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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP: Parallel Computer Algebra 2010

First Announcement and Call for Papers

International Conference on

Parallel Computer Algebra 2010


June 29 - July 3, 2010

The subject of parallel computation in the area of computer algebra has become
one of growing theoretical and practical interest. This summer, Tambov State
University will host the Parallel Computer Algebra 2010 conference to provide
a venue for work in this increasingly important and exciting area.
Submissions of original research papers are invited in all areas in the
extension and development of parallel computer algebra and parallel symbolic


The general areas of interest include

* all aspects of parallel algorithms for computer algebra
* software techniques for parallel computer algebra systems
* applications of parallel computer algebra in all fields
* use of computer algebra to design parallel algorithms or software
in other areas.

Examples of particular topics include, but are not limited to,

* parallel polynomial computation
* parallel algorithms for symbolic linear algebra, matrix operations
and linear systems
* parallel methods for solving systems of differential equations
* parallel methods for Groebner basis computation
* parallel algorithms in combinatorics and cryptography
* parallel algorithms in computational algebraic geometry
* complexity of parallel computer algebra algorithms
* reinvention and adaptation of existing symbolic algorithms
to a parallel setting.


The conference invites submission of research articles in the areas of the
meeting. Articles must be in English and not more than 12 pages using the
IEEE conference style[*]. Articles must present original research results
and not be submitted for publication elsewhere. Authors are to submit their
work by uploading a pdf file using the EasyChair system at the web site,
http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=parca2010 .
Authors who wish to present new aspects or a survey of earlier work are
invited to submit an extended abstract of up to 4 pages for an informal
presentation. Abstracts of informal contributions will not be included
in the formal proceedings.

Important Dates

Deadline for submission 2 April 2010.

Notification of acceptance 5 May 2010.

Deadline for final version 25 May 2010.


Organizing Committee:

General Chair and PC Co-Chair: Gennadi Malaschonok, Tambov State U., Russia
PC Co-Chair: Gene Cooperman, Northeastern U., Boston, USA
PC Co-Chair: Stephen M. Watt, U. Western Ontario, Canada
Local Arrangements Chair: Natalia Malaschonok, Tambov State U., Russia

Program Committee:

Yuri Blinkov, Saratov State U., Russia,
Gene Cooperman, Northeastern U., Boston, USA,
James H. Davenport, U. Bath, UK,
Jean-Guillaume Dumas, Universite' Joseph Fourier, France,
Vladimir Gerdt, Dubna, JINR, Russia,
Jeremy Johnson, Drexel U., USA,
Erich Kaltofen, North Carolina State U., USA,
Tony Kennedy, U. Edinburgh, UK,
Viktor Levandovskyy, Aachen U., Germany,
Gennadi Malaschonok, Tambov State U., Russia,
Marc Moreno Maza, U. Western Ontario, Canada,
Aleksandr Myllari, Turku U., Finland,
Dana Petcu, Western U. of Timisoara, Romania,
Alexander Tiskin, Warwick U., UK,
Nikolay Vasiliev, PDMI RAS, St. Petersburg, Russia,
Stephen M. Watt, U. Western Ontario, Canada, Alexey Zobnin, Moscow State U., Russia.

Local Arrangements Committee:

Andrey Betin, Alexey Lapaev (web-master), Natalia Malaschonok,
Oxana Pereslavtseva (secretary), Maxim Starov.


The conference registration fee of 200 Euro covers

* access to conference sessions and facilities,
* conference materials,
* meals and coffee-breaks,
* conference banquet, and
* excursion to Sergei Rakhmaninov's Museum in Ivanovka .


Questions may be addressed to organizers at the e-mail address


[*] IEEE Conference Style:

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