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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP - conferences

Объявления о конференциях

Winter School "Geometric group theory"

December 12-15, 2007

Georg-August-Universit"at G"ottingen Mathematical Institute

Speakers: Laurent Bartholdi, Martin Bridson, Karen Vogtman

Web-page of the school:


Geometric group theory studies infinite (discrete) groups from the
point of view of their geometric properties.

A particularly interesting class of groups are those which share some
aspects of negative curvature.  Martin Bridson will give an
introduction into some of the newer developments in this direction,
studying, in particular, special properties of groups which act on
spaces of non-positive curvature.

Automorphism groups of free groups do not quite have negative
curvature, but other methods from low-dimensional topology are
available to study these groups and, in particular, their cohomology.
This will be discussed by Karen Vogtman.

A class of groups with rather different properties are the
self-similar ones.  Laurent Bartholdi will introduce us to tools to
study these groups, coming from finite-state automata and actions on
trees, and relate them to negatively curved group by explaining
exciting CAT(0)-groups constructed that way by Burger and Mozes.

Intended Audience:

The winter school is designed in particular for graduate students
in, but not yet very familiar with, geometric group theory. It will also
be interesting for students at the advanced pre-doctoral level and for


Limited funding is available for participants. We ask you to apply for it
with an informal registration, indicating also which kind of support you would
need (travel, local expenses)?
When registering, you can also ask for help with the accomodation.

Organizers: Graduiertenkolleg "Groups and Geometry", Ralf Meyer, Thomas Schick

First announcement:

International Conference and Workshop on Cluster Algebras and Related Topics.

The conference is devoted to the rapidely developing topic of cluster algebras and the relationship to other areas such as algebraic combinatorics, representations of quivers, Lie theory, and Geometry.

Organizers: M. Barot, R. Bautista, Ch. Geiss, D. Juan

Scientific Committee: B. Keller, Ch. Geiss, I. Reiten, A. Zelevinsky

Workshop: Morelia, Michocan State, December 8-13, 2008.
It will consist of a series of three hour lectures, given by A. Buan (Trondheim), H. Derksen (Ann Arbor), V. Fock (Moscow), B. Leclerc (Caen), M. Shapiro (U. of Michigan), D. Thurston (Columbia), L. Williams (Harvard).

Conference: Mexico-City, December 15-20, 2008.

Dear All,

please find below the web page of the
Conference on Character Theory of Finite Groups,
in honor of Marty Isaacs, that will
take place in June 2009,
in Valencia, Spain.

G. Navarro


С уважением,

Коновалов А.Б. 

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