Система компьютерной алгебры GAP: CAI 2011 Call for Participation
Call for Participation
4th International Conference on
Algebraic Informatics
(CAI 2011)
RISC / Johannes Kepler University
Hagenberg / Linz, Austria
21-24 June 2011 http://www.risc.jku.at/conferences/cai2011
Conference Chair: Franz Winkler
CAI 2011 continues the tradition established by
CAI 2005, CAI 2007, and CAI 2009: to bring
together researchers from theoretical computer
science and algebra. This should enhance the
understanding of syntactic and semantic problems
by algebraic models; and it should also propagate
the application of modern techniques from
informatics in algebraic computation.
We will try to achieve this goal via invited
lectures, tutorials, and contributed research
algebraic semantics
formal power series
syntactic objects
algebraic picture processing
finite and infinite computations
acceptors and transducers for
discrete structures
decision problems
algebraic characterization of
logical theories
process algebra
algebraic algorithms
algebraic coding theory
algebraic aspects of cryptography
term rewriting
algebraic aspects of number theory
Invited Talks:
* A. Middeldorp
Automatic complexity analysis for rewrite systems
* P. Padawitz
From grammars and automata to algebras and coalgebras
* J. E. Pin
Theme and variations on the concatenation product
* L. Ronyai
Some combinatorial applications of Groebner bases
* A. Middeldorp
Termination and complexity of rewrite systems
* P. Padawitz
Co/algebraic modelling and verification at work