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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP: New conferences

Dear Colleagues,
this is the second announcement of the conference

Advances in Group Theory and Applications 2009

which will take place in Porto Cesareo (Lecce - Italy) from June 8th to
June 12th, 2009.

The list of invited speakers includes:

John Cossey (Canberra, Australia)
Antonio Giambruno (Palermo, Italy)
Eric Jespers (Brussels, Belgium)
Leonid A. Kurdachenko (Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine)
Derek J.S. Robinson (Urbana, USA)
Roland Schmidt (Kiel, Germany)
Sudarshan K. Sehgal (Alberta, Canada)
Stewart Stonehewer (Warwick, UK)
John S. Wilson (Oxford, UK)

The program will include also a limited number of short research
presentations. At this purpose, if you intend to give a contribution,
please send by e-mail at the address advances09@unile.it a TEX-file
and a
PDF-file of the abstract of your talk within April 30th.

For more detailed information you can visit the web site of the


Any question can also be addressed to the organizers at the following
e-mail address:

Please forward this announcement in your group and to people you think

Thank you for cooperation in this way.

Best wishes,

the organizers


Ninth International Conference on


10-12 July 2009 Grand Bend, Ontario (CANADA)



Mathematical Knowledge Management is the field at the intersection of
mathematics, computer science, library science and scientific
Its development is driven by on the one hand new technological
which computer science, the Internet, and intelligent knowledge
offer, and on the other hand the increasing demand by engineers and
for new techniques for producing, transmitting, consuming, and managing
sophisticated mathematical knowledge.

The conference is concerned with all aspects of mathematical knowledge
management. Topics covered include, but are not limited to:

* Representations of mathematical knowledge
* Repositories of formalized mathematics
* Mathematical digital libraries
* Diagrammatic representations
* Multi-modal representations
* Mathematical OCR
* Mathematical search and retrieval
* Deduction systems
* Math assistants, tutoring and assessment systems
* Authoring languages and tools
* MathML, OpenMath, and other mathematical content standards
* Web presentation of mathematics
* Data mining, discovery, theory exploration
* Computer Algebra Systems
* Collaboration tools for mathematics
* Challenges and Solutions for Mathematical workflows

Paper Submission

Papers may be submitted in either of two categories: as full papers or
as short communications.

All papers submitted to the conference will be reviewed. Submission
is electronic in Postscript or PDF format via the EasyChair system at
http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=mkm09 . Submitted papers
must conform to the Springer LNCS style, preferably using LaTeX2e and
the Springer llncs class files available at http://www.springer.com/
lncs .

Full papers should not exceed 15 pages, must be original and not
be submitted for consideration elsewhere. A submission not accepted as
full paper will automatically be considered as a short communication,
unless requested otherwise in the submission.

Short communications are of a less formal nature to provide a forum
for the
presentation of works in progress. They may be up to 5 pages in LNCS
Depending on the number of short communications accepted, presentation
may be as a short talk or as a poster.

By submitting a paper the authors agree that if it is accepted at
least one
of the authors will attend the conference to present it.

Important Dates

March 3, 2009 Full paper abstract submission

March 10, 2009 Full paper submission

March 20, 2009 Short communication submission

March 31, 2009 Acceptance notification

April 29, 2009 Camera ready files due

July 10-12, 2009 Conference


Past proceedings of the MKM conferences have been published in the
Springer-Verlag series Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI)
and this conference intends to continue that tradition.


The following workshops take place in conjunction with MKM 2009:

* The "Mathematical User-Interfaces" Workshop 2009 (MathUI09),
organized by Paul Libbrecht.

* The workshop "Towards Future Digital Mathematics Libraries",
organized by Petr Sojka.

* The Workshop "Compact Computer Algebra" 2009 (CCA09),
co-organized by Elena Smirnova.

* The "Pen-Based Mathematical Computation" Workshop 2009 (PenMath P09),
co-organized by George Labahn.


The conference will be held in Grand Bend, Ontario. This is a favourite
Canadian vacation spot in a natural setting on the shore of Lake Huron.
Grand Bend can be reached most conveniently from the London (Ontario),
Toronto, Buffalo or Detroit international airports.

Program Committee

Laurent Bernardin (Maplesoft, Canada)
Olga Caprotti (U Helsinki, Finland)
Simon Colton (Imperial College, UK)
Tetsuo Ida (Tsukuba U, Japan)
Mateja Jamnik (U Cambridge, UK)
Tudor Jebelean (RISC Linz, Austria)
Alejandro Jofre (U Chile, Chile)
Michael Kohlhase (Jakobs U, Germany)
Azzeddine Lazrek (U Marakech, Morocco)
Paul Libbrecht (DFKI, Germany)
Bruce Miller (NIST, USA)
Robert Miner (Design Science, USA)
Laurence Rideau (INRIA, France)
Claudio Sacerdoti Cohen (Co-Chair) (U Bologna, Italy)
Elena Smirnova (Texas Instruments, USA)
Volker Sorge (U Birmingham, UK)
Masakazu Suzuki (U Kyushu, Japan)
Joseph Urban (Charles U, Czech Republic)
Stephen Watt (Co-chair) (U Western Ontario, Canada)
Freek Wiedijk (Rabdoub U, NL)

Related Links

MKM 2009 Submissions: http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=mkm09
MKM Interest Group: http://www.mkm-ig.org
Calculemus'09: http://www.calculemus.net/meetings/ontario09
CICM'09: http://www.orcca.on.ca/conferences/cicm09


Saturday, May 2, 2009
University of Rhode Island
Kingston, RI 02881


East Coast Computer Algebra Day (ECCAD) is an informal one-day meeting
for those active or interested in computer algebra. It provides
opportunities to learn and to share new results and work in progress.
The schedule includes invited speakers, a panel discussion, and
contributed posters and software demonstrations. Importantly, plenty
of time is allowed for unstructured interaction among the
participants. Researchers, teachers, students, and users of computer
algebra are all welcome!

