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В выпуске N862 от 04.02.2008

Сводки с эпидемического фронта
Дайджест: медицина сегодня
Уголок семейного здоровья
Medical News

Сводки с эпидемического фронта

выпуск N 862 от 04.02.2008

Сервер медицинских новостей

В выпуске:

птичка Норовирусная инфекция  - Пенза (Россия)
птичка Бешенство (1 летальный случай) - Воронеж (Россия)
птичка African swine fever - Russia: (Chechnya), control
птичка Mumps - Moldova, Pridnestrovye
птичка African swine fever - Azerbaijan
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Норовирусная инфекция - Пенза (Россия)
Дата: 30 января 2008
От: ПроМЕД-мэйл корр. БА
Источник: ИА REGNUM, 30 января 2008  [Модератор НР]
В Пензе вспышка норовирусной инфекции
Эпидемиологи прогнозировали, что в начале февраля возможна вспыш-ка гриппа. А вместо этого в Пензу пришла другая зараза - норо- и ротовирусы. Люди обращаются в больницы и жалуются на повышенную температуру, боли в животе, тошноту.
- Норо- и ротовирусы - это разновидности кишечной инфекции, - говорит начальник отдела медико-профилакторной помощи населению министерства здравоохранения и соцразвития Пензенской области Валентина КАЛИНКИНА. - Сейчас, в благоприятное для вируса время, наблюдается увеличение числа людей, заразившихся этой инфекцией. Данные вирусы врачам-инфекционистам известны давно. Отличить один от другого можно лишь с помощью специальной диагностики.
Уже более 200 пензенцев подхватили болезнь. Точное число заразившихся медики не оглашают, говорят лишь, что цифра растет с каждым днем.
Норо- и ротовирусы считаются "детскими" болезнями. В основном они распространяются в детсадах и школах. Напомним, что в Пензе был уже не один случай, когда ротовирусной инфекцией заражались ученики или воспитанники детских садов. Достаточно вспомнить 2006 год, когда местные медики зафиксировали заражение ротовирусом у 14 малышей в одном из городских дошкольных учреждений. Тогда причиной распространения заразы стало нарушение санитарно-гигиенического режима. Однако, как отмечают специалисты, рото- и норовирусы порой проникают и во взрослые коллективы.
- Если кто-то у вас на работе заболел, он легко может заразить остальных сотрудников. Поэтому при первых же симптомах отправляйтесь к специалисту, - говорят инфекционисты. - Не стоит заниматься самолечением, ведь, как правило, заболевание сопровождается высокой температурой, которая держится несколько дней.
Что же касается гриппа, то эпидемии у нас пока нет. По словам специалистов, это связано с тем, что большинство горожан сделали прививки.
Анастасия МИНАЕВА   30.01.2008
[Комментарий Мод НР. В отличие от других респираторных вирусных инфекций, норовирусная инфекция характеризуется гастроинтестинальными симптомами (диарея, тошнота, боль в животе). Для справки, именно в Пензе, в январе 2007 год, впервые была зарегистрирована норовирусная инфекция. - Mod NR]
Бешенство (1 летальный случай) - Воронеж (Россия)

Дата: 30 января 2008
От: ПроМЕД-мэйл корр. БА
Источник: ИА REGNUM, 30 января 2008  [Модератор НР]
Житель Воронежской области умер от бешенства
29 января в Поворинском районе Воронежской области от заболевания бешенством (гидрофобией) скончался местный житель 1971 года рождения. Как сообщили корреспонденту ИА REGNUM в пресс-службе Территориального управления Роспотребнадзора по Воронежской области, мужчину в конце ноября прошлого года покусала лиса, а за медицинской помощью он обратился только 23 января.
Напомним, что в конце 2007 года от заболевания бешенством уже погибли двое жителей Воронежской области.
Управление Роспотребнадзора по Воронежской области настоятельно рекомендует гражданам, пострадавшим от укусов, ослюнений, оцарапываний животными немедленно обращаться в лечебно-профилактические учреждения по месту жительства и в антирабический центр в Воронеже (проспект Революции, 48) для оказания специфических мер помощи.
[Комментарий Корр БА. Это уже третий случай смерти за последние два месяца в Воронежской области. В декабре 2007 года в области было зарегистрировано 2 случая заболевания бешенством среди людей в Верхнемамонском и Петропавловском районах, закончившихся смертью больных. Причиной смерти в предыдущих двух случаях явился отказ от иммунизации, а также нарушения режима вакцинации. В данном случае смерть наступила в результате не обращения покусанного за квалифицированной медицинской помощью, и, соответственно, отсутствия курса вакцинации.  - Corr BA]
African swine fever - Russia: (Chechnya), control
A ProMED-mail post http://www.promedmail.org
ProMED-mail is a program of the International Society for Infectious Diseases http://www.isid.org

