you like to east?

How often do you think about food and eating?

What is your comfort food?

Can you eat just anything? Or you are very picky?

Can you go without food for a whole day?

Do you have to watch what you eat?

What is your favourite breakfast, lunch and dinner?

Do you think your country’s food is the best?

Do you think “you are what you eat”?

What do you think about canned, frozen and processed food? How often do you (and your family members) eat frozen, canned food?

What kinds of international cuisine do you like?

Are you fussy or particular about the food you eat?

Have your favourite kinds of food changed over the years?

Do you like fast food and slow food?

What do you think about food additives? Are you addicted to some food?

Do you sometime crave ant food? What kind of food do you usually crave?

What food did you  crave during pregnancy? 

Do you care where the food you eat comes from?

What national dishes from Russia and Siberia would you recommend to the world?

Do you worry about the rising cost of food?

Do you think the world’s food will ever run out?

Is your food bill big? do you like?

Are you fussy or particular about the food you eat?

Have your favourite kinds of food changed over the years?

Do you like fast food and slow food?

What do you think about food additives? Are you addicted to some food?

Do you sometime crave ant food? What kind of food do you usually crave?

What food did you  crave during pregnancy? 

Do you care where the food you eat comes from?

What national dishes from Russia  would you recommend to the world?

Do you worry about the rising cost of food?

Do you think the world’s food will ever run out?

Is your food bill big?

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