Registration for ECCAD 2009 is free, and can be done at the conference
website. This year's meeting is the sixteenth in the series, and the
second held in New England.

Proposals are invited for poster presentations and software
demonstrations on any topic related computer algebra: algorithms,
software systems, and applications (including teaching). Abstracts
will appear in the conference report and in a future issue of "ACM
Communications in Computer Algebra".

Full-time students, postdocs, and new faculty who do not have grant or
institutional support to attend ECCAD may apply for travel
assistance. Travel funds are available only to out-of-town US-based
attendees. Preference will be given to those presenting a poster or
software demonstration, and to those whose documented travel expenses
are greatest.

Financial support for the meeting is provided by the National Science
Foundation. The meeting is endorsed (without financial assistance) by
the ACM Special Interest Group on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation
(SIGSAM) and by the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics

Invited Speakers

David H. Bailey (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
"High-Precision Arithmetic and Experimental Mathematics"

Douglas J. Dunham (University of Minnesota, Duluth)
"How to Create Repeating Hyperbolic Patterns"

Eric Schost (University of Western Ontario)
"The Search for a Secure Curve of Genus 2"

Stan Wagon (Macalester College)
"Some Surprises in Symbolic Computation"

Panel Session

Future Directions in Computer Algebra

NSF Workshop on Future Directions in Symbolic Computation

ECCAD 2009 will be paired with an NSF-sponsored Workshop on Future
Directions in Symbolic Computation and Its Applications to the Domain
Sciences. The workshop will be held at URI on the afternoon of
Thursday, April 30 and all day Friday, May 1. This conference is
intended for researchers in symbolic computation and program directors
at funding agencies, and is open to the public free of charge. The
meeting is organized by Erich Kaltofen at North Carolina State
University and Lenore Mullin of the National Science Foundation.

The panel session at ECCAD 2009 will consist of a report on the
workshop from several of the participants and an open discussion of
Future Directions in Computer Algebra.

Conference Chair

Ed Lamagna
Department of Computer Science and Statistics
University of Rhode Island
Kingston, RI 02881


Dear Colleagues,

could you please forward the following annoncement of a summer school in
Berlin to interested students (Ph, postdocs).

Thank you
Gernot Stroth

Summer School "Finite Simple Groups and Algebraic Groups:
Representations, Geometries and Applications"

First Announcement

Berlin (Germany) August 31 - September 10, 2009

The aim of this summer school is to introduce and bring together the
main parts of current research in group theory. In particular,
subjects including

The classification of finite simple groups Algebraic groups
Representations of groups, Computer algebra Groups and geometries
Combinatorial group theory Probabilistic group theory.

The participants should be PhD - students or postdocs in the areas
related to the subject. There will be four to five lectures a day
and one problem session. There will be an excursion on September 6.

As of now, the confirmed speakers are:

M. Aschbacher : Subgroup structure of finite simple groups
P. Diaconis : Applications of Group Representations
G. Hiss : Representations of finite groups of Lie Type
J. Jantzen : Representation of algebraic groups and their Lie algebras
M. Kassabov : tba
M. Liebeck : Conjugacy classes in algebraic groups
A. Lubotzky : Asymtotic group theory
R. Lyons : Structure of simple groups
A. Makhnev : Symmetric graphs and their automorphisms
J. Michel : Complex reflection groups, Deligne Lusztig varieties and
B. Mu:hlherr : Groups with root data
I. Suprunenko : The behaviour of unipotent elements in modular
of algebraic groups and connections with linear groups
J. Thompson : The divisor matrix, SL(2,Z), Dirichlet Space, and the
R. Weiss : The classification of affine buildings

The summer school is supported by the VW-Stiftung, the DFG and the
Mathematical Institute, FU Berlin.

The summer school will be held at Hotel Mu:ggelsee
http://www.hotel-mueggelsee-berlin.de/ which is situated in a lovely
neighborhood of Berlin.

There will be a maximum of 60 participants. We have funding to cover
accommodation and meals for 40 participants and will apply for
partail funding for additional places. The accommodation will be in
shared double rooms. There is a conference fee of 100 Euro.

The cost in a double room for students who are not supported will be
93.50 Euro per day including all meals.

Participants who looking for support should apply before April 15,
2009. All other applications are welcome before May 15.

For further information including how to apply, please see our web
page http://page.mi.fu-berlin.de/baumeist/summer%20school.html

We will inform all applicants about funding in May.

Barbara Baumeister Chris Parker Gary Seitz Gernot Stroth

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