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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP: Groups, Representations and Number Theory

NZIMA / NZMRI Summer Workshop
Hanmer Springs, New Zealand
January 3-10, 2010

Final Announcement

The theme of the 2010 NZIMA / NZMRI Summer Workshop is
"Groups, Representations and Number Theory".

It is organised by Ben Martin and Eamonn O'Brien.


The principal speakers and titles for their lecture series are:

* Martin Bridson, Oxford: Groups that want to be free

* Michel Broue, Universite Paris VII:
Local representation theory of finite groups and cyclotomic algebras

* Persi Diaconis, Stanford:
Probability, Combinatorics and Group Extensions

* Roger Howe, Yale:
Representations of the general linear group, an algebraic

* Gus Lehrer, Sydney:
Knot invariants, Hecke algebras and cellular algebras

* Marcus du Sautoy, Oxford:
Through the looking glass: groups from a number theoretic

Each lecturer will present a series of three lectures aimed
at a broad audience of students and researchers.

Abstracts for the lecture series are available on the meeting web site.

Further details

The meeting will take place in Hanmer Springs, about 90
minutes north of Christchurch.

Arrival day is January 3; departure is afternoon of January 10.

Further details on the meeting are available via its WEB page


You can register to attend the meeting via its web page.
Registration closes October 30, 2009.

The workshop is funded by the New Zealand Institute of
Mathematics and its Applications [http://www.nzima.auckland.ac.nz]

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