Date: Sun 27 Jan 2008
Source: Vesti Severnij Kavkaz, RIA (Russian News & Information Agency)
Novosti report [in Russian, trans. Corr.ATS, edited]

Domestic swine culled in Chechnya to control disease spread

According to Almakhat Dukaev, head of the Section of Contagious and Non-contagious Infections, Veterinary Department, the whole population of domestically kept swine in Chechnya had to be culled following an outbreak of African swine fever (ASF) in the Republic at the end of 2007.

Dukaev clarified that the action would include territories around military installations, since -- to the best of his knowledge -- swine are not kept in other locations in Chechnya. At the end of 2007, an infected wild boar was found adjacent to the border with Georgia. Since then Rosselkhoznadzor [Federal Veterinary and Phytosanitary Inspection Service. - Mod.AS] carried out the shooting of wild boars in 17 regions of the republic which include forested zones.

Dukaev considered that the infection entered Chechnya from adjacent Georgia. He stated that cheap pork was imported through the port of Poti in Georgia some time ago, becoming the source of the current regional spread.
According to his data, up to 100 000 swine have been culled in Georgia, and some 40 000 in South Osetia.
communicated by:

[Russia submitted to the OIE (Office International des Epizooties; World Organization for Animal Health) an immediate notification on the diagnosis of ASF in the Chechen Republic on 4 Dec 2007; reportedly, the outbreak had started on 5 Nov 2007 and was laboratory-confirmed on 19 Nov 2007. For the report, with map, go to

As source of the outbreak/origin of infection, the report mentioned "transboundary migration of wild boars". The report included the following epidemiological comments: "Wild boars move freely across the subalpine grassland along the Argoun and the Shatoy-Argoun rivers, which run 30 to 40 km (around 19-25 mi) on the Georgian territory. Stepped-up biosecurity measures are applied in the pig farms."

According to the current newswire, the authorities have now decided to move into killing all pigs kept in farms, which -- reportedly -- are located only around (Russian) military installations. This is a drastic measure, which can be explained by 2 main considerations: the extensive, wide spread of the ASF virus within the large wild-boar population, and the fact that there is no vaccine against ASF. Similar strategies have been applied several times in the past, such as in Haiti (1978).

The epizootic of ASF in the trans Caucasus countries started in Georgia in April 2007 and has spread to Armenia, Nagorno-Karabagh, and Chechnya.

On 16 Jan 2008, Georgia notified the OIE the following: "Since the last reported outbreaks [15 Aug 2007], there have been no new cases of African swine fever in Racha-Lechkhum-Kvemo Svaneti region (Ambrolauri, Oni, Tsageri, and Lentekhi districts). Consequently, according to a Georgian government decision, limits on trade and movement are abolished in that region." This notification has been interpreted by the OIE as resolving the outbreak in Georgia. - Mod.AS]

Mumps - Moldova, Pridnestrovye
A ProMED-mail post http://www.promedmail.org
ProMED-mail is a program of the International Society for Infectious Diseases http://www.isid.org

[1] Mumps - Moldova
[2] Mumps - Pridnestrovye

[1] Mumps - Moldova
Date: Wed 23 Jan 2008
Source: Vesti News Agency [in Russian, trans. Corr.ATS, edited]

A mumps epidemic rages in Moldova
Vasiliy Sokhotskiy, deputy director of the National Centre of Preventive Medicine, told journalists today [23 Jan 2008] that the Ministry of Health will order 600 000 doses of mumps vaccine urgently to tackle an epidemic of mumps. To control the epidemic health care workers will immunize risk groups who had not been vaccinated previously for various reasons.

