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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP - Meeting on 'Actions of Quantum Algebras'

Weekend Meeting on "Actions of Quantum Algebras" (AQuA),
Baton Rouge, Louisiana, March 28-30, 2008

Topics for this meeting include:  Dynamical Yang-Baxter equation, cluster algebras, actions of quantum groups, Hopf algebras, quantum groupoids, Hopf-Galois extensions and generalizations such as finite depth, and related topics.

This is a special session of the AMS sectional meeting "2008 Spring Southeastern Meeting" (http://www.ams.org/amsmtgs/2146_progfull.html ).

The meeting AQuA takes place on the campus of Louisiana State University Baton Rouge, about 80 km from New Orleans. It will consist of 12-18 invited talks  including talks by

Yuri Bahturin (Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada),
Margaret Beattie (Mt. Allison University, Canada),
Juan Cuadra (University of Almeria, Spain)
Jörg Feldvöss (University of Southern Alabama),
Martin Lorenz (Temple University, tentative),
Frank Marko (Pennsylvania State University)
Yorck Sommerhäuser (University of Southern Alabama),

and a number of contributed talks.

Abstracts to invited talks should be submitted to the webpage below by February 5:

Please address questions to the organizers, astolin or lkadison. Colleagues who would like to give a talk and are planning on being in the region next semester are cordially invited to contact either organizer.  

There is also opportunity for contributed talks, the deadline for abstracts for these being  December 11, 2007.

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