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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP: Applications of Computer Algebra (ACA-2011)


Call for Paper & Special Session
17th International Conference on
Applications of Computer Algebra (ACA-2011)

June 27-30, 2011
Houston, Texas, USA

In the past several years there has been a dramatic increase in the use of
algebraic and symbolic computation in engineering, science and education.
ACA series of annual conferences is devoted to stimulating and enhancing
this important progress through international meetings that emphasizes
theoretical research and algorithm designs for software development and
the applications of algebraic and symbolic computation in engineering,
physical and medical sciences, pure and applied mathematics, education,
communication and computer science.

The conference consists of sessions organized by prominent researchers
who will focus on their own application areas including Groebner basis
algorithms, quantifier-elimination algorithms, algebraic and algorithmic
aspects of differential and integral operators, high-performance computer
algebra, multicore high-performance computer algebra algorithms, algebraic
methods in statistics and system biology, and algebraic methods in
networks and algebraic computation in Boolean rings.

Through keynote speakers, talks, themed workshops, timely and topical
tutorials, this conference provides mechanisms for graduate students and
young scientists to meet each other and all participants in a relaxed yet
scientifically rigorous setting. These mechanisms also provide access to
the broad representation of participants from academia and industry. The
organizers very much hope that this conference will make a broad impact on
both the symbolic computation research community and the user community.
user community will be able to learn about the state of the art theories
algorithms that are available for their uses. The research community will
be able to learn about important problems and challenges facing the serious
users from other disciplines, inspiring fresh new theoretical research and
algorithm design.

The 17th annual international conference on applications of computer
will be held at the Hilton Hotel in Houston, Texas, U.S.A. on June 27-30,
2011. The conference is sponsored by Lamar University and the National
Science Foundation (pending).

New For This Conference:

1. Invited Talks and Topical Tutors: Reinhard Laubenbacher (VT), Seth
(NCSU), & TBA.
2. Post-conference selected papers will be published in 2011.
3. The conference is managed by easychair at

which will hopefully make the work of session organizers and attendees much
* General Chair: Quoc-Nam Tran, Lamar University

* Program Chairs: Quoc-Nam Tran (Lamar University) and Stanly Steinberg
(New Mexico)

* Scientific Committee:

Alkiviadis Akritas (Greece) Winfried Neun (Germany)
Michel Beaudin (Canada) Matu-Tarow Noda (Japan)
Bruno Buchberger (Austria) Bill Pletsch (USA)
Jacques Calmet (Germany) Eugenio Roanes-Lozano, Chair, (Spain)
Victor Edneral (Russia) Tateaki Sasaki (Japan)
Victor Ganzha (Russia) Yosuke Sato (Japan)
Vladimir Gerdt (Russia) Tony Shaska (USA)
Mark Giesbrecht (Canada) Margarita Spiridonova (Bulgaria)
Hoon Hong (USA) Stanly Steinberg (USA)
David Jeffrey (Canada) Agnes Szanto (USA)
Eric Kaltofen (USA) Quoc-Nam Tran (USA)
Ilias Kotsireas (Canada) Nikolay Vasiliev (Russia)
Bernhard Kutzler (Austria) Stephen Watt (Canada)
Robert H. Lewis (USA) Michael Wester (USA)
Richard Liska (Czech) Wolfgang Windsteiger (Austria)

* Local Arrangements : Valentin Andreev (Chair), Taylor White, and Paul van
der Maas

* Web-site: http://buchberger.cs.lamar.edu/ACA2011

(back-up website is at http://hpcc.cs.lamar.edu/ACA2011)

* Contact Address:

- ACA-2011 Conference, Department of Computer Science, Lamar University,

Beaumont, TX-77710, U.S.A.

- Tel: (409) 880-7995 Fax: (409) 880-2364 Email:

Important Due Dates:

* Proposals for organizing a special session: March 15, 2011.

* Submission of full papers or talks at the conference: May 1, 2011.

* Notification of acceptance for the conference: June 1, 2011.

* Submission of full papers for the post-conference collection
book/journal: August 1, 2011.