More than 2000 cases have been recorded since the beginning of the year [2008] in Kishinev, the Gagauzsky autonomic district, Ungensky, Orgeevsky, and other districts of the Republic. The most affected are those in the 12-19 age group. The reason for this appears to be due to the fact that many children born during the period from 1986 to 1994 immediately after "perestroika" did not receive mumps vaccination for various reasons.
communicated by:

[2] Mumps - Pridnestrovye
Date: Thu 24 Jan 2008
Source: Noviy Region-2 News Agency [in Russian, trans. Corr.ATS, edited]

Mumps imported to Pridnestrovye from Moldova
During the past 2 weeks, 16 cases of mumps have been registered in Pridnestrovye. The deputy director of the Pridnestrovye Centre for Hygiene and Epidemiology stated that in 5 cases the infection was among people who had arrived from Moldova recently. He added that colleagues in Moldova sent a warning at the beginning of December [2007] and measures were taken to identify new cases and set up surveillance.

In the event of a perceived risk of an epidemic an emergency vaccination campaign will be initiated. The deputy director was confident that all the necessary supplies are available. He reminded journalists that mumps vaccine is administered routinely to one year old children and revaccination occurs at age 6-7 years. A mumps outbreak could occur, however, as a delayed consequence of mass refusal of vaccination in the 1980s as a result of hostility in the mass media to compulsory mumps [MMR?] vaccination.

According to the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda in Moldova" since the beginning of 2008 about 1200 cases mumps have been registered, whereas in 2006 there were 296 cases, and 1900 in 2007. Most cases were observed in Kishinev, Orgeev, Ctrasheny, Nisporeny, Yaloveny, Kagul, Komrat, Rezina, Teleneshty, Ungeny, Khyncheshty, Novye Aneny, and Floreshty. Fewer mumps patients were recorded in the north of Moldova. The Moldovan experts consider that the striking increase of mumps cases is connected with the occurrence in the 1990s of problems with vaccines. Kishinev has already approached the European Bureau of the World Health Organization (WHO) for assistance in control of the mumps epidemic.
[byline: Olga Kuryleva]
communicated by:
[This escalating outbreak of mumps appears to be an unintended consequences of the breakup of the Soviet Union when a segment of the population did not receive mumps vaccine during the late 1980s and the early 1990s.

An interactive map of the Republic of Moldova can be accessed at http://healthmap.org/promed?v=47.2,28.5,5, and a map of the
administrative regions and urban centres of Moldova is available at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moldova#Administrative_divisions.

According to Wikipedia the status of Transnistria is disputed. Although it is de jure part of Moldova and is recognized as such by the international community, Transnistria is not de facto under the control of the central government of Moldova. It is administered by an unrecognized breakaway authority under the name Pridnestrovian Moldovan Republic. - Mod.CP]
African swine fever - Azerbaijan
A ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the International Society for Infectious Diseases

Date: Tue 29 Jan 2008
Source: Interfax, Russia [translated by Mod.NR, edited]

An outbreak of ASF is registered in Azerbaijan for the 1st time
The media service of the State Veterinary Agency of Azerbaijan informed the agency "Azerbaijan Interfax" this Tuesday [29 Jan 2008] about an outbreak of African swine fever (ASF) which has been registered in the village Nij in the Gabalinskiy region of Azerbaijan.

Several days earlier, mass mortality [in domestic pigs. - Mod.AS] was observed in the village. The media service states that this was the 1st ever outbreak of ASF in the country.

To control the outbreak, quarantine measures have been applied in the village Nij, beginning from 28 Jan 2008. Additional necessary
veterinary-sanitary measures are being taken.
communicated by:

[According to Azerbaijan's official report to the OIE, submitted 29 Jan 2008, "the affected population includes about 1200 houses with backyards. A rise of temperature, anorexia, digestive troubles and bloody faeces were observed." See the notification, including map, at http://www.oie.int/wahid-prod/public.php?page=single_report&pop=1&reportid=6730.

Earlier (unofficial) information disclosed outbreaks of ASF in Nogorno-Karabakh, a de facto independent republic, located in the South
Caucasus and officially part of the Republic of Azerbaijan, very close to its border with Armenia.

According to the Office International des Epizooties (OIE; World Organisation for Animal Health) ASF map (see at zoom in to the Caucasus region), accessed 1 Feb 2008, the ASF outbreaks in Abkhazia, Chechnya, and Azerbaijan are "continuing," while the disease in Georgia, Armenia and Ajaria is "resolved". The epizootic started in April 2007 in Georgia, but was diagnosed and reported only in June 2007. Later, it spread to neighbouring countries. This spread seems to continue. - Mod.AS]

Рекомендуем посетить:

Сайт "Биозащита": проблемы противодействия биотерроризму, распространению биологического   (бактериологического) оружия, массовым заболеваниям людей, животных и растений антропогенного и природного происхождения.

В поле зрения на 28.01.2008:

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