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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP: packages update

Добрый день!

Вслед за обновлениями уже существующих и выходом новых пакетов доступен новый инсталлятор пакетов для системы GAP для Windows:


Сейчас в нем содержится уже 87 пакетов, из которых датированы 2009 годом следующие:

06/01/2009 : kbmag 1.5 -- Knuth-Bendix on Monoids and Automatic Groups

18/02/2009 : Polycyclic 2.6 -- Computation with polycyclic groups

16/03/2009 : Forms 1.2 -- Sesquilinear and Quadratic

17/03/2009 : GUAVA 3.10 -- a GAP package for computing with error-correcting codes

08/04/2009 : IO 3.0 -- Bindings for low level C library IO

21/04/2009 : fwtree 1.0 -- Computing trees related to some pro-p-groups of finite width

26/05/2009 : OpenMath 10.0.4 -- OpenMath functionality in GAP

29/05/2009 : Wedderga 4.3.3 -- Wedderburn Decomposition of Group Algebras

30/05/2009 : LAGUNA 3.5.0 -- Lie AlGebras and UNits of group Algebras

31/05/2009 : UnitLib 3.0.0 -- Library of normalized unit groups of modular group algebras

31/05/2009 : SCSCP 1.1.4 -- Symbolic Computation Software Composability Protocol in GAP

31/08/2009 : NQL 0.08 -- Nilpotent Quotients of L-Presented Groups

31/08/2009 : AutPGrp 1.4 -- Computing the Automorphism Group of a p-Group

05/09/2009 : FR 1.0.0 -- Computations with functionally recursive groups

09/09/2009 : genss 1.3 -- genss - generic Schreier-Sims

17/09/2009 : DESIGN 1.4 -- The Design Package for GAP

10/10/2009 : HAP 1.9 -- Homological Algebra Programming

11/10/2009 : toric 1.5 -- toric varieties and some combinatorial geometry computations

05/11/2009 : orb 3.4 -- orb - Methods to enumerate Orbits

09/11/2009 : HomalgToCAS 2009.11.09 -- HomalgToCAS - A window to the outer world

09/11/2009 : homalg 2009.11.09 -- homalg - a meta package for homological algebra

09/11/2009 : IO_ForHomalg 2009.11.09 -- IO_ForHomalg - IO Capabilities for the homalg Project

09/11/2009 : Gauss 2009.11.09 -- Gauss - Extended Gauss Functionality for GAP

09/11/2009 : GaussForHomalg 2009.11.09 -- GaussForHomalg - Gauss Functionality for homalg

09/11/2009 : RingsForHomalg 2009.11.09 -- RingsForHomalg - Internal and External Rings for the GAP Package homalg

09/11/2009 : ExamplesForHomalg 2009.11.09 -- ExamplesForHomalg - Examples for the GAP package homalg

11/11/2009 : simpcomp 1.0.435 -- A GAP toolbox for simplicial complexes

С уважением,
Коновалов А.Б.

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