Topics To Be Presented
The conference will cover (but not be limited to) the following topics:

1. Computer Algebra in Education
2. Interaction Between Computer Algebra and Interval Computations
3. Groebner bases computation and applications
4. Elimination Theory and Applications
5. Applications of Math Software to Mathematical Research
6. Computer Algebra for Dynamical Systems and Celestial Mechanics
7. Symbolic and Numeric Computation
8. Algebraic and Algorithmic Aspects of Differential and Integral Operators
9. High-Performance Computer Algebra
10. Nonstandard Applications of Computer Algebra
11. Algebraic Computation in Boolean rings and Applications in Model
12. Algebraic Methods for Computational Biology & Bioinformatics

Academic sessions are now being organized.

Organizing a Special Session The meeting will be run in the standard ACA
format where prominent researchers are welcomed to organize a special
session. Requests for proposals for special sessions will also be
issued. Additional information is available from the conference's website.

A special session will be allocated three hours for presentations. It is
expected that most talks, including any time for questions or discussion,
will be for one-half hour so that attendees can move from one session to
another. However, the organizers may use the time in anyway they wish.
Having the first talk in the session be a survey or overview for a general
scientific and educational audience is encouraged. It would be appropriate
for this talk to be for one hour.

Duties of a Session Chairperson: Submit a proposal for a session to the
General Chair. This should consist of an abstract for the session and a
list of intended speakers to be invited. If the session is approved, then
the following needs to be done:

1. Maintain the session's website and forward the address to the Program
2. Invite the speakers. Request that the speakers submit abstracts and/or
papers to the organizer. The organizer will forward the submissions to
Program Chair.
3. Find at least two referees for each full paper submission for the
proceedings of the conference.

(No referees are needed for abstracts.)

The conference organizers request that senior special-session organizers
invite a junior researcher to be their co-organizer. In addition, it is
important for the health of the symbolic computation community to encourage
junior, female, and minority researchers to participate in the special

2 Facilities and Costs The meeting will be held at the Hilton hotel located
in Houston, Texas, USA. Professor Quoc-Nam Tran, who is organizing the
meeting, has visited the Hilton hotel. Their conference facilities are
excellent. Moreover, their use is gratis if sufficiently many attendees
stay at the hotel. Our estimates indicate we will have no problem meeting
the minimum.

The hotel provides rooms and chairs. We must rent the audio-visual and
related equipment and arrange for Internet connections. We also have to
arrange for coffee breaks and similar items. All of this is being done by
the local arrangements committee and should be essentially completed in a
couple of months.

The hotel is offering special prices for ACA's attendees at the cost of
$65 per day plus tax in contrast to the normal price of $98 per day plus
tax. The Hilton hotel also offers free shuttle bus to and from the airport
for guests. There also are condominiums and other cheaper hotels nearby.

Costs and Justification Note that the organizers were very concerned about
the cost of having a meeting in the US. However, the expenses are
competitive with meetings held in Europe or in a major US city.
Additionally, the use of
the conference facilities in the hotel are gratis, which will significantly
reduce the registration fee. Also, several journals, including the IMACS
journals, the Journal of Symbolic Computation, and the Applied Algebra in
Engineering, Communication and Computing will consider creating special
issues of interesting session (at no cost to the ACA).

The maximum registration fee for the meeting is certainly not more than
$200, and will hopefully be much less. We are currently working out the
cost of equipment rental, coffee breaks, and such and do not expect final
answers for several months. An estimate for meals is $40.00 * 4 days =
Estimated hotel room is $65.00 * 4 days = $280. The cost of the meeting is
then expected to be around $640 plus travel. Estimated travel costs to the
meeting from the east coast (New York) $400, the west coast (Los Angeles)
$400, and Europe (Frankfurt) $1100.

Financial Supports Requests for supporting students, young researchers and
organizers have been made to the NSF. Information on this issue will be
updated on the conference's website.

Additional support has been requested from Lamar University, the host
university, for a portion of the costs for renting audio-visual equipment
(with an estimation of $1500 * 3 = $4500) and for printing the proceedings
of the conference (with an estimation of $27.5 * 200 = $5500).


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