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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP: Algebra and Logic, Theory and Applications

International conference
''Algebra and Logic, Theory and Applications''
Krasnoyarsk, July 21 - 27, 2013

First announcement

The conference is devoted to the 80-th anniversary and the memory of Professor
Vladimir Petrovich Shunkov. It is organized jointly by Siberian Federal University,
Institute of Computational Modelling, Institute of Mathematics of Siberian Branch
of RAS, and will be held in the Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia.

The Chairman of the Scientific Committee is the corresponding member of
RAS V.D. Mazurov. The Scientific Committee includes: S.I. Adian, R.Zh. Aleev,
A.M. Arslanov, V.A. Artamonov, V.V. Bludov, L.A. Bokut, Yu. Chen, N.S. Chernikov,
G.P. Egorychev, Yu.L. Ershov, M.M. Glukhov, S.S. Goncharov, Yu.M. Gorchakov,
R.I. Grigorchuk, C.K. Gupta, K. Harada, H. Heineken, L.S. Kazarin, O. Kegel,
V.A. Koibaev, P.S. Kolesnikov, A.S. Kondratiev, P.A. Krylov, M. Kuzucuoglu,
V.N. Latyshev, V.M. Levchuk (vice-chairman), A.A. Makhnev, A.V. Mikhalev,
M.R.R. Moghaddam , A.Yu. Olshanskiy, Ch. Parker, N.A. Peryaziev, N.D. Podufalov,
V.N. Remeslennikov, V.A. Roman'kov, N.S. Romanovski, A.V. Rozhkov,
V.V. Rybakov, L.A. Shemetkov, I.P. Shestakov, L.N. Shevrin, W.J. Shi, A.L. Shmelkin,
W.I. Suszczanski, E.P. Vdovin, M.V. Zaitsev, D. Zeilberger, J. Zhang, A.Kh. Zhurtov.

Organizing Committee: I.A. Chubarov, B.K. Durakov, S.G. Kolesnikov, A.M. Kytmanov,
S.V. Larin, V.M. Levchuk (chairman), V.R. Mayer, Ya.N. Nuzhin, A.M. Popov,
A.P. Pozhidaev, V.I. Senashov, V.V. Shaidurov, A.K. Shlepkin, A.I. Sozutov,
N.M. Suchkov, A.V. Timofeenko, Yu.Yu. Ushakov (scientific secretary), A.V. Vasiliev,
E.N. Yakovleva, S.A. Zyubin.

We plan both plenary talks and short communications in thematic sections.
The preliminary topics are group theory, rings and modules, non-classical logics,
universal algebra and model theory, algebraic geometry, applied and computational

Important dates:

Conference dates: 21-27 July.

Registration deadline: March 1, 2013. (Application form attached.)

Abstracts (one page LATEX/TEX and PDF) submission deadline: May 1, 2013.

Send the abstract and the application form to alglog-krasn2013@mail.ru.

Official conference languages are Russian and English.

Visa application: participants abroad must keep Visa to enter Russia.
Notify organizing commitee in time (3 month before conference) to send
you invitation letter to get Visa.

Organizing Committee contact:
alglog-krasn2013@mail.ru, vlevchuk@sfu-kras.ru
Conference web-page: http://conf.sfu-kras.ru/conf/alglog2013/

Organizing Committee

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