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Выпуск №9


Ушел из жизни член Президиума РАМИ А.М.Салмин

8 сентября 2005 г. ушел из жизни выдающийся ученый, доктор исторических наук, декан факультета Политологии МГИМО, профессор кафедры Политической теории, Президент Фонда «Российский общественно-политический центр», главный редактор журнала «Полития», президент Ассоциации центров политического консультирования, председатель правления Российского национального комитета политической социологии, член Совета по внешней и оборонной политике.  
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Отчеты о прошедших конференциях

1st WISC Conference
"Bringing International Studies Together: contrasting approaches and agendas"

С 23 по 28 августа делегация МГИМО-Университета и Российской ассоциации международных исследований в составе профессоров А.Ю.Мельвиля, В.М.Сергеева, М.М.Лебедевой, Т.А.Алексеевой и В.М.Ильина приняла участие в работе 1-го Конгресса Всемирного комитета международных исследований ( WISC) в г. Стамбуле. 
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Стажировки и гранты

Researcher Exchange Grants
Organiser: Academy of Finland
The Academy of Finland provides funding for research cooperation in order to increase the mobility of researchers in a number of countries, among them many in Central and Eastern Europe, like Belarus, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia and the Ukraine.
The applicant should at least have a higher academic degree and must necessarily have an invitation or a statement of acceptance from the receiving institution. Priority will be given to applicants who are in research training and / or who have recently completed their doctorate or who carry out joint research projects.
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MF/GDN Visiting Scholars Program 2005/2006
November 15, 2005 and April 30, 2006.
Washington, D.C., USA
Organiser: Global Research Network and the International Money Fund
IMF will provide all travel, accommodation, subsistence and other allowances.
During the attachment, a staff member from the IMF Research Department will be designated to work with the visiting researcher. In addition, the visiting researcher will also have the opportunity to interact with other staff from the IMF and to use the information and data available at the IMF. The final product of the project could also be published by the IMF after the local organization has published it.
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Зарубежные семинары и конференции

April 1-3, 2006
The British Association for Slavonic and East European Studies (BASEES) Annual Conference

Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge
Organiser: The British Association for Slavonic and East European Studies (BASEES)
The organisers input and ideas for conference panels as well as for individual papers. So please don't hesitate to get in touch with any of the subject organisers below with your ideas for papers and panels using the appropriate form downloadable from the website.
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November 18- 20, 2005
Democracy in Europe. International Conference commemorating the 200th anniversary of Alexis de Tocqueville's birth

Warsaw, Poland
Organiser: Polish Invisible College
The conference is inviting to submit papers that reflect on condition of modern European democracy/ies in a Tocquevillian spirit as well as address Tocqueville's thought and heritage directly. We would like to put special emphasis on the European Union and Eastern countries of the Continent. Suggested topics include: Individualism, freedom and stupidity in democratic regimes; Tocqueville on the European Union and the Orange Revolution; Is there a European democracy?; Mild despotism and the tyranny of majority nowadays; Are majorities still dangerous?; 'New' and 'old Europe' - where lies the future?; Nation, religion and democracy - what are their relations in contemporary Europe; Law, institutions and national character; Can European civil societies resist against centralization and apathy?; Europe between populism and citizenship; Long duree of old regimes in East Central Europe; Educating democracy and education for democracy.
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Российская ассоциация международных исследований
119454 Москва пр.Вернадского 76, к.1046
Тел.: +7 (095) 434-93-31, факс: +7 (095) 434-91-79
E-mail: risa@mgimo.ru Internet: http://www.rami.ru

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