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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP: Homological and Geometrical Methods in Representation Theory

Advanced School and Conference on Homological and Geometrical
Methods in Representation Theory


ICTP Trieste

January 18 til February 5, 2010

Deadline(s) for requesting participation: 15 October 2009

Organizers: B. Keller, H. Lenzing, J.A. de la Pena, A. Skowronski
Local Organizer: S. Luzzato

Courses: Introduction to Auslander-Reiten theory (I. Reiten), Algebras
of small homological dimension (A. Skowronski), Singularities in
module varieties (G. Zwara), Rings of singularities (H. Lenzing),
Degenerations of algebras (J. A. de la Pena), Koszul algebras and
applications to algebraic geometry (D. Zacharia), Triangulated
categories versus module categories (D. Happel), Stable categories
of Cohen-Macaulay modules (O. Iyama), Cluster algebras and categories
(B. Keller)

Conference speakers: C. Amiot (Bonn), L. Angeleri-Hugel, S. Bazzoni
(Padova), P. Bergh (Trondheim), G. Bobinski (Torun), T. Bruestle
(Sherbrooke), A. Buan (Trondheim), R.-O. Buchweitz (Toronto),
I. Burban (Bonn), Xiao-Wu Chen (Paderborn), F.U. Coelho (Sao Paulo),
Y. Drozd (Kiev), K. Erdmann (Oxford), C. Geiss (Mexico City), L. Hille
(Munster), D. Kussin (Paderborn), M. Reineke (Wuppertal), O. Kerner
(Dusseldorf), H. Krause (Paderborn), S. Ladkani (Bonn), B. Leclerc
(Caen), P. Malicki (Torun), H. Meltzer (Szczecin), S. Oppermann
(Trondheim), M.J. Redondo (Bahia Blanca), C.M. Ringel (Bielefeld),
M. Saorin (Murcia), J. Schroer (Bonn), O. Solberg (Trondheim), J.
Xiao (Beijing).

A message from Bernhard Keller:

Please note the change of the url of the announcement
of the School and Conference ICTP 2010 to


Information on the prices of accommodation and meals
during the school and conference at the ICTP
(January 18 til February 5, 2010) is now available